T.marmoratus vivarium construction.


could you please post a picture of Tapecre tube one more time? Somehow previous one isn't working and I would like to see how it looks like since I cannot find anything familiar in my country :).

Looking good to me!

The secret to getting the moss to spread nicely is all about keeping it wet. Very wet.
I find that misting is insufficient, and often leads to the tips dying off.
I use a turkey baster to water my "rock moss" daily. Moss close to a water source will usually take care of it's self.

could you please post a picture of Tapecre tube one more time? Somehow previous one isn't working and I would like to see how it looks like since I cannot find anything familiar in my country :).


Im sorry, my tapecrete arrived in two 1,5l coca cola bottles so i dont know how it looks otherwize. The only thing i can say is that tapecrete have a white colour.
Looking good to me!

The secret to getting the moss to spread nicely is all about keeping it wet. Very wet.
I find that misting is insufficient, and often leads to the tips dying off.
I use a turkey baster to water my "rock moss" daily. Moss close to a water source will usually take care of it's self.

Hmm, when i keep moss wet it often dies, but i suspect that depends on which moss you use, and how light it is in the cage. My idea is to silicon cocos substrate here and there on the stones, and then plant moss on that. Is there any good moss that i can by via internet? or shall i just try difirent types and se what workes best? i have no green hands!
I have almost 50 species of moss, that I reproduce. I can send a list if you havent yet fond any species.
All the best.
I have almost 50 species of moss, that I reproduce. I can send a list if you havent yet fond any species.
All the best.

That would be great eljorgo! i can find species of moss outside, but i dont know which is the most durable or easiest to get growing.

Just one tip: what do you want to cover? You want to cover a turf field a rock or a piece of wood?
I use what I think that are the best species around 10 or 15 if I´m not wrong.
In these are ones that tolerate better the presence of water than others, ones that grow easly on rock, wood or soil so I would like you to answer.
All the best,
Just one tip: what do you want to cover? You want to cover a turf field a rock or a piece of wood?
I use what I think that are the best species around 10 or 15 if I´m not wrong.
In these are ones that tolerate better the presence of water than others, ones that grow easly on rock, wood or soil so I would like you to answer.
All the best,

I want to cover both some part of stones near water, even on the stone part att the bakiside, on cocos subsrate and wood pieces.

Well not as much as it sounds, some larger fields and some smaller. I must have place for plants and forest bottom also hehe.
Just wondered how your vivarium is coming along? It's been a while and I miss your updates, hope it's all going OK.
Hello all.

Sorry that i havent wrote in a while but i have had some problemes with the heat here in sweden and my newts. I moved for the summer to a frind and of curse tooked my newts and the tiger with me. But i have problemes with heat as mentioned. Here in sweden we have had really hot and my new build freezing construction dont do the right work during the hottest day. If the temp in my room is around 22degrees it is no probleme to get down to 16-17, but when it is 27 it is not that easy because i have to change cooling clamps all the time under the days and that has make me going crazy:/ it has bean wery tuff! and i have only worried about temps hole the time. I have notice that when temp is 20 my newts dont get active, but as fast it get down to 16-17 they are out and walk in my trank.

Sorry for the long explenation hehe, but i dont know how to do. Im sitting here and wating for the hot again, and then i will have probleme. So maybe i have to sell my marms for the summer because i cant have a freezer here, my friend dont want that in his house. I dont whant to quit with sals so if i sell i must get new ones when moving back.

I will keep you informed how it goes for me.

Sorry to hear about all the problems you are having. We have been experiencing hot weather here in the UK too. I've been struggling to keep the temperatures down in my axolotls tank. I hope you don't have to sell your marms and manage to get through this without too many more problems, Kerry.
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Sorry to hear about all the problems you are having. We have been experiencing hot weather here in the UK too. I've been struggling to keep the temperatures down in my axolotls tank. I hope you don't have to sell your marms and manage to get through this without too many more problems, Kerry.

Yes it has been a wery hot summer, i hope that too! i have som manny plans for them.

Best regards.

I just thought i should inform you that they are staying!:) i will continue the construction in about a month from now.
How does it goes for your axelot?

Mine are fine thanks Tomas, temperatures have cooled a little now. Glad to hear your keeping yours, I'll look forward to hearing the latest on the vivarium when you get started again, take care, Kerry.
Hello all of you that have followed this thread.

Well this project has stopped, i had to sell my marms because off the heat probleme i have had fo a long period now. So after a year off sulutions i had to give this up, much because off the stress for the coold needing newts but also for my economy:(

Fortunately i can keep tigers as they dont require the same temp, and i have no probleme with a temp to max 22degrees..So the one part of the tank(the one the marms should have had) that is now a tiger project instead(group A.mavortium at 2.1.2)...I dont know when i will continue but soon i belive:blob:

Sorry if i make you all disappointed.
Good to see you online again Tomas, sorry to hear about your marms. Looking forward to updates.
Good to see you online again Tomas, sorry to hear about your marms. Looking forward to updates.

Thanks kerry, they are i great hands, one off the best i can imagine:) so that is a relife! i have many nice memories and a lots pictures on them,, i love these animals..
And all the images are gone. What a waste of 5 pages on our forum. Thanks Grius. This is why I want to ban external images on our forum.
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