Please post pictures of your tank!!

I have recently changed my tanks to include live plants.
I've just started to put the lights on for an hour or so each day.
The mature boys were fine with this, and continued to hang around together.
The juveniles were less happy, but eventually got used to it and came back out of the hides.


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My babies will be arriving next week :happy: I initially started off with an empty floor, but then added some large moon, star & heart shaped glass gemstones. I have also ordered a regular filter to replace the sponge filter. Starting off with this small 10 gallon until the babies get bigger.


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My babies will be arriving next week :happy: I initially started off with an empty floor, but then added some large moon, star & heart shaped glass gemstones. I have also ordered a regular filter to replace the sponge filter. Starting off with this small 10 gallon until the babies get bigger.

Love the mesh cover! Did you make that?

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This is my first go at a planted axie tank. I am currently in the process of transitioning to a fully low light, low tech set-up. I found that the algae in this high light setup became unmanagable since axies don't mingle well with plecos and otocincluses. I had a mix of high light and low light plants and the light was to bright for the anubias and java fern. The green ozelot on the left was absolutely thriving, though. For a while I had some ghost shrimp in there to eat some algae and waste and for some hunting fun for the axies, but they didn't help as much as I hoped. Anyway, here is the pretty planted tank that didn't last :)


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I don't have my axie yet, as the filter is cycling, but here are specs and pics of the set up.

TANK: 20g long tank, mesh lid (to allow for evaporation and cooling,)
FILTER: Aqua Clear 50 turned down to just under half capacity (will still filter 80gph,) floating turtle dock and sponge to get rid of the splashing,
LIGHTING: 4 CFL bulbs of 10 watts each for the plants (going to raise the lights up a bit so they aren't so bright on the tank and can also put paper over the mesh to dim them more - the pet store did that,)
SUBSTRATE: Black sand
DECOR: Mopani and Manzanita drift wood, dragon stone, lace rock and a few lava rocks (some have plants anchored to them and some are support for the hides but have been buried as best as possible so they wont hurt the axie,) Terra cotta water catch plate for food dish.
PLANTS: Marimo moss balls, java moss, java ferns, Wendelov java ferns, anubias Nana, anubias Nana petite and duck weed - all plants are anchored to rock so they won't get uprooted and the duck weed helps provide shade.
AXIE: Soon to be 1 Leucistic Axolotl once the cycle finishes.

The pic looks like there is a tank divider on one side, but it's just a reflection.





Here is my tank. It's been set up for a few years.I just changed the plants in my bio filter from pathos and peace Lilly's to a snake plant and hens. The pathos and Lilly's were growing into my ceiling so I guess the filter works pretty good. Looking for some suggestions on sprucing up the actual tank. Does anyone have good luck with live plants? Can the axys handle flourish?

Your tank looks great!
I really like the idea of your bio filter - please can you explain how it's set up? Thanks!
This is my first go at a planted axie tank. I am currently in the process of transitioning to a fully low light, low tech set-up. I found that the algae in this high light setup became unmanagable since axies don't mingle well with plecos and otocincluses. I had a mix of high light and low light plants and the light was to bright for the anubias and java fern. The green ozelot on the left was absolutely thriving, though. For a while I had some ghost shrimp in there to eat some algae and waste and for some hunting fun for the axies, but they didn't help as much as I hoped. Anyway, here is the pretty planted tank that didn't last :)

That's a fine start on planted tank. Anubias are very solid -- they will not grow quite as fast in cold water and will show a bit of algae now and then but they are a solid choice.

Colomba [sp.] is a great plant for the back wall; it is tall and feathery and very pleasant green color. Unlike many plants, it will not darken of get weak stems in cold water. It is, however, a rooted plant so you may want to opt out if you cannot get a nutrient cycle gong for them.

Water lettuce or maybe riccia fluitans would make a nice top water plant. Both do well in cold water and will diffuse the light you will otherwise need for the plants.
I had to laugh at the moss balls... My Leucistic coveted the one moss ball I had in the tank. He dragged it into his den and roughed it up. Eventually I had to move it to another tank.
This is our setup after just getting the babies back in mid May. We are currently in the process of upgrading to a 40 breeder, as they are growing like crazy!


This is my 29 gallon :D
Right now its still a WIP, and all over the place, eventually i want it to kinda look like a "Cave" with more rocks, and when i can get mt hands on them or a reasonable price, live plants too, (plants in Canada are really expensive for some reason)etc, but for now i'm happy as it is, :3
Here are some pictures of my 29 gallon set up, I have two beautiful axies in this tank right now and they love exploring the rocks and plants in their aquarium :)


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Just added a play sand substrate. Adding a bit more plant decor soon, also considering a small sponge filter.

Here's the tank with a few changes and the little axie.


Riding the Moss ball to freedom and glory!


My two axie tanks ?

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Here are my tanks. The big 1 is a 100 gallon (3 axolotls) and the small one is a 30 gallon (1 axolotl). They both have a black granite substrate with black sand were there isn't granite.


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A before & after of my DIY galaxy tank. Bought the ugly oak 20g off of Craigslist. Then painted it and trimmed the actual tank with galaxy duct tape. Fitting for my little alien. :p:ufo:


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Little guy keeps growing, so I had to change his caves and make them bigger. One has a slate roof and one is a reptile hide. He now refuses to come out of the reptile hide, hahahaha.


Boondoggle's tank is to a point where I can show it off now!


The light is about to get raised, it is far too close to the tank and is burning my anubias, and the little bunch of anubias in the top corner got knocked off the driftwood, but otherwise, Boondoggle is happy so I'm happy :)

Holly, yours looks amazing! I absolutely love the natural tanks.
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