Photo: New HUGE tank & build, stay tuned!

I'm loving your tank. I think I want to live there but I think Ill need the water temp up a bit:p. They do make you wonder how they would survive if they didnt live with us humans to watch over them.
LOL yep a bit too cold in there for me too.
I suspect Fast would be on the short list for a Darwin Award if left to his own devices :rolleyes:

oooh on the upside the new filter and air pump arrived yesterday YAY. I didn't get to put them in I was sick in bed all day :( but you you can't hear the filter running at all which is a good thing since it's in out main lounge room ;) the air pump is really quite for an air pump. It would probably be quieter if it was sitting on the carpet rather than the wooden shelf but I can turn that off if we want too without too many dramas. :happy:
I can see some of the mosses moving ever so gently now to so the upgrade was absolutely the best way to go.
Aw, I hope you feel better soon!
Your tank looks really good and your axies are just stunning :D
Have convinced the other half that a similar tank to yours is the way to go too, thank you so much for the inspiration :happy:
Aw, I hope you feel better soon!
Your tank looks really good and your axies are just stunning :D
Have convinced the other half that a similar tank to yours is the way to go too, thank you so much for the inspiration :happy:
Aww thank you.
hahaha Well done :happy: Happy to be of some assistance.
Hey MereB just wondering with your underground filter, where are hte pipes and stuff from it? of how did u get around having big pipes sticking up ?

Hey MereB just wondering with your underground filter, where are hte pipes and stuff from it? of how did u get around having big pipes sticking up ?

There are pipes sticking up. One is right smack bang in the middle of the tank at the back and clearly visible in the pics I believe. That's the one going into the UG filter base and the other (intake), as I've said on several occasions, is in the corner behind the house.
The tube for the bubble river is held in place by airpipe suction cups directly behind the huge pipe in the center of the tank.

There really isn't any way to avoid having pipes/tubes coming to the surface somewhere it's really more a question of hiding them in the final design. The one in the middle of the tank for example will be well hidden behind a nice bit of driftwood and a heap of taller stem plants the other is quite well hidden in it's corner by the house.
Since you have such permanent (and heavy) fixtures in your tank, how do you plan on checking for axie mess everywhere? Aren't you worried you'll miss some and the water will fowl? Or will the large number of plants ensure the quality stays fine even if the occasional bit of mess is missed? Just curious.. LOVE the set-up and the axies, very cute!
I'm curious to that answer too Aimzs :)
Also, just wondering, with me getting a new tank soon I would love a planted one but any plants I get are always destroyed so quickly by my little monsters that I'm just wasting my money. I have a few elodea left but they are just floating around the top of the tank doing nothing.... Would the best way to establish a planted tank be to set it up and allow the plants time to do their thing so to speak before introducing any axies? I would love to have something similar to what yours is looking like Mere and I do try but I swear as soon as I leave the room it's a case of 'ignoring me eh? not feeding me? fine! I'll kill your plants!' (imagine a dog with a tug toy, now change it to an axie with some pretty plants :p)
Hello, hope you are feeling better now :)
May I pick your brain please? I set up a half version of the reverse filter in my 4ft to work out the logistics, the axies seemed fine with it except they seemed to gulp the surface a bit more often than usual. So I'm guessing it's essential to have an air pump of sorts in the tank? Which one did you go for? It seems there are limited amounts for such a large volume of water. I've just got a tetratec ex1200 to filter the tank, that I presume will be suitable. Would it be better to run my fluval 304 as well, perhaps using it to break the surface? I think you've covered the dead spot bit so will re re read again. Apologies if this doesn't make sense! Thank you :eek:
This is all in bullet points at the bottom for anyone who has a grasp of tank and filter dynamics etc is short on time or who just couldn't be bothered reading the detailed answer. ;)

Once it's fully cycled and the new filter is home to it's full compliment of bacteria I won't be at all concerned really. Right now were into the disgusting brown algal bloom watch the ammonia closely stage of the cycle - YUCK!
There are a few reasons why I'm not worried about it.
Mostly it's is because the tank and more specifically the filter will never be pushed to it's maximum capacity/capability. It's called the bioload and there is ample filtration and surface area within the canister filter alone to cope with the ammonia produced by 9 -10 axies a few guppies and a colony of cherry shrimp and their poop/food scraps even without spot cleaning and then I have the added bacteria laden bioballs within the hill that will also add to the capabilities of the tank to complete the nitrogen cycle. It now has a 2000L/hour filter on it and because it's all pumped down into the hill I have almost no water disturbance to stress the axies. The tanks construction makes such a large filter possible. I don't think I could run it in the conventional way with a spray bar straight into the tank it would simply cause too much flow for an axie.

What it all boils down to is this. In a fully cycled tank with adequate filtration you should never really see ammonia or nitrite unless there is some sort of catastrophe like your 3 year old dumping a whole canister of fish food flake into the tank :rolleyes: or an animal dying and going undiscovered for a short time OR the rapid addition of more animals. This last one obviously is only an issue for the short time it takes for the bacteria to increase in numbers again to cope with the new load but it is worth being aware of.
If your tank fully is cycled and you still get ammonia then you need a bigger filter as the one you have is simply not big enough, it lacks sufficient internal surface area to host the bacteria needed to cope with the tanks bioload. You'd need to find a way to increase it's filtration power, reduce the bioload OR get a bigger filter.

So if you don't get ammonia and Nitrite in the tank your only real problem is Nitrate which is readily used by the plants. The more plants you have the more of the Nitrate they will use and this tank will have a LOT of plants when it's all finished growing.

Now all that said the sand is still going to get dirty and it will still need cleaning which will mean fairly regular water changes which will also help to keep Nitrate well under control.

That is also a whole lot of water for the odd missed axie poop to pollute so the sheer size of the tank will also play an important role but the shrimp and guppies in the tank will show signs of a problem before the levels are high enough to hurt the axies giving me valuable time to locate the problem and take appropriate action to rectify it.
Last but not least I have a brand new master test kit I bought today that needs to be opened and used by the end of 2014 and I plan to get my monies worth out of it so will test regularly.

And as promised for those who couldn't be bothered reading all that ;)
* More than adequate biological filtration once fully cycled
* Huge numbers of live plants
* Regular cleaning and resulting water changes
* Large water volume to buffer against any missed ammonia sources.
* Weekly to fortnightly water testing
* The early warning ammonia/nitrite detection system. ie. the guppies, Cherry shrimp and glass shrimp in the tank will show signs of water problems well before they reach levels that would affect the axies. :happy:
I'm curious to that answer too Aimzs :)
Also, just wondering, with me getting a new tank soon I would love a planted one but any plants I get are always destroyed so quickly by my little monsters that I'm just wasting my money. I have a few elodea left but they are just floating around the top of the tank doing nothing.... Would the best way to establish a planted tank be to set it up and allow the plants time to do their thing so to speak before introducing any axies? I would love to have something similar to what yours is looking like Mere and I do try but I swear as soon as I leave the room it's a case of 'ignoring me eh? not feeding me? fine! I'll kill your plants!' (imagine a dog with a tug toy, now change it to an axie with some pretty plants :p)
Well some people do call them water dogs after all ;)
It's usually a good idea to give the plants time to do their thing if you can. The 4-6 weeks it takes to cycle is great for this but it's just as important to have them in something that they can get their roots into and half an inch covering of sand just isn't going to cut it it needs to be deeper. It also depends on just what they are doing to destroy them and what you can do to discourage them. If they dislodge them while walking around the edges you can obviously just avoid planting anything around the edges but if they are really just tearing them apart for the heck of it then I'm not sure what you can do about it. I image they would have a somewhat more difficult time destroying Javamoss that had been tied onto a rock with a heap of fine fishing line though. Do they have plastic plants? Maybe use plastic to get them used to their presence and then slowly swap them for the real thing once they lose interest in killing them. Wish I could be more help but I really have little experience with purely destructive axies :sad: You never know if the plants are in the tank when they get there it's possible they will see them as part of the tank and not something they can or want to destroy.
The only plant I have ever had destroyed was a lettuce looking thing that grows much like mosses do attached to things and that was because my adults liked to eat that particular plant :rolleyes:

Hello, hope you are feeling better now :)
May I pick your brain please? I set up a half version of the reverse filter in my 4ft to work out the logistics, the axies seemed fine with it except they seemed to gulp the surface a bit more often than usual. So I'm guessing it's essential to have an air pump of sorts in the tank? Which one did you go for? It seems there are limited amounts for such a large volume of water. I've just got a tetratec ex1200 to filter the tank, that I presume will be suitable. Would it be better to run my fluval 304 as well, perhaps using it to break the surface? I think you've covered the dead spot bit so will re re read again. Apologies if this doesn't make sense! Thank you :eek:
Almost over this almost 3 week string of bugs thanks :happy:
An airstone is not essential and I added mine because the pellets I have leave a nasty oil film on the surface that worries me a little but it's always a good idea to break the surface if you can.
I just added a little air pump, think it was 2L/min or something like that but it's off most of the time because I don't like the water movement the large bubbles coming out of the bubble river created as they hit the unbroken surface so I'm going to add an airstone at the end of the river to see if that helps at all. I'm still doing the usual cycling water changes so it hasn't really been a huge issue just yet.

The 1200 should do the job just fine. It may take some time for you axies to adjust to the new setup and get used to the new oxygen levels in the tank which they should do fairly quickly but it you're worried at all then chuck in the airstone. If you want to get more oxygen in the water you could always add more live plants as well.
Last but not least less oxygen in the water is not the only cause for increased surface time. If you've stripped/emptied the tank to add the new filter system or if it's a new filter or if it was turned off for a while you may be in the middle of a little cycle and increased ammonia would certainly cause increased gulping at the surface so you might want to check your levels to rule it out if you haven't already just in case.
I think I'll let the plants settle in for a month or two while the tank cycles then :) Add a couple of shrimp and maybe some fish is pennies allow. They had loads of plastic plants, Scylla eats them as well.... My leucies and little golden seem happy in them but the 2 wilds? Fiends! They are the only two that stalk me as well, the golden will swim up to let me know s/he is there and the leucies watch from a distance. Maybe I'll leave the wilds in with fake plants then lol thanks though! I was thinking of a java moss carpet sandwiched between mesh, I guess I wouldn't have any luck with plants taking to that?
Yer i knew about the spray bar under the bio balls, i am doing that idea :p but for some reason i must have missed the UGF in the middle of the tank haha but yes i was also planning on hiding it with some stem plants :)

sounds good, i am also putting some rocks in there for added bio like i think you have as well but they are also ones that are beneficial for plant growth so that will double as plant help and filtration :)
Just wanted to say that your tank set-up looks amazing! Well done.
Some really dedicated Axie owners out there - only hope I can someday provide an equally awesome habitat for mine :happy: (When I have more money & time I hope to! lol)
Really lovely a big well done to you!

All i can say is i hope axies appreciate the beautifulness and dont destroy it like mine do haha! :D

Lovely axies by the way, if i knew where you lived id nick em :D
Good luck Star :happy:

It's been a little while so thought some more pics were in order. SO what's changed?
Well yesterday it got a good clean to remove the brown algae that had accumulated on the back glass and then I added a heap of hairgrass, liliopsis a few pygmy chain swords and a couple of Nile queen swords and one massive Felix Sword in the back right corner
I FINALLY found a bit of drift wood that fit the criteria I had and it's finally waterlogged so that's in there too. It was sterilized but it's still covered in a gross opaque slime that should resolve itself once it's all settled.
The moss obviously has grown a little in the last couple of weeks and so far it all see happy where it is and is putting out new growth.
The axies seem to be loving their tank. They've all managed to find a HEAP of spaces between rocks etc. that they love to hang out in. Some they will grow too big to use but others will be fine well into adulthood.
OK Pics and I do apologize if they are too huge.
The 'log'

How the house's corner is looking

Tank shot.
Forgot to add that we had a loss last week :sad: Spaghetti O didn't make it :( I thought that given his obvious deformity that he may have had other issues which is why it didn't seem right to sell him and it would seem that was the case. He was fine that morning and dead by dinner time with no signs of trauma so the other axies didn't hurt him and no fungus or other disease visible. He was a little swollen but that could have been from being dead in the tank for a couple of hours or a symptom of whatever killed him.
My middle son, Whesley, was devastated he's 6 and LOVES the axies and Spaghetti was one of his faves. He or she is currently in the freezer until little Whesley is ready to make a decision on what he'd like to do. Bury it or toss it :sad: Poor little thing.
Looking great mere. how do you feed all of your axis without any nips or fighting? I find that if I don't feed my axies out of sight of each other, they fight for the food.

On a side note, with all this rain we're having I'm finding heaps of worms out at night. Just last night I was at the vic park hotel for a 21st cocktail party, and after having a few too many Martinis I noted all the worms on the ground in the carpark as I was getting in the car with friends. Being as drunk as I was I blurted out "oh my god, my monsters would love it here"

Edit: I'm sorry for the loss of spaghetti O.
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