Photo: New HUGE tank & build, stay tuned!

It starts...

We have a few of the bags of gravel in various sizes. Thank you Spotlight for having the mesh I needed at $4.00 a meter x 3.5m :D and I used about 50kg of the gravel in all which cost me $20. So, so far we're up to $34 :proud:

Hubby came though and we have HEAPS (20-30L) of bio-balls which float :rolleyes: and while the looked to be big enough to not be a swallowing hazard I didn't want to risk it so bagged them up as well. I didn't pay for these so my total stays the same. You could purchase some or omit them in favor of more rock or gravel but they add a lot of surface area to the inbuilt filter.

One Under gravel filter kit. I think this one worked out to cover just short of 2 square feet but you can go with whatever size would suit you. NOTE: Do NOT leave this thing out on the floor for 3 days where your children can get it. We spent a good half hour locating 2 missing pcs. of the base the adapter that the pipe goes into to attach it to the base and the pipes themselves :mad: This one was $25 which brings me up to $59

Some PVC Storm water pipe (90mm) cut into lengths with caps on one end that cost me $28 all up. Cant risk them pushing out behind the pipe and getting tangled in netting etc. Plus a few small holes drilled in the bottom of each pipe at the capped end to allow water to flow into it and flush out anything an axie might leave in there.
Plus one surprise that you will just have to wait to see ;) ($10.98) for a new total of $97.98

Other miscellaneous items I've needed that I forgot to take pics of :rolleyes:
From good old Bunnings or any good hardware superstore ~ A roll of 20mm silicone tubing for plumbing up the filter ($6). 1 straight length of 20mm silicone pipe to go into the base of the undergravel and up to the top of the tank ($4), 1 20kg bag of washed white sand from the cement/brickies section ($4.98) and finally from a local-ish landscape supplies place 30 larger bits of rock and another 20 smaller bits that they charged us $20 for. Not sure the washing I had to do after the 3 boys spent 15 mins playing in an enormous muddy puddle in the soils yard was quite worth it :confused: Bringing us finally to a total spend excluding the cost of the tank and filter rounded to the nearest dollar ~ $133 I do still need to find a couple of nice bits of driftwood and stock it with moss and plants.

On to the build... the next post :p
so so jelly mere. I'm not showing the pics of your new enormous tank build to Lance Alotl and Knuckles, I don't want them to get jelly too.

any hints on what the surprise is?

as for driftwood, it's always so hard finding a piece that you like. Aquotix always has lots of driftwood in stock, well they did when I was in a week ago.

as for the rocks, were did you obtain them? I have none whatsoever in our yard, when we moved into our house we had the lawns and gardens all torn up and all the topsoil removed, so as a result, I have nothing about to use in my tank, we don't even have a proper lawn yet!
so so jelly mere. I'm not showing the pics of your new enormous tank build to Lance Alotl and Knuckles, I don't want them to get jelly too.
:lol: just keep the screen turned away from their tank and you'll be fine ;)

Hehe no spoilers :D you will just have to wait and see what's hiding under the towel.

I hear ya on the driftwood. I rarely see stuff I like and I'm guessing finding just the right bits is going to take me quite some time. That's ok though since it's going to take quite some time for all the moss to grow anyway :rolleyes:

I can help you with the rocks though :p Don't feel too bad it's been 6 years since we had the paving put in and there is still a huge sand pit outside the back door, not helped by the enormous ficus that some idiot planted in the garden heaven only knows how long ago that shades the whole area :rolleyes:
The ones I got came from Little Loads of garden goodness in High Wycombe and they didn't have a lot really but I managed to find enough and hubby got some of that nice orange rock that has other darker rocks stuck in it.
Soils aint soils advertise on their website that they have what they call moss rock which I'm guessing used to be called bush rock in lots of different sizes but I didn't actually get to them to have a look.
If you want some very pretty rounded river rocks AE Garden supplies had a huge bag full of some really nice ones that had I not wanted the weather worn granite rock face look I would have totally gone for. It's right at the edge of the carpark (go left just inside the gate) so you don't even have to carry them far to the car :D Good sized rocks are so freaking hard to find in Perth since just about all the bushland around is national park or reserve or whatever and you can't just pick it up and take it away :(

Off to bed now. I'll post pics and instructions of what I did and how of the actual build so far tomorrow.

Can't you work FASTER, Meredyth? Sheesh.
Originally Posted by mewsie
Can't you work FASTER, Meredyth? Sheesh.
Couldn't have said it better myself, lol! :p
:rofl: ok, ok I'm going as fast as I can ;)

So having moved all 3 of my precious babies into their temporary accommodation for a little holiday. They are so cute and this is the perfect reminder of just why I am doing all this!!!!! That's Dillons butt and leg behind Chrystas head :rolleyes:

It was time to drain the tank and get all 70kg of that sand OUT again :eek: This is most easily done with a dustpan (no brush) that has a soft rubber edge ;)

You can just see the base of the under gravel filter floating at the top of the water. Can't for the life of me figure out why they made this thing out of a plastic that floats :rolleyes:

Once it's drained you will need to wrap the base of the filter with filter wool. This will act as the first stage of our filter and be the part that prevents larger particles from being sucked into or blown out of the filter. It's recommended that you reverse the flow of an under gravel filter every now and then to stop the build up of muck. It will also keep the sand from falling through and under the filter base should it get back there. This stuff can be expensive when bought from the pet/aquarium store BUT you will find that fabric stores will sell you bonded wadding by the meter for a fraction of the price. It's almost exactly the same thing and will save you a fortune!

Place the intake/outlet pipe into the filter base and then place the filter into the tank and into position.
You'll need to add your other intake pipe in the corner now as well before you go stacking things and discover you need to pull it apart again to get the pipe down into the corner :eek: All I did for this was take a 2 part spray bar (the one in the picture of the draining tank above) and drill the holes a little larger then placed a length to silicone pipe between the 2 pcs so it was long enough to run from the top to the bottom of the tank and slid it down into the back left corner. The idea is that while it will draw most of it's water from the pce of spraybar that is closest to the top and not obscured by anything it will also draw a small amount from the section of spraybar that is behind the hill keeping that corner of the tank from becoming stagnant since it doesn't have an under gravel filter under it. You could by all means add another under gravel filter there as well for the intake to pull through but it's not essential. If you stack it carefully you will be able to slide the intake pipe in and out to clean it.
Put the bag of Bioballs directly on top and then you're ready to start adding the bags of gravel, pipe hides and rocks until you're happy with how it all looks. Be warned that pea gravel is covered in clay and despite it having been washed before it was bagged, washed twice after it was bagged up and having left it our on the grass in the rain for a few days there was STILL a heap of clay on it and it will turn your water a lovely shade of orange. Don't be too worried once it's all settled the clay will stay in place and your water will be nice and clear again. You will stir it up if you move the gravel around again and will have to wait for it to settle again so make sure you're happy with it before you fill it with water.
The live plants when they eventually go in will absolutely LOVE this clay and should grow a little better for it being there.
Here we are about half way done.

Keep adding rocks and gravel...

I want the sand to look like it goes all the way up to the entrance of hide #2 (7 in total but I hope to add one or 2 more somehow) so I secured a piece of filter wool over the gravel to stop the sand going missing into the gravel.

So this is where we are right now. I've had to fill the tank so I could turn the filter back on before it died or I would have left it as above until I'd planted it out and attached all the moss. Now I will have to drain it to about half again for the next step :rolleyes: but when have I ever done things the easy way :lol:
The bones are now in place though and I have all the components of the new hill filter in place and starting to get covered in lovely bacteria that will be being pumped through it by the well cycled Aqua One CF-1200.
I have to say I am extremely happy with how well the filter is working. This pic was taken this morning and it's pretty good if you consider you couldn't even see the closest of the rocks after it was filled last night :cool:

Next steps
*Siphon out as much of the settled clay off the bare glass at the front as I can.
*Add the white sand which I left out so it didn't get covered in clay dust.
*Plant it out with all the stem plants and swords etc.
*Tie moss onto the rocks and stitch it onto the gravel bags
*Fertilise the new plants and kick up the light to get the plants off and growing as fast as possible while the tank settles for the final time, the bacteria gets established in the hills and while it's future residents are still in their holiday house.

and finally.....
Take a nice pic of that surprise in the corner when the water is clear again :D then all I can do is wait for everything to grow while I track down some drift wood.
It's looking really good, for some reason the pretty bow wont come off :confused:. Thank you for the indepth instructions, I will do the same when I get my monster tank, if that is ok? Will need to wait a while, my four foot makes my axies look tiny at the moment, that and the other half's sanity, lol! :lol:
It's looking really good, for some reason the pretty bow wont come off

I know, it's doing very well to be staying stuck on underwater eh?

Mere, this is looking incredible. I'm genuinely watching this thread obsessively.
as am I mew.

I plan on doing some axiescaping of my newer tank myself, but I need to find a source of rocks and some inspiration.

I'm planning to make my bowfront look like a lake-bed.


any chance of a clue as to what the surprise is?
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Thanks Guys. I'm quite pleased with how it's all coming together. Of course I can't wait till it's all finally finished and full grown. Hubby is going all green eyed monster on me already :lol:

Haha The bow is a sticker I put over the surprise after I uploaded it to tinypic. It's not in the tank and it won't come off ;) I'll show you what is under it soon enough.

Yes Chris it's a ornament of sorts :happy: and I LOVE the idea of a lake floor. I'll look forward to seeing that one come together.

I don't mind if you make your own version Pookie :happy: it's kind of why I'm posting the instructions :happy: so others can get ideas and copy all or part of it if they like it and maybe learn from any mistakes I make in the process.
Fair shake of the sauce bottle mere, is it axolotl related by any chance?

awwww don't worry Chris I'm hoping to get the plants sorted out in the next couple of days :happy: I'll put you out of your misery soon.
Its looking absolutely AMAZING!

Pssttt I aprove of your surprize, or at least what I can see of it ;) - being raised by a graphic designer means that I know where to look to catch a glimpse of it.
Pssttt I aprove of your surprize, or at least what I can see of it ;) - being raised by a graphic designer means that I know where to look to catch a glimpse of it.

Hmph! Was that in the rules?! Tried looking for reflections, but can't seem to see it. I guess I'll just have to do that waiting thing still, never been any good at that..... is it time yet? :bowl:
Not long now. I've added the sand tonight having sucked all the clay dust off the glass.
I'm getting the plants sorted for that corner and will add them tomorrow night so another 24 hours and, assuming the water is still fairly clear, I will post it for you and tell you all about it.

Now now Jossie no peeking :lol: hmmmm note to self make sure to edit any future surprises to graphic designer standard and not be lazy and just use the image host's stickers. Just as well I have those skills :D Fortunately there's a little more to it than just what is behind the sticker.

Night all.
OK as promised and before Chris calls out the lynching party ;)

I've managed to get that left corner more or less done even with 3 very sick kiddos all day.


The house on the hill :lol:
OK so an explanation of just why it's so awesome.
You remember that Piece of T pipe from a few posts ago well it's under the house so they can crawl into the pipe and then up into the house and out the windows or the other way around if they want to.

And the whole corner for good measure.

Going to give what I've done a few days to settle and for my body to recover from being up a stepladder and hanging over the edge of a tank before I do any more.

So what do you all think so far?

For anyone who's wondering the sword right at the back is an Oriental sword plant, the moss around the house and in front of the pipe entrance is Java moss. On the rock to the right is Christmas moss. The big sword in front of the house is a true amazon sword. The moss on the rock front left is Willow Moss and last but not least the little grassy plant in the sand is Liliopsis.

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