Who have you met?

I'm thinking of having a zoo road trip this summer.


Hey, if you come my way, we can do the Bronx zoo, the Trevor zoo, the Beardsley Zoo, and the Norwalk Aquarium! And ALL those places have .....(guess, drum roll)....OTTERS!
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, correct? I was really hoping to head out in the New York anyway so that you can bombard me with questions. If I can get three zoos and an aquarium out of it... That may well seal the deal!
Well, you know what? I had a great time going from zoo to zoo. That was one of my best vacations ever. Also I stuck a reptile expo in there and the museum...the hurricane was, of course, unplanned.
What about me? I got to hear about this amazing trip but no invite. I'll levy a caudata.org fine against you this year... ;)

Just for the record I should have clarified and said that was an open invite to everyone else as well. I'll make a thread in the future with more details.
Today Michael met "Grumpet," the grumpy boyfriend known from my blogs. I'll let him say if he is as grumpy and mean-spirited as his name implies.
My current list, as of Justin's Virginia meeting, spring 2010:

Nate Nelson - I forget who he is exactly, though I have this vague recollection of him helping found some web site on salamanders.
Brad Moon - Well-known herp photographer and snake researcher.
Ron Bonett - The scientist who sorted out the Eurycea in the Central Highlands.
Henk Wallays - Henk helped talk me into going to Gersfeld for the first time and he also drove me from Brussells to Gersfeld one year.
Frank Pasmans - I had the pleasure of meeting Frank twice (?) at Gersfeld.
Sergé Bogaerts - We met briefly in passing once at Gersfeld.
Max Sparreboom - The man who sexed my first Tylototriton for me at Gersfeld ;).
Uwe Gerlach
Ingo Veltum
Paul Bachhausen (not sure if we were ever introduced)
Jurgen Fleck
Gunther Schultshik (spelling?).
I'm sure there are plenty of other Gersfeld folks I can't think of right now.
Kai Erik Witte
Mike Graziano
Sven of "Sven and Swantje"
Dave Herbert
Michael Shrom
Justin Reed
Bill Yannone
Richard Lynch
Jake Bidinger
Ed Moyer
Mike I.

If I've left anyone out I apologise.
People I've met since my last list...

Ed Moyer
Mike I.
Dawn Osselmann
Justin Reed
Sonya Reed
AJ caudatadude
Foster Reeves
Kaysie Cox
Eva Kretschmar
Steffen Hellner
John Clare
Today Michael met "Grumpet," the grumpy boyfriend known from my blogs. I'll let him say if he is as grumpy and mean-spirited as his name implies.

Grumpet seems o.k. So does Dawn. I've met more Caudata.org members than I will ever be able to remember. Just last week at a show I saw an old friend I hadn't seen for years. We exchanged pleasantries and talked about amphibian keeping and the good old days. I'm still trying to figure out who he is.
I've met:
Chuck Yeager
John Travolta.
Warren Sapp...
Oh... uh herpers? ..... uh.... uhm.....
That guy from Black Jungle and uh....
Tom Crutchfield... noted smuggler and ner do well.
Tyler Newtzoo


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Michael, is this where they're taking the arm samples from the A. andersoni?
My list:


....so if anybody wants a meet-up in Indiana anytime soon.. I really like the zoo. And museums. :)
I don't know anybody, and nobody knows me...:(
Is there a way to figure out if there is anyone else here from Idaho?
I went to the Hamburg PA Expo and the Repticon/Animal Expo in Valley Forge/ King of Prussia yesterday, and I met:
Bill Yanonne, Ed Moyer, dragonlady/Shannon and husband, and our darling Nathan!!!!
great to finally meet you!!

And a shout-out to old buddies I got to see again:
Justin and family and Michael: Great to see you again!
Also, we saw Dan (Kaysie- your friend) that I met at Justin's herp week a couple years ago! I WANT HIS SHIRT-- it said "got herps?" on it!!


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Dawn, I have one of those shirts too (I designed it as our herp club shirt). I could send it to you, but it's definitely in a 'used' condition. I don't wear it much any more, so if you want it, I'd be glad to give it a new home!
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