I am surprised that you think that evolution and god can go hand in hand. My grandmother wants to believe in evolution too ( well she did not actually say that, but she want to believe in humanoid creatures so it can be assumed ), but when a conversation between her and my brother in-law ( he is the smartest person i know ) he made some excellent points. I do not remember if this was one of them but in the bible it says that Adam ( and eve? ) named the creatures of the earth. If that is true ( and if you believe in the bible it is ), than how could they have named the creatures if it took millions of years for them to evolve?
People certainly find ways to rationalize deities while still accepting evolutionary theory. I´m not saying i agree, i´m saying it definitely happens.
The answer is simple Seth: it´s not true. Adam and Eve never existed.
The one thing i´ll give young earth creationists is that at the very least they have realized that in order to have an internally consistent theology you need to take everything, you can´t pick and choose. The problem being of course that in turn it is the theology which is entirely inconsistent with reality. The bad news (or good, it´s a matter of perspective) for you is that we can conclusively demonstrate that evolution, common descent and that the earth is 4,5 billion years old to an astonishing degree of certainty while at the same time being able to confirm that the human species was never descended from a single pair of magically produced humans. Even obviating all the other lines of evidence, genetics alone is more than sufficient to fully conclude that that never happened.
Ok, i am not against the evolving part necessarily. i am against the theory of evolution.
And i am off to weep too, because you are right, the future doesn't look to good does it?
But Seth, you are against a scientific theory you know absolutely nothing about. You are critisizing something you don´t even begin to understand. The "evolutionary theory" you have been presented with is a bastardized version which bears no resemblance to the actual science. It is a strawman, non-sensical thing that of course nobody in their right mind could possibly believe. The people who have told you these things either have no understanding whatsoever of the actual science themselves, or are intentionally pressenting you with a strawman version because they have a vested interest in making you think that evolutionary theory is this ridiculous thing that even a child could see is non-sense.
It is not what you have been told it is and what you think you are critisizing or opposing is not real, it doesn´t exist.
By the way, what you are aluding to is the famous microevolution yes, macroevolution no paradox. It´s total non-sense.
Are you sure no one has taken prayer out of schools? i am not sying it is something that is supposed to be required ( like others seem to have thought that is what i meant ). Lets say i grab the nasty school lunch and find a nice seat by a window. i situate my stuff than go to pray for my meal. that would not slide. i would probably get in trouble. recently there was a article in the paper about how the library in a school had a statue of a Buddha. Some lady got mad because she knew that if it was a statue of Jesus, that it would not be allowed. She eventually won over and they started putting statues of other religions in there. but none the less, a Jesus statue would have never found itself in there had she not argued that if they can have Buddha statues they should be able to have other religious statues. Again, i think people viewed my post wrong, i did not mean force them to pray, i meant you should be able to pray. i most certainly respect other religions, whether i agree with them or not, same with evolution.
Yes, i´m sure. You are perfectly free to pray before your meal if you want. Nobody, least of all the school can prevent you from doing so. It´s unconstitutional.
The Buddha statue did not belong in school property. That lady was right to point it out. Nobody has claimed that christians are the only religious group to disregard the constitution. They are, however, the group that does it most frequently by far. I could link you to dozens of cases.
I´ll say, though, that in the case of Buddha i wouldn´t be surprised if people didn´t even realize it was a religious symbol...i know people who think it´s just a quaint oriental decoration, i kid you not...
Regardless, no religious symbol should be desplayed in a public school in your country be it a christian, a buddhist or a hindu symbol.
You know, things are always changing in science, so called "facts" are suddenly disproven. Just because 95% of scientists believe in evolution doesn't mean it is true. Sometimes almost all scientists believe something, and then it is found to be wrong.
Yes, we acquire more data, more knowledge and that modifies our understanding of reality. It´s called progress, it´s a fantastic thing. It´s one of the strengths of science, it´s not static, it´s dinamic. It´s the reason why we no longer think the earth is the center of the solar system and we have cars and electricity and medicins....it´s because we acquire new knowledge and we incorporate it to our body of understanding, which often requires us to change our minds about things. I know you have been condicioned to perceive this as a weakness, but the entirity of the civilization you live in attest to it being a very powerful thing.
Facts are not suddenly disproven. Facts are facts. I think you are not at all clear on what a "fact" means in science. What changes are interpretations of the observed data, hypothesis, because new information can modify the conclussion one arrives to. By the way this happens all the time outside of a scientific context too, it probably happens to you on a daily basis.
You are right, just because it is almost universally accepted within the relevant fields of science it doesn´t mean evolution is correct. It is correct on its own merits, not because it´s popular. The universal acceptance is a consequence of how extremely well supported it is, not the other way around. You have no idea how extraordinarily massive the body of evidence within biology is...but i hope you get to peak some day and be amazed.