I am glad this little project is inspiring some of you to redecorate a little
Good luck convincing your mum Chris :happy:
Of course I have some more pics. Finally got around to adding more of the mosses to the remainder of the tank last night so here you go.
The middle section of the tank
Left side of the above section
Right side of the above
Right had end
Full length tank
The bubble river and the bridge that I'm not really happy with. It was supposed to be right up against the glass but it's too long so I will have to find an alternative that fit's the gap. The river's not quite sitting flat either so I'll fix all that when I find a new ornament.
I still need to add some more sword plants, hairgrass, liliopsis, water sprite and some other stem plants maybe some ambulia and of course I need to find some driftwood. Had a look at one store over the weekend and didn't find what I wanted but I will keep looking.
So that's where it is now.
I'm expecting the new filter late next week which should have given the bacteria a good chance to get into the hill's gravel and all over the tank so in theory I'll be able to just swap them over and wait a week or so to add the axies :happy:
REALLY excited to add them back but don't want to risk them getting squashed if a rock falls while I'm playing around with plants.
I'm thinking maybe I'll add the 5 babies into this tank and give them another 6 months to grow before I add Dillon Chrysta and Fish in (who will have moved into the babies current tank which was their original tank for those 6 months), so the Lucistic that I'm hoping will be moving in can go into the then empty axie safe tank in the back room for her 30 days quarantine YAY. I'd leave D,C and F in the tank they are picture in above but it's hubbys tank and he's trying to sell it so he needs it back asap.