Question: Straw Poll: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

What temperature is your tank?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Out of pure curiosity I'd just like people to vote what temperature there tank is currently.

I think it will be interesting in knowing what the average temperature people manage to keep their Axies at.

Celcius Fahrenheit

15 59.0
16 60.8
17 62.6
18 64.4
19 66.2
20 68.0
21 69.8
22 71.6
23 73.4
24 75.2
25 77.0
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Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

During the winter months I had no problem maintaining 17degree , in the last month or so I have been struggling to keep at 20-21, sometimes dropping to 18-19 during the night although without using ice bottles, fans etc the temp would be more like 24-25...with chiller I think I will set the chiller at 17.

Also if it is possible to edit you should also include Fahrenheit as well as degree in the poll, most international users on here will know that better...
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Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Seeing as we live in Toowoomba, Queensland in winter our tank temp can sit at 9 degrees so we bring it up to 13/14 with a heater. In Summer it's the ice bottle trick to keep the temp at 18, otherwise we would be stiting at 23/24 degrees(always cold in this town)
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Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Hi everyone. My tank is at 19c at the moment. I have a couple of fans over it which brought it down from 23c.
It's a 6ft tank which I got my 4 baby axolotls in, hopefully they are happy in that temp :D
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Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

My tank is 21 degrees at the moment, but having just read a few forums, I have popped two camping freezer blocks(the ones to keep the beers cool!) in the freezer, so that I can alternate them to cool my tank down. I am also in the process of a 20% water change that should also cool it a little bit! I'm going to go get some sand to line my tank instead of my set up as I have rocks galore!, to make it more manageable and healthier.
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Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Yay for owning a Chiller haha!
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Yay for owning a Chiller haha!

Indeed Blaze, you and stolleman have the coldest Axolotl water in the world (or in this small pole lol).

/me thinks when I upgrade to a larger tank in the future, I may go the whole hog with chiller etc, would take a lot of the worry out of keeping these critters.

With global warming as it is, give it a few more years and we'll be in the 40's here in the UK.
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Very worth the money :)
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Indeed Blaze, you and stolleman have the coldest Axolotl water in the world (or in this small pole lol).

It has been ridiculously cold in Adelaide over the last few weeks... Record breaking cold spell apparently.

In this weather I don't even have the chiller or the fans running. It's been great for the axolotls, but the guppies have stopped breeding :(
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

I've voted 18-19 in the spirit of the poll as that is the temperature of my main tank. It's the hottest my tanks have ever been, I usually manage the low teens in a cellar but the door has been open and it has warmed up.

My anti-heat measures in the first instance will be to cut the lights as tomorrow may very hot though probably not in this bit of the country. I've a couple of ice bottles frozen but do not intend to use them yet.
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

very glad I invested in a chiller, was having trouble keeping the temperature down to acceptable levels in March when I got the axolotl's. Its set at 17 degrees celcius, and it was that warm the other day the tank steamed up lol, covered in condensation.
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

can I change my vote to 16-17!

I love my chiller
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

our main tank for the last week has been 13 degrees n we had to put a heater in with our clutch of eggs to bring there temp bck to a nice 18
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Temp tends to be around 20C, in the room I have them in (all of my amphibians.) So it's pretty easy to keep them around 18-19C.
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

I have actually had to add tank heaters in my new critter room! Discovered that without them my tanks drop to 55F. Needless to say I have to change my air conditioning duct work this week or all I will have this winter is popsicles shaped like caudata.
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

where can I get a chiller from? the only ones on ebay are massive and are £250 :(
I pick my axolotls up next week and the tanks still sat at 22c thats with a 16" desk fan propped up blowing into it, ive even tried an ice bottle and its not bringing it down. its got 50ltrs of water in it at the moment but I need to take some of that out (water level too high)
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

My tank is a lovely 16c :)
Even being next to a window, the highest temp I've ever got was 17. It's usually 15-17. Very good.
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Last I knew it was not quite 19, which is what it tends to hover around in the basement in the day in the summertime when I don't have the fan on. It might have gotten down almost to 16 last night, though.
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Thank god the summers pretty much over, today is the first time my tank has dropped below 20 degrees since june/july time! Hopefully the temp will just keep going down over the next few weeks!
Re: Straw Pole: What temperature is your Axolotl tank right now? (or whenever you left the house?)

Well...I would love to tell you but my tank's thermometer has stopped working right now, but whenever i put my hand in the tank is really is good our temp here doesn't get too hot in summer or too cold in winter.
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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1