So I am doing my research before I start keeping axolotls again and I am finding there is much more information available about axolotls than many years ago when I last kept them which is fantastic :happy:
I like to research as much as possible and as part of my research I recently went to visit a local store specialising in reptiles and amphibians. I asked what information they had available and although they didn't have any handouts or books/guides etc they emailed a couple of links to websites that would be useful.
They also showed me the axolotls they had in the store. I noticed their axolotls were on gravel. I asked them whether they had any issues with them on gravel as I had read that sand is a much safer option. They replied saying that the axolotls are smart enough not to eat the gravel and spit it out if they accidentally pick some up.
Adding to this concern was that one of the website links they gave me happened to be the link to which explains gravel is not safe and recommends sand as a safer alternative. It seems quite odd and worrying that they provide information stating gravel is not safe but use gravel in their tank....
I am relunctant to risk using gravel but am curious to know what the theory is behind why sand is a safer alternative?
I would prefer a substrate over a bare bottom tank so I am leaning towards sand. What is the best way to keep the sand clean? Does the sand get stirred up a lot?
I can't wait to set up my new axolotl home and start keeping them again! :happy:
Well as a start they are kind of right about one thing, axies do spit out some of the gravel they accidentally get in their mouth. But not all of it. Same as sand.
Axolotl's will end up eating gravel that they are on, feeding dishes and hand feeding is not going to help that. Small and smooth gravel will usually be passed, but at best that has to be uncomfortable/painful and at worst they can eat a large amount that can cause them to be impacted. They can eat anything smaller than their head so even large gravel/small rocks can be eaten.
Sand has it's issues too. It will get eaten, people who say "oh but I use feeding jars or hand feed" sound just like gravel users. Sand can stay in an axies system for MONTHS, and most sand that you get in an average pet store is quite coarse with lots of sharp edges. Just like the gravel I'd guess it's uncomfortable/painful to pass. There's been a lot less studies on the effects of sand but any reptile owner will tell you that sand can cause impaction very easily, forming a cement-like blockage in the gut.
Of course, bare bottom is hard to keep clean, can stress the axies out as they slip and slide around on it, can stress axies out when they see their own reflections in the bottom and don't allow for plants.
I usually recommend slate or some other kind of bottom similar to that, but the silicone takes ages to seal and if you're in a hurry that's no good (plus doesn't allow for changes later) and, as I've recently found, slate cna be hard to find and even harder to cut to the right size.
So the short version is axies aren't good on any substrate? sand is (for now) the safer of the two, just get as fine a sand as possible.