T.marmoratus vivarium construction.

That's amazing work!! I can't wait to try! I have tried so many times to make great rock features but they end up heavy(real rocks) or clunky(foam). But I would like to try this to generate backgrounds and waterfalls. Thanks for all your info. Are you finished yet? How does the terrarium look now?
That's amazing work!! I can't wait to try! I have tried so many times to make great rock features but they end up heavy(real rocks) or clunky(foam). But I would like to try this to generate backgrounds and waterfalls. Thanks for all your info. Are you finished yet? How does the terrarium look now?

I made some changes, of curse! but im glad i did that. You will se tomorrow wy i cut the cracks so wide and deep, i need much place for cement. I did also lower the stone parts because i dont want the water so deep, this is still more a terraristik setup.

Without the change this would hade end upp lika a cement lump:D
That's amazing work!! I can't wait to try! I have tried so many times to make great rock features but they end up heavy(real rocks) or clunky(foam). But I would like to try this to generate backgrounds and waterfalls. Thanks for all your info. Are you finished yet? How does the terrarium look now?

Sorry forgoten to tell you some things. There is two layers of thin cement and Tapecrete blend on the foam at the picture, that is the concrete foundation so i wont cut down to the foam. After maybe two more i put a thick layer about 1cm that i need for sculpturing. Thats is wy i can get all stone structures. When the cement is starting to hardened it is time to work it up.


Here is the tools i use. The white is Tapecrete.
I have been following this project thread from the start. I cannot wait to see the finished project.

Thanks to Grius, I was able to locate and purchase some Tapecrete, and will be starting to finish up the seven unfinished projects I have laying about here.

I am so impressed with his work in this thread! I am humbled by the skill of this craftsman!

Thank you for such detailed posting!

Great! so you did find it at last, how much did you order if i may ask? when painting you wont need much at all but some may go to the concrete/cement blending, but not much there either hehe.

Your welcome SludgeMonkey.
The price was obscene, however I got 5 gallons of the polymer, so I can mix my own in any amount with whichever concrete or grout I choose. It cost me about 130 USD, but there is enough so I can experiment and practice a bit with it.

Thank you again for inspiring me to make my own projects even better!
The price was obscene, however I got 5 gallons of the polymer, so I can mix my own in any amount with whichever concrete or grout I choose. It cost me about 130 USD, but there is enough so I can experiment and practice a bit with it.

Thank you again for inspiring me to make my own projects even better!

I gave around 55 euro for my 3L and picked it upp from the faux stone firm personally. How big is your projects? well it is good to have Tapecrete home if not;) no, i should go back to work and put the 2last layers so i can start with the finish tomorrow. Then its just painting left. woohoo.

The largest 1828mm X 914mm X 762mm. There is a few custom furniture pieces I have been working on too: a coffee table and matching end tables that are also palaudiums. The smallest project is a 20 US gallon long tank for my daughter's snake once it grows larger.
The largest 1828mm X 914mm X 762mm. There is a few custom furniture pieces I have been working on too: a coffee table and matching end tables that are also palaudiums. The smallest project is a 20 US gallon long tank for my daughter's snake once it grows larger.

Thats a large vivarium! you will need all Tapecrete you can find then. Please post all this in a thread later, sounds like interesting constructions! what snake species does she have?
All those corn morphs, its the same with leopard geckos, i have no idea how many there is nowdays hehe.
Today I did a part of the hole landscape, when all is done it will look better i think and hope:) No paint yet.





The only thing left is painting, after that all the stone parts are finished! at last..I will wait untill tomorrow because the cement is not 100% dry yet.

I am satesfied whit most parts but some i wish i hade done better.





I thougth it would be a good idea to blend sand an epotex aquariumseling to get a good sand ground bottom. But i actually want lose sand to make it look natural, well i will see how that ends up.

And here is the backside stone part, not the best but will absolutly do.

More will come soon:blob:
For me its hard to belive its NOT real stone. It looks very real! You are very talanted at this. it must be very convinient to be able to "form stone" just like you want it. Keep up the good work my friend. Fredrik
For me its hard to belive its NOT real stone. It looks very real! You are very talanted at this. it must be very convinient to be able to "form stone" just like you want it. Keep up the good work my friend. Fredrik

I have learn much from this building, paintning and to get a good stone structure and what i can make diferent to next bakground/stone for better result. Unfortnately i ruined the other two big stones, totally wrong painting.
Maybe a more dark grey stone colour would had been better for this tank, and im thinking if some little darker parts should be a good idea, but i dont know yet.




This pictures are from yesterday and now the surface is much more dull and look better, even if you only stand 10cm from the parts. So im very satisfied with the colouring. The waterpart in the last photo is not that bright, it have colour silmilar to the lose stones.

Also thanks to the warm weather (that probably would have killed my marms:eek:) i had to find a solution, and that was quite easy. The tiger have a ok temp from 20-21 to 17 deegre at night.


Hi, and sorry for the fast update again, but i just want you to see the paint surface, it looks pretty good.



I am very sorry for this photo terror, but i need some opinions about colours.

The last thing i want is that my stones+moss look like a train landscape building, if you know what i mean with that. To light stones, and to sharp contrast with moss allways look to artificial.

So please give me som advice.



Personally, I think it looks fabulous right now. But I bet it will look even more fabulous once the moss starts growing onto the rocks (along with algae and other things). So I wouldn't be worried about the 'model train' look ;)
Well you probably right hehe, it is hard to see before i have glued all cocos, and start to build upp with plants and all that stuff. But as you said it is just to whait untill moss and algera start to growing.

I feel quite corny, but i have worked with this a looong time now, so i want a good result.

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