Please post pictures of your tank!!

That is good to know! I was looking at a used 55gallon with that sand in it, but they were advertising it as "gravel" so i figured it probably would have to be removed, but what. I was thinking of doing is taking the black sand and siliconing it to a piece of plexie glass to put on the bottom of the tank so if I did get the tank at least the sand would not go to waste, right now i have it bare bottom because it is easier to clean, but one day would like to try something at the bottom again
I am really sorry to be the bearer of bad news and I know that sand cost a fair bit but... Tahitian moon sand is not axie safe. It has sharp shards in it and has been known to kill axies as it gets stuck inside them :(

Lovely tank though, sorry :eek:

Thanks so much for letting me know. Having read your post I did some research and from what it sounds like is a person or two just got a bad batch. I just checked the ENTIRE sand bed in their tank (tank is empty, it's cycling), thoroughly checking for sharp pieces or clumps, moving all decor to be sure I checked it all. It all seems to be okay there. Perhaps the issue was the person didn't rinse it enough? I spent about half hour rinsing the sand, and there was clumps of it that I sifted out (I felt like I was panning for gold, haha). A lot of people have been using it for years with no issue. I think it could be a freak accident that could happen with any sand, as well. I appreciate you letting me know, had something been in there because I didn't check I'd be beating myself up. But knowing that it's all smooth as far as I can tell, I will breathe a sigh of relief. Thanks!

Oh, also, something I read:
One person was worried about Caribsea's Tahitian Moon Sand: "Caribsea's "Tahitian Moon Sand" would probably not be ok, since Caribsea tends to use Aragonite in their sand. SOOO, with that all said, does anyone know where I can get some real Tahitian Moon Sand, and not some imitation?"

And someone responded with this: "CaribSea has changed their product line up around a bit. The new names make it easier to determine what substrate is what.

CaribSea Super Naturals brand Tahitian Moon sand is perfectly axolotl friendly after the usual rinsing to removes dust. I actually just got a 50lb bag of the stuff a few weeks back. It is outstanding! (I am using this as a substrate in my "pond" cattle tanks. These are strictly for growing microfoods, plants, and providing read- to-use water for water changes.) I have also incorporated it into my "experimental" garden tank for my adult axolotls."

So perhaps the OLD Tahitian Moon sand was unsafe, and since they changed it it's better? Here's a link to the thread: :D

One type of Tahitian moon sand:

Another (the kind I have) :
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My little 10 Gallon

The bigger 4ft 56ish Gallons with my 2 adults in it

And the tank and stand (that I designed) and that I am about to order custom built. I found the aquarium pic online and LOVED the rock wall so I will be doing that in it when I can remove the dividers it will have in there to start with. Add LOTS of plants and that's pretty well what it will look like. It's a 5x2x2 (149 Gallons) Minus the fish of course ;) taking care there are no sharp edges.

These tanks look amazing! Very inspiring for my first axolotl tank.
I apologize for the hazy photo quality - but here's my 80 gallon with my 5 'lotls :3

My 288 liter tank with 4 axolotls (2 yellow, 2 pink albinos). Getting 4 more soon, 2 wild and 2 leucistic. Want to have some more rocks and slate though, so they can have various levels to sit on. Also, the stand needs another coat of paint.
160 cm long, some 60 high and 35 deep. Got a Hailea 300 chiller, 50 cm air stone, and a big external filter.


My setup is pretty plain... But it serves its purpose, at least. 10 gallon tank, with a few river rocks (all much larger than my axolotl) and a piece of fossil slate. A few artificial plants, a decent sized tree trunk hide, and a piece of mopani driftwood. No chiller, but I use the ice bottle and AC method, and it seems to work just fine. There's also a hang-on-back filter, I forgot the brand though.

At the moment I only have one albino axolotl, and a blue mystery snail.


For anyone concerned about whatever small marble/pebble things you may see, those have since been removed. Partially because they were a pain in the butt when it came to cleaning, but mostly because Monster will eventually be big enough to swallow them.
Just got a double tank stand and i have redone my tanks, so i thought id post an update :D
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Thank you! The outsides of the tanks need cleaning up a bit (removing the duct tape ect :p) haha but i was just in a rush to show off my new stand :D i love it because before, my lottles were in different rooms and i didnt get to see the bottom two as much.
In the top tank the mopani wood is actually nearer the front and all three like to sit behind it under the flow of the sponge filter.
I hated the look of my tanks when i first got them, but i think they are starting to look nicer now and im happier with them :D

Ive also ordered some java moss and some flame moss that im going to try and form a carpet with in the corner they sit the most :D
I only have a 10 gallon atm for Foley. I still wanted him to have a palace but found this shack.
I have taken the right hand wall out with a hacksaw and rubbed down the edges and around the doorway with sand paper. He seems to like it as has spent the night in it.
Only his second day with me and he is eating well and is so inquisitive about everything.


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The start of my Axo tank. I have two little juvies coming this week (they will be upgrading to a 55 gallon in 2-3 months). I have some large rocks being shipped out for the tank and hopefully some more plants, but thoughts, suggestions?


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My 55G, housing a melanoid and a leucistic axolotl. :)

Hope yous like my set up


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Hmmm, when I click on your pics to make them larger, it's a different picture! :confused:
Wow! I see what happened... Your smaller icons are of Layna's tank! Wonder how that happened??
But when I click on them, I see your beautiful light wood tank... Very strange :p
Not complete yet but thought i'd share my 60 ltr that holds my 2 juvie axies (still needs some plants and the strawberry hide replaced with something bigger )
(; it is a bit small i think but i have no more room for a bigger tank at the moment.(but hope to get a bigger tank when they are all grown up )
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