Please post pictures of your tank!!

suzi, you should try putting some black card on the back, it would really make the inside stand out.

I would but I have a gorgeous background to go on it, but I only have enough for one tank... and I have two exactly the same.. So I need to go back to where I got it to get more!! So for now they just have no background lol
newest setup, I like it a lot :] and new driftwood cave! can't wait til the java moss attaches to driftwood and overruns my tank.

red wendtii cryptocoryne
java moss
narrow leaf java fern
aponogeton bulbs
water wisteria
one lily bulb that is still tiny

black sand, with white and burnt orange sand mixed in

sorry for crappy pictures, my camera is like 10 years old.


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So Iv been looking on this site quite a bit now since me and my partner got our first Axie...and we've found loads of info thats been really helpful for us.

And seeing how i haven't posted on here yet, and i liked looking at all the pictures from everyone about all your tanks...i thought i would post one of ours :D

We got this one back in October when we got Kip...but yesterday we found a new tank. so on the weekend we will be preparing a 30x12x15 tank to move him into...and possible one other Axie :)

Although you cant see him in this picture, we have a little sucker fish that we thought would clean up the tank a little bit for far he's barely moved, and is currently hiding in the cave!! :cool:


So this is Zuko's current tank. As you can see its ridiculously small!! :(


And here is his new tank that is currently cycling. Much more roomier! My partner actually made the tank from scratch (and we're first time aquariumers). It's nearly ready too, tomorrow it should hopefully be ready for Zuko's red carpet entrance!

...I lie, there will be no red carpet just sand...


I'm going to put in a few more hides, probably terracotta pots. But have some big plans for a DIY slate cave :D

EDIT: It is 800mm long by 400mm wide (I think, from memory)
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Heres my axolotl tank :) not a very good picture i will take a new one soon as :eek:

and this is my baby terrapin tank wich will soon be housing 2 juvinile spanish ribbed newts :p
This my 55 gallon axolotl tank, it divides my living room, you can see through it from both sides. I usually don't have it lit up so much, just did it for the photos!




My axie tank in all its green glory.


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So Iv been looking on this site quite a bit now since me and my partner got our first Axie...and we've found loads of info thats been really helpful for us.

And seeing how i haven't posted on here yet, and i liked looking at all the pictures from everyone about all your tanks...i thought i would post one of ours :D

We got this one back in October when we got Kip...but yesterday we found a new tank. so on the weekend we will be preparing a 30x12x15 tank to move him into...and possible one other Axie :)

Although you cant see him in this picture, we have a little sucker fish that we thought would clean up the tank a little bit for far he's barely moved, and is currently hiding in the cave!! :cool:



Please dont keep a sucker fish with your axie it can cause terrible damage!!

Please see Caudata Culture Articles - Species Mixing Disasters.

Sucker fish / plecos / catfish will all at some stage become attached to your axie and suck on the skin, there was one incident that I have seen on caudata which was awful and caused the axies death :( (link below)

This is my tank so far!
Any tips still?
It still looks a little empty to me. But some plants are on their way!
My mini laboratory :p 20 axie eggs per tub. Woke up 2 days ago to 236 eggs so decided that is what I shall do my dissertation on! Still got over 150 spare though!


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My mini laboratory :p 20 axie eggs per tub. Woke up 2 days ago to 236 eggs so decided that is what I shall do my dissertation on! Still got over 150 spare though!
What are those tubes?
my old 55gal setup, has one mature (6yr old) female wildtype

And my new 75gal i just got for free. Im going to set up a fully planted, carefully aquascaped tank with some of our native milfoil and various aquatoc mosses. first i gotta build a hood to hold a few strings of T5 sunsticks. then all the substrate setup and so on. almost daunting... :) Notice the small 20 gallon (i think, found it in the alley) with the 3 juvenile leucistics.


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those stones are to big to swallow. but EEK! discarded Syringes!
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