Please post pictures of your tank!!

Can u spot the axies??? :)

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My new 120 litre/32 gallon. Filter was pre-cycled!

Currently my leucistic juvie, Mini, is living there, but as soon as my copper, Ixi, is big enough he/she will move in too. I haven't filled it all the way to the top as my axie is still small + I need to get a screen lid for safety... The sand is JBL Sansibar "Dark".

This tank is adjacent to my other axie tank (with 2 wildtypes)! They love to watch each other. :)


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My tank! 20G for one male axie about 1 year old.
I may add some black slate tile soon to the bottom. He's apparently had bad experience with sand in the past.

EDIT: hm, it seems to be sideways. I promise the tank is currently sitting horizontally :p


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Please be kind. There are so many amazing tanks on here. But this is my first freshwater planted tank for my first Axi. Who I will have shipped to me once the little one grows a wee bit more. Sorry for the poor quality/ lighting. I suck at tank pics. Any advice is always welcome. And I'd be happy to answer questions too.

This tank has been running for almost two weeks now. It does have an aged giant clam shell in there because my water is so soft and acidic. It has helped tremendously. Lol, the quartz rock is indeed weighing a very stubborn piece of driftwood down. There are 5 pieces of wood in there! That sucker refuses to sink! It is also a tiled bottom with porcelain tile textured like slate.






Hello all! :]
I've been putting this off for awhile as I'm still not satisfied with my tank yet, but I figured I'd go ahead and post pictures of my current set up for my little Sesame!
I have your standard 20 gallon long tank with CaribSea Super Natural sand and a Fluval aqua clear 30 gal filter (on the lowest flow for Sesame's comfort).
I find my tank pretty bare and too open, especially in the middle and top regions of the tanks so I will be investing in a lot of live plants and decor soon!
Let me know what you think? :]

Full Tank.jpg

Left Side.jpg

Middle Tank.jpg

Right Side.jpg


-Also, I'm a first time axie mommie so please if you see anything wrong with my tank, let me know! I could really use the help to ensure Sesame has a long and happy life with me :]

-Not sure why 2 of my pictures are upside down... what a shame :[
This is my current set-up! Got a clearseal tank made up for £105; bargain! 48" long x 18" wide x 12" water depth.
Housing one very lonely leucistic named pip atm! However... that will change when her copper and golden friends have grown to her size! I hope you like it :)
Advice on whether it's too crowded and general criticism is very welcome if it results in a better lifestyle for my axies!!
This is the first tank I have ever set up for anything, so hoping its good!

Running on a Hailea Chiller to keep the water at a nice cool 16 degrees and fluval 205 canister filter to keep it churning.

The actual capacity of the tank is 180 litres but at a guess I would say it's maxed out at 150. Pip absolutely adores the 12" water depth.

I'm using pure white silica sand as the substrate, and rainbow slate for the random assorted rocks. The black slate cave came from a company called fennstones that hand-chisel slate aquarium decoration.

For lighting I am using a 40w hagen aquaglo tube thats timed to come on for 6 hours a day. I initially had 2x 40w tubes, but switched to one based on Pip's initial reaction when the lights came on, she now happily sits out in the light or moves from hide to hide if she's not feeling it.

If anyone is interested in the plant's I am using various forms of anubias and java fern that are attached to driftwood, as well as my personal favourite: bucephalandra Wavy Leaf (a relative to anubias from borneo). Pips personal favourite are the red leafed cryptos (Lagenandra meeboldii rot; I don't know why she loves this plant so much but she spends all day around it), the long ones on the right are limnophila sessiliflora. Amongst the driftwood creations is assortments of java moss and wurzel moss. All the plants seem to be doing great in limited light and pip adores them :)

Special mention has to go out to:

- Fennstones for their amazing slate caves and air rocks:
- TMAquatix for the rainbow slate and silica sand
- Pro-shirmp for their amazing straight form the greenhouse plants and driftwood creations


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Tank update

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This is my 10 gallon! I'm currently cycling and setting up a 30 gallon for Giuseppe and a speckled leucistic I plan to get which I'm so excited for. How do you guys take pics without your reflection taking up the whole thing?? There's a dark purple hide in the left side corner that's hidden.
Here's a couple pics of my tank, hopefully some driftwood and more aquatic plants soon. Along with a proper light




I wasn't sure how to edit my post, but a few hours later it became rimless. Little more clean up to do on the silicone but went over way easier than I read
Post picture of tank.


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Sorry my pictures aren't great, but here is the progress on building a home for my axi Dart


My 30 gallon for Giuseppe and 10 gallon growing out tank for babies Doppler and Xenomorph
My new setup for my 5 axolotls, including some axolotl art! :)


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This is my current set up until my bulkheads arrive in the mail and I can convert a 40 gallon old turtle tank (it had 4 holes drilled in half way. I am planning on capping off the bulkheads).
Bucky is hiding in his favourite hide. It is a hanging planter pot I got from Kmart (Australia). I'll link it for any Aussies who are looking for something similar. I removed the screw and strap. Only comes in white, but can probably be painted and sealed to work in with aesthetics!


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We recently redid Banana's tank to this more overgrown, lush jungle look.She loves to try to frustrate me and uproot it all though.


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I have a 20 gallon for my axie. He loves his house.


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Alexander actually stayed in a photogenic pose long enough for me to take some pictures. not great pictures, but I'm sharing anyhow.
How do u clean the waste in your little water jungle?

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I vacuum the sand with a hose and use a turkey baster between cleanings to remove turds.

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