Please post pictures of your tank!!

The first is a photo of my tank, the second is just to show off Ax's zen gardening skills.
(I'm about to clean and stir the sand, so my popularity is about to go wayyy down in his books)
I need to get another hide for him still and some more plants.
It's a 2ft tank- Ax looks so big in these photos!

(For anyone super observant and who has seen my original photos, the black rock is still in there. He's buried it!)


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its a simple, but still good looking tank. i like it.
Dagger's Bachelor Pad :p

pic 1: Planted side (just ordered some java moss, can't wait. ^_^)
pic 2: Hide out side, built some hideouts from slate. He likes them a lot.
(for people who do this beware of sharp jagged edges!)
pic 3: Whole tank view. Need to get a background but I never see any
that I like. 30 gallon long. 4ftx1ftx1ft w/ Fluval 205 canister.

Aside from getting the java moss I think I'm about done with his tank.
So I might introduce another axy soon so he can have company after
the new one goes through quarantine. Then I'll do some tank rearranging
and not sure what else to do! I'd like to introduce a piece of driftwood
but I don't want to go through the process of cleaning it and all that jazz.

Any neat ideas would be appreciated! I think I'm going to start the process
of growing the moss wall when my java comes in. :-D So we'll see what it
looks like in 3-4 months lol.


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Here's a pic of mine: it's a little crowded as it's only a 2ft tank but it was a free tank I pinched off my boyfriend's brother so can't complain! I will be looking to upgrade when the axies get bigger.

Totallyrad - I'm very jealous of your tank! I've been looking for a 4ft x 1ft x 1ft tank and can't seem to find them in the UK :(


My first build. still cycling.

Here's my tank! It's a 4ft (50 gallons, 189 l). I have one wildtype and one leucistic in there. :D


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FrowninGowl - Look on ebay ;)
Forgot to post on here, this is 1 of my 4 setups, its my 3x1.5x1ft tank containing 2 wildtype dino and dozer, soon all my tanks will be downsized to one 6x1.5x1 containing 5 axolotl's, and leaving my 3fter for my A.Andersoni setup :)


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after looking at these pics, I'm thinking my tank needs to be re-done!

looks like I'll be hitting the local aquarists this weekend!

when i put them in, they didnt seem happy. but theyve relaxed and been exploring. i plan on getting a new filter so it wont be crooked.
My tanks pretty lame compaired to all these! :O But heres what it looks like. DONT complain about the gravel. I got rid of it right away XD this is just an old pic! Its a ten gallon tank, not super big, but eh, bigger than a 5 gal!:p


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I ordered a bunch of silk plants from eBay the other night, so I'm planning a re-do.

I'm going to rip out the live plants and transsferring them to my 50L shrimp tank as my lotls keep ripping them up and i can't for the life of me get them to stay rooted. I will post pics when I'm done!
Ally<3 - Is that gravel in there? If so, get it out!!!!!! your axi/s will eat it and end up with it in their systems, which is sometimes fatal as some will tell you, sadly...

Replace it with play sand, or crazy sand...
my 55 Gallon Tank~
I just added my three little babies~
Lutfi, Nana, and Oosuh~


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I love this thread!!

I'm making and installing a java moss wall on Wednesday and waiting for some more silk plants and hides to arrive (I ordered them off eBay haha) but when they arrive I will def post a piccie :)
@parks, i cant wait for that tank to mature, it looks GREAT!

@ichris have you tried using clay rings to hold them down? my axo's are a pain but not once have i seen them uproot my elodea or my camboya or w.e granted i have them filled to the gunnels and stuffed in with wadding too, and they have all rooted :)
I've tried plant weights and all. they just would not take root, my monsters tend to sift through the sand at the sides and around the base of decorations, etc.

I took all the live plants out today and put them in my shrimp tank because I had enough lol. I got some cool new decor today, it's a fake plant on a base with a few sticks of bamboo sticking up, and what looks like a twisted piece of wood with a fake plant growing out of it. I've also got a few more fake silk plants on the way from ebay.
So my plants arrived today and I put them in the tank! All of my cuties are very curious about them already!!

I am making my moss wall tomorrow and taking out the back poster, I am also waiting on one more ornament. At the moment I have PVC pipes, plastic dinosaurs, plastic plants, a small plastic pot with the tops and a doorway on each side cut out, and two large flat rocks :)

I'm also looking into finding some (safe) plastic toys that I might chuck in.....

I also have a melanoid (toothless), golden (Bax) and a albino (Lancelotl) :)

Sorry for crappy quality, I am buying a new camera tomorrow!!!! (Very excited)


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