slowfoot: "You used the word 'obsessed', I didn't."
You don't really read things do you? I used the word 'obsessed' with regard to the blanket non-mixers that I've encountered. I never used that word with regard to myself as you accused me of. First, you put words in my mouth, then you back pedal to hide your error. Now re-read my original post and prove me wrong. Go ahead, do it.
I will answer your more substantive question though. I've always seen terrariums as little slices of nature, a mini-world if you will. To me, it's not just an enclosure that serves the animals but an aesthetic statement unto itself. To that end, I've always, to the best of my abilities, tried to design them to reflect that, a kind of natural synergy within an artificial environment. So, in stocking the flora, I go for variety, in stocking the fauna, I try to go for variety as much as possible keeping in mind the needs of both the creatures and the plants that I would put together and yes, there are combinations that work some of which I have highlighted. The short answer: it's an aesthetic choice.
kwksand:"Malduroque, I hope you'll agree that since so few species combinations offer the slight possibility of success, it is prudent to advise novice amphibian keepers to stick with single species tanks. It simply averts one more challenge that awaits the newbies, and in the long run, increases their chances for success."
Well, I can't disagree with anything you've said and one thing you fine folks at caudates have caused me to shift my opinion a little on is encouraging newbies to mix species. I'll still fight that hard-line of 'no, no, never, never', and I'm not fond of obfuscating the truth with horror stories, but I will concede that it may be for the best. In short, I can agree with some of the sentiment I just am a bit uneasy with the methods. Tnen again, wouldn't it be fair to tell them the following combinations have worked and the degree of difficulty in making it work?? It is a tough one.
Jennewt:"Based on your other posts, I guess you'll find something to nitpick in what I've said. Something that proves that I'm just a young wippersnapper who ought to stay under a rock somewhere and keep my anecdotes and opinions to myself. Have at it!"
Why Jen, you're much too sensitive and no I don't believe that you live under a rock, in fact I'm quite sure that you're fully diurnal. My main beef is not what posters have said here, I was reacting to the monster, chiller, horror page 'Species mixing disasters' that is on this site and yes, I've run across too many 'everybody knows that you NEVER mix species" types in my cyber-travels. All I did was point out that statement is not completely true, with real world examples. I really have no problems with those who have thought this issue through and have decided to go all mono-species, it's just those 'nope, never, case closed. I've been herping 3 weeks, and someone told me on a website' types who strike me as kool aid drinkers.
It reminds me of those anti-drug campaigns I used to see in the 60's and early 70's. They had enough ammunition with the actual truth to warn about the perils of drug abuse, but no, they insisted on sensationalism, hyperbole, and half to non-truths. Scare tactics and an insult to the intelligence. (and no. I'm not equating species mixing to taking drugs. Barking Tree frogs anyone?)
Oh, and Jen FWIW at least I can say that when I started with herps you were not just a fertilized egg, you were ambulatory and just entering the potty training stage.