Why you should be nice to axolotls

Did anyone see my last post? Once again, I'm sorry if this seems childish, but is this the time and place for this argument? This is a forum relating to caudates, not religion. I don't see how this fight is necessary. All I see is two groups shouting back and forth, only to further infuriate the other side. I don't speak for everyone here, and I realize that some of you don't mind.
But honestly, why should any of you care? Seth is NOT going to change who he is just because you all fight with him over his beliefs. Can you not just accept that? This is NOT the right place to start a flame war.

Did anyone see my last post? Once again, I'm sorry if this seems childish, but is this the time and place for this argument? This is a forum relating to caudates, not religion. I don't see how this fight is necessary. All I see is two groups shouting back and forth, only to further infuriate the other side. I don't speak for everyone here, and I realize that some of you don't mind.
But honestly, why should any of you care? Seth is NOT going to change who he is just because you all fight with him over his beliefs. Can you not just accept that? This is NOT the right place to start a flame war.


He's 14. In 10 years he'll be so changed on his own, even he won't know what happened. :)
Just going to pop this in here because this thread is basically living up to the definition.

1. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
synonyms: Darwinism, natural selection

2. the gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form.

The second one is what my science teacher in high school told me. Evolution is pretty simple ie this thread has evolved from discussing axolotls into a battle over evolution. That's all.
Mike, you are talking about hybirds, no? Now did you watch all the videos like I ask you to before you wanted to start refuting me? Your thinking Mike. Lets not discuss religion or a higher power. Lets discuss the "theory" of evolution. You have to change your thinking MIke. Now follow me. Watch the video's' and then lets talk. Lauren, tell your science teacher to watch the videos. The schools teach it as fact. "Theory is not fact. So if we all want to talk and learn without fighting then we need to put forth information that is not "theory". No need to tell me what is what if are not willing to learn. That is arguing. :kill:
I'm not talking genetics or any of the scientific stuff, I'm cutting down to the very basic principal. As I see it there's no theory to how a child is born, it starts out as an egg and develops into a human, that in and of itself is evolution going by the second definition. That's all I have to say on this.
Correct me if I am wrong. What you are saying is that your idea of evolving could also be defined as growing, developing or maturing. Like--for example....He has really evolved into a nice young man. Something along those lines?
Lets discuss the "theory" of evolution. You have to change your thinking MIke. Now follow me. Watch the video's' and then lets talk. Lauren, tell your science teacher to watch the videos. The schools teach it as fact. "Theory is not fact. So if we all want to talk and learn without fighting then we need to put forth information that is not "theory".
I advice you to find out what term "scientific theory" actually means.
Scientific theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He's 14. In 10 years he'll be so changed on his own, even he won't know what happened. :)

Right. I mentioned that earlier, and while that may or may not happen, this thread certainty doesn't help. He's 14, and his religion (or absence of religion) is entirely up to him.
Also Kent Hovind is a charlatan and a fraud. Anyone who is properly educated on the theory of evolution can debunk his videos without effort. I can't even believe someone actually recommended him here.
Trace, others already addressed your post. Theory in science is not a hunch or an idea. Germ theory, theory of gravity, etc, are not simply opinion, they are fact and easily proved. Breeding dogs and wolves is becoming hard due to genetic drift. They are different species, though for now closely related. Species development is not a fast process, it takes thousands of generations.
Lets start over. Because everyone wants to argue. Lets play pretend. Lets pretend that I am a brain. No arms, legs, eyes or ears. Just a brain. Without condemning Hovind or any one else. Teach and convince me with "facts", not hypothesis, that the "theory" of evolution has ANY proven grounds of evidence. Show me the evidence. No religion, ideas, or how any feels that they know the answers. Give the brain facts.
Thank you,
Hard to convince someone who doesn't believe in the rudamentary facts. There are tens of thousands of scientific, peer reviewed, research papers. What we learned in school about biology is an introduction. We accept the knowledge without the full proof, because to fully understand it on a personal level would require us to spend out whole life researching it. Thankfully all of us DON'T have to do that, as some of us chose to take on that role and share their findings with the world. Of each and every one of us tried to grasp everything on a personal mastered level, we'd still be living in caves, carving bone needles, making arrows, and mastering fire. Diversification of labor is what gave us civilization to begin with. The problem is that the majority of the tribe advanced, while the shaman took the easy way and proclaimed his line of work eternal and never changing.
Wait, I realize this is General Discussion, but why are we arguing about religion and evolution? Is it really such a big deal at the moment? I mean, Seth is 14.
While I'm 14 as well, and I'm an atheist, I honestly don't mind what any of you believe. Heck, there could even be a satanist on the forum somewhere. Why does all this matter so much, and why argue about it? It shouldn't matter that some of us believe in evolution, and others in intelligent design. This started with a humorous video of a CGI alien, and erupted into a full-fledged fight... This forum doesn't relate to religion in the slightest.

Sorry if I'm acting like a peacekeeper, but I truly don't think we should be fighting over something like this on a forum about caudates. That's why we're all here, isn't it?

You are right AfroNewtKeeper. But at the same time I think it is good to discus, and I don't think we are arguing, it is more of a debate. Thank you for the kind words though, fellow 14 year old ;).

You-tube Kent Hovind. He has a series called the Creation Series. Watch it. Not just one show. But all of the shows. You owe it too yourselves. The hardest thing for a person to do is admit that they are wrong. Especially if this is how our parents think. This means you have to change your thinking. What is the number one reason that people go to church? To change their thinking. That is the "number one" reason why we are are "suppose" to go. Most church goers don't know this either. Especially the "religious ones. Yes, religion is not the "truth" either. I didn't say Christianity. I said "religion. The problem with this fact less "theory" of evolution is that it is taught as a proven truth. So how many generations do we have who's thinking is skewed? So, Listen and learn. When you get done watching him and you still believe in the "theory" of evolution, then I will give you more names to learn the truth from. Former atheists and evolutionist that set out to disprove Christianity, only to have their eyes opened to the "truth".---hence, their thinking changed. Ask yourself, "What is Truth?" What is it? In fact, if you are so certain in this "theory" then "YOU" set out to disprove Christianity with the "theory" of evolution. "YOU study both. I mean--"YOU" do it. Unless.....you are hmmm....you do not want to know the truth. If you open your up your little minds and really try it with all that your head and heart can muster, then you too will disprove the "theory" and your thinking will change. I guarantee it.
Now, I don't want any arguing. I you want to learn so you can try to refute me. If you want to argue or make fact less, frivolous, claims then do waste my time.
Your are going to get offended at first. Why? Because of your thinking. So watch him with a open mind. Start over in your thick programmed heads. Get the jackhammer out and bust the hard, concrete melons up, and learn. The Truth. I did. That's why I want "YOU" to do it.

Thank you Trace! I agree! there are no facts. ^well said my friend, well said.

Sorry Trace, but evolution is evolution. Scientific Theory != Idea. The theory of evolution doesn't say there is no higher power, or how things started, it simply takes a look at the world, looks at the facts, and proposes that living things are constantly changing. There's another topic right now about Hydras in someones feeder supply. I spent an hour clicking wikipedia links from that ONE article on Hydras.

Here we are talking about hybrids and crossbreeds on this forum, from SIMILAR, yet different Caudates, yet we don't want to admin evolution? You can't breed some salamanders together because they diverged too long ago. Others are very close relatives, and are still not distant enough to reproduce. Then there are mules....

Believe what you will - that's what faith is all about. But denying actual "how the world" works facts for the sake of religion is silly.

Facts? What facts?

Did anyone see my last post? Once again, I'm sorry if this seems childish, but is this the time and place for this argument? This is a forum relating to caudates, not religion. I don't see how this fight is necessary. All I see is two groups shouting back and forth, only to further infuriate the other side. I don't speak for everyone here, and I realize that some of you don't mind.
But honestly, why should any of you care? Seth is NOT going to change who he is just because you all fight with him over his beliefs. Can you not just accept that? This is NOT the right place to start a flame war.


Again you are right. I will NOT change my mind, but none the less, I find it a interesting conversation.

He's 14. In 10 years he'll be so changed on his own, even he won't know what happened. :)

I don't get it. What are you saying here?

Just going to pop this in here because this thread is basically living up to the definition.

1. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
synonyms: Darwinism, natural selection

2. the gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form.

The second one is what my science teacher in high school told me. Evolution is pretty simple ie this thread has evolved from discussing axolotls into a battle over evolution. That's all.

So you are saying that if this thread can evolve than animals can evolve? mental conversations and physical beings are totally different things.

QUOTE=willowcat;400397]Mike, you are talking about hybirds, no? Now did you watch all the videos like I ask you to before you wanted to start refuting me? Your thinking Mike. Lets not discuss religion or a higher power. Lets discuss the "theory" of evolution. You have to change your thinking MIke. Now follow me. Watch the video's' and then lets talk. Lauren, tell your science teacher to watch the videos. The schools teach it as fact. "Theory is not fact. So if we all want to talk and learn without fighting then we need to put forth information that is not "theory". No need to tell me what is what if are not willing to learn. That is arguing. :kill:[/QUOTE]

^I agree. No one should be teaching it as fact, cause it is not.

I'm not talking genetics or any of the scientific stuff, I'm cutting down to the very basic principal. As I see it there's no theory to how a child is born, it starts out as an egg and develops into a human, that in and of itself is evolution going by the second definition. That's all I have to say on this.

Not the same, as will be proven here.

Correct me if I am wrong. What you are saying is that your idea of evolving could also be defined as growing, developing or maturing. Like--for example....He has really evolved into a nice young man. Something along those lines?


I advice you to find out what term "scientific theory" actually means.
Scientific theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your right Yahilles, I wouldn't even call it a "theory"

Right. I mentioned that earlier, and while that may or may not happen, this thread certainty doesn't help. He's 14, and his religion (or absence of religion) is entirely up to him.

Thanks again man, you are acting the most mature out of all of us.

Also Kent Hovind is a charlatan and a fraud. Anyone who is properly educated on the theory of evolution can debunk his videos without effort. I can't even believe someone actually recommended him here.

Hmmm.........so, that would make the founder of evolution a fraud and a charlatan too?
Darwin faked the so called "Lucy", it was a human bone and a monkey bone. He admitted it, on his death bed none the less. And yet they are still saying that she is real, "the best evidence since Lucy", is actually what I have heard them say. Fraud, yep, that is what Darwin was, yet you still believe in his fraud hypothesis.

Lets start over. Because everyone wants to argue. Lets play pretend. Lets pretend that I am a brain. No arms, legs, eyes or ears. Just a brain. Without condemning Hovind or any one else. Teach and convince me with "facts", not hypothesis, that the "theory" of evolution has ANY proven grounds of evidence. Show me the evidence. No religion, ideas, or how any feels that they know the answers. Give the brain facts.
Thank you,

^ you know, that is what I have been asking, can anyone give me real facts? it doesn't look like anyone has.

Well for one, we can't give you facts if you don't even know what evolution is.

Darwin had zero to do with Lucy, so how can you expect anyone here to take time to try to explain (something you call a lie right off the bat), when you don't even know what you're talking about?

Hmmm.........so, that would make the founder of evolution a fraud and a charlatan too?
Darwin faked the so called "Lucy", it was a human bone and a monkey bone. He admitted it, on his death bed none the less. And yet they are still saying that she is real, "the best evidence since Lucy", is actually what I have heard them say. Fraud, yep, that is what Darwin was, yet you still believe in his fraud hypothesis.


I think this thread should be moved, due to the nature of the content. I won't put forth anything else though, I don't want people to try and change my mind :3 Like Seth, I'm still just a kid figuring stuff out on my own. Anyhow, you guys are all cool in my book, whether I agree with you or not. Happy Christmas/Holidays etc.
Hmmm.........so, that would make the founder of evolution a fraud and a charlatan too?
Darwin faked the so called "Lucy", it was a human bone and a monkey bone. He admitted it, on his death bed none the less. And yet they are still saying that she is real, "the best evidence since Lucy", is actually what I have heard them say. Fraud, yep, that is what Darwin was, yet you still believe in his fraud hypothesis.


Darwin didn't even discover Lucy! She was discovered in 1974 by a French geologist 91 years after Darwin died. Are you even going to fact-check yourself before you try and have a "debate" with people who clearly have an infinitely better understanding of evolution? At least be educated about it. Also, Darwin admitted nothing discounting evolution on his death bed. That is one of the most basic lies that creationists like to spread. They like to say similar things about Carl Sagan and any other person who has ever said anything that they disagreed with. They'll probably try to say the same thing when Hawking or Dawkins die.

You expecting us to take you seriously when you refuse to hear any facts is one thing, but expecting a reasonable debate after you say that is absolutely ridiculous, and not to be offensive, but it makes it very clear just how poorly educated you are on this subject.

Australopithecus afarensis was never "debunked" and certainly wasn't a "human and monkey" bone. First of all, multiple specimens of Australopithecus have been found, and Lucy is FAR more than two random bones pushed together. They have the better part of her skeleton, including fragments of the skull and pelvic bones.


Again you are right. I will NOT change my mind, but none the less, I find it a interesting conversation.

If this is your mindset, you will never be a scientist. Because even with irrefutable evidence, you've already stated that your mind cannot be made to change. This is the antithesis of everything that science and scholarly minds stand for. I honestly hope you outgrow this childish position, as I did.

One of the biggest problems with "creation science" and "scientists" who back it is that they did not start with a question. You see, in science a person must have a question about something. "How does that work? Why do apples fall? What is the sun made of? Why does Mars appear to retrograde? How did there come to be so many species on the Earth?" You must first ask a question and then try to figure out the answer, going wherever the evidence takes you. With "creation science" they started with the answer they wanted, and then they picked the evidence that was convenient and spun it with the intention of supporting their own answers, ignoring any evidence to the counter.

If all of human knowledge were wiped out today, if every single bit of what we know were gone and we had to start completely from scratch, the idea of creationism, including any creation myths that originate from religions, would be gone. Civilizations who arose after us would never have any clue that some of us though the world was 6,000 years old and that every creature simply appeared into being as it is. No one would ever know about a story in which a talking snake tricked two people into the fall of mankind.

But they would be able to, over time, figure out what science has discovered. They would see the diversity, wonder how it came to be, they would ask questions and find evidence and would eventually arrive at the same conclusion that the curious and the thinkers of our species have: evolution.

You can keep thinking that you know better than thousands of peer-reviewed professionals, and you can keep thinking that the entire scientific community of the world has some kind of mad conspiracy to disprove your religion's creation myth and your religion's god, but frankly I'm done here because not only have you shown that you know absolutely nothing valid on this topic, you've also shown that you have absolutely zero interest in learning about it, and if you have no actual desire to learn then I have nothing else to say here.
A couple years ago when i was in grade 9 my science teacher was teaching the Big Bag Theory and evolution. She found it very difficult to teach us how EVERYTHING that we know of today came from one big bang, in assents how something came from nothing. No one knows or may ever know, nor does the Big Ban Theory or evolution even begging to explain, what anything was to the "initial" state of very high energy density. I am a science guy i love science and base everything on facts. IN MY OPTION That nothing that started everything is God. He is the one that allowed this big bang to happen. Now that the big bang happen the earth is in existence but much of the earth was molten. eventually the planet cooled and formed a solid crust, allowing liquid water to exist on the surface, Photosynthetic life and eventually us ( humans). If you really think about this what is the difference between this and the religious creation story? Everything happen because God gave us ability to adapt to new living conditions as the old once became unbearable. I love science but i also am religious. This is the way i look at the world.
Since your educational system and your environment have failed you misserably and since you asked for facts i beg of you to please take some time to educate yourself:

TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy

I realize me saying this is hugely unlikely to have any effect, but you have been grossly and disingenuously missinformed. I have no delusions that some thread in a forum is going to magically reverse years of intense indoctrination and that your youth and possition make it highly unlikely that you are going to be able to figure this all out any time soon. Just remember this: Everybody is entitled to their own believes but nobody is entitled to their own facts.
Evolution is an observed fact, as much as gravity, atoms and that some microorganisms cause diseases. Evolutionary theory on the other hand is a scientific theory that explains biological diversity and all underlying aspects of biology and is one of the best supported theories in science, even more so than gravitational theory, atomic theory or the germ theory of disease.

I´ll live you with a quote that sums up the importance of the modern evolutionary synthesis:
"Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" Theodosius Dobzhansky (incidentally, a christian).
As someone who studies Biology i can say this is indeed very much the case.

PS: Ken Hovind is a criminal and an extremely dishonest individual. I have much more to say about him and his equally ignorant and dishonest son, but it wouldn´t be apropriate in this forum because i would be unable to do so without expletives.
Please, please, PLEASE, take a look at the link i provided...

I´m off to weep for the future of humanity...
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