Please post pictures of your tank!!

i just redecorated the tank, hope my axies like it :3

Btw, the first and second photo is the new set up :)


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i just redecorated the tank, hope my axies like it :3

Btw, the first and second photo is the new set up :)

To be completely honest I loved the old version - it looks so natural compared to the "easy clean" bare bottom & plant in jar. Just my humble opinion :) I don't understand bare bottom tanks they look totally unnatural.
To be completely honest I loved the old version - it looks so natural compared to the "easy clean" bare bottom & plant in jar. Just my humble opinion :) I don't understand bare bottom tanks they look totally unnatural.

i know the sand is awesome, buut my nephew somehow tumbled the lamp in the tank, and the bulb went in pieces aaand there were so many glass splinters in the sand, and i dint know how to get it away :(
So, i thought i'd try the bare bottom :)

and hopefully it will also help one of the axolotls heal his feet .. something weird going on there.

But yes, i like the natural look better too :)
i just redecorated the tank, hope my axies like it :3

Btw, the first and second photo is the new set up :)

How did you treat the wood for you tank? I just wanted to put a tiny log in my 20gal and it grew that clear fungus and murked up all my water :/

(ps, If I can get my log to work and NOT murk up my water, I'll post a pic of my aquarium :) )
It grew clear fungus too, first i tried to get it off, but then i read somewhere that it would go away by itself, so i just changed the water more often than i did before.. i'm not sure if that was the right thing to do, but it looks fine now :)

Good luck :D
New tank for "Squishy" :D



AquaOne 620 (not tall) with
Playsand & a few live plants.
I've had to plant to tank in reverse, I'm forced to build up the front planting so my Dobermann isn't as obsessed in watching the Water Dog jealously lol




^^happy little axie <3 ^^

<3 >o_o< <3
This is 200l tank with 3 Axolotls :)


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Here's our tank it's pretty basic just now. I plan on adding some live plants and maybe another hide in the near future oh and get a stand lol :)
We're in December so I added the Christmas decorations to my tanks, and my marron was so intrigued (it's his first Christmas) that a photoshoot was definitely in order.

This is Aaron the marron, he spent a good 15 minutes inspecting his new Christmas tree:

Myrtle was mildly pleased by the new decor:

Severus was glad to see the return of his friend, snorkeling Santa, but decided to hog the photo spotlight anyway:

And here's Aaron's whole tank, the cardboard is to stop this crafty bugger climbing up the power cords to make his escape:

And Severus and Myrtle's:

Thanks to this awesome table these guys get to be neighbours now, I got it heavily reduced from the Ikea damaged section because of a chip missing from the back!

it's a little different since i first set it up! but here it is so far.
After seeing so much fun, multicoloured sand I now want to tear mine up and redecorate completely haha.. however this is my 10g currently!


I'm hopefully getting a couple of axolotls this month, so here is my tank setup! It is currently being used to house 4 otocinclus catfish, some guppies, and ghost shrimp.


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Just wondering Tess or anyone for that matter, Do your Axies like or use the floating log?? I have thought about these but have always shyed away because they float and are at the top.
This is mine at the moment, Pretty basic, I've only just got into this whole aquarium business, the substrate was initially all pebbles but I changed to sand as it will hold bacteria better. Going to up the amount of sand, add lots of plants and buy some driftwood soon! Im sick of these silk plants.
Here's a new one I made to raise babies in. The 2 guys in it now are about to move out into a 20 gallon long. $5 for silicone & $3 for a couple 12" slate tiles at Home Depot:


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one more shot:


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