Please post pictures of your tank!!

Almost there :) Tank is beginning to cycle and so far so good. Won't be long now :)

Sorry for some reason the photo is upside down :-/

That looks great! Glad I could flip my laptop upside down to see it how it was meant to look :p I always thought that the kitchen was a great place for a tank.
:eek: That's incredible Martin! Really, you have such a good attention to detail it looks amazing! I'm so jealous, how did you make it? I'd love to incorporate that into my own tank once I've got everything ready to go.

Thanks! I made it with slate mosaic tiles from home depot & aquarium safe silicone. If you ever played with legos as a kid it's a lot like that. If I get the time (aka batteries for my digital camera) I'll make a tutorial on how to build a structure. I'm redoing another 10 gallon now with a complete caste (vs. ruins). It's a little over half done so I'll try to take some pics as I finish it up.
Awesome, I'd love to see that :3

Also, are you just siliconing the pieces right into the tank, or can the structures be taken out? How much did you pay for the slate?
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Here is my still work in progress :) i would like to put slate down. What kind of slate mosaic tile do you use?i ask because i remember we used slate tile for our bathroom reno about 4years ago and there is a ton leftover, i thought it had to be slate rock but can it be the tiling that goes in a shower?

I will upgrade the tank to at least a 4 foot wide tank with more place for the axolotls and more place for plants
Hi Toothloose,

I was just wondering do you not find that the lighting requirements for your plants distress your axolotls as axolotls generally do not like a lot of light? Just wondering as this is the reason why I myself do not have my axolotls in a planted tank although I would like to. I am in no way criticising you by the way I am genuinely interested in how this tanks inhabitants cope with the lighting so that perhaps I could plant my tank.
I know my lotls HATE the new light on my tank, but i really wanted to start adding plants to my tank so i added more hides and only have the light on during daylight hours(hours in which the tank is illuminated anyways) and that way they still get about 12-14hours of dark time. They have seemed to calm down since i added more places to hide, plus also as i add more plants and as they grow they create shade as well, and i will be adding some floating plants if my axies will let me without eating them and that will help as well.
No it does not, don't worry. It is just one 15 watt TL lamp in a 80 cm tank. For example my 60 liter nano cube planted tank has 3*11 watt.
The plants grow very slow and some even die. It are mostly plants out of previous aquascapes from other tanks I have, and cuttings from my tanks and my brother's planted tanks. So I never really buy plants for that tank.
Only the hardiest plants survive in the tank.
The tank has no heater and temperatures are around 16 to 18 degrees celcius except for the summer then it gets a little warmer.
The 15 watt light is only switched on for 11 hours per day during daytime, and the axolotls can hide in the shade in the back of the tank if they want. But most of the time I find all 4 of them in front of the tank in open light, happy as always :)

Grts, Toothloose
My 55 gallon tank. Still have some driftwood soaking to get rid of some of the tannins, so this is a work in progress. But I'm happy with the results so far. And my lil axolots seem to be loving it too. :p

Wow i wish i had a tank that big!
Or the money for a large piece of wood haha! :D
Thanks! I made it with slate mosaic tiles from home depot & aquarium safe silicone. If you ever played with legos as a kid it's a lot like that. If I get the time (aka batteries for my digital camera) I'll make a tutorial on how to build a structure. I'm redoing another 10 gallon now with a complete caste (vs. ruins). It's a little over half done so I'll try to take some pics as I finish it up.

As promised:


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My 55 gallon tank. Still have some driftwood soaking to get rid of some of the tannins, so this is a work in progress. But I'm happy with the results so far. And my lil axolots seem to be loving it too. :p


Beautiful black gravel!

You just can't get in Australia without spending a fortune.

Looks great!
This is my 3ft tank, holds about 45 gallons. There's only one lotl in here, soon to be 3 when they grow up. It's a mix of natural and artificial. I have the drift wood and rocks (left corner - Carlos' favorite hide now and loves to lay on top of it) that are natural and three real plants (one attached to drift wood and 2 x the plant in the right hand corner). Everything else is fake, and the plants were dirt cheap off ebay! Still waiting on three more long colorful ones to place at the back, since I can't find any nice backgrounds, I'll just make it rainbow!


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Can somebody tell me how you keep your tanks so clean. If you dont get lotl poop quick enough it falls apart due to axolotls running/swimming over it etc..
I want to put sand in my tank but I also didnt like sand for that reason when i first had it..
I clean poop out everyday..
Can somebody tell me how you keep your tanks so clean. If you dont get lotl poop quick enough it falls apart due to axolotls running/swimming over it etc..
I want to put sand in my tank but I also didnt like sand for that reason when i first had it..
I clean poop out everyday..

I turkey baster it, it doesn't often fall apart. But if it does I suck up some sand in the turkey baster too, and then siphoning takes out the little little bits of junk.
Beautiful black gravel!

You just can't get in Australia without spending a fortune.

Looks great!

Thank you. ^_^

It is the CaribSea Tahitian Moon Live Black Sand. I just love the way it looks in contrast to my pale axies.

I find that sand works best of you have a feeding jar or hand feed to avoid unwanted ingestion of substrate. Which is why I waited until my axolotls were about 5-6 inches long to put them on sand. Since the babies seem to suck up everything, I had them in a 10 gallon barebottom tank to avoid unwanted ingestion and impaction until they were big enough. It also allows you time to have your main tank cycle if you did not have it set up previously. A win win situation for me.
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