I appreciate the interest and also happen to think that a dedicated worm farm is a great idea for a reliable quality live food source. (Assuming you have somewhere to dump all those worm castings).
But again, as an actual horticulturist, I think it is worth pointing out that if you are worried about pathogens and strict quarantine procedure even a contained indoor worm farm fed on household organic waste is not exactly a truly safe pathogen free sterile environment. Especially if you are concerned specifically about fungus in particular.
It's nice, it's useful, it's probably more than adequate, it may even be relatively clean in some respects (though actually slightly more risky in others). But it isn't the same thing as a sterile quarantine, not by a very large margin.
But again, as an actual horticulturist, I think it is worth pointing out that if you are worried about pathogens and strict quarantine procedure even a contained indoor worm farm fed on household organic waste is not exactly a truly safe pathogen free sterile environment. Especially if you are concerned specifically about fungus in particular.
It's nice, it's useful, it's probably more than adequate, it may even be relatively clean in some respects (though actually slightly more risky in others). But it isn't the same thing as a sterile quarantine, not by a very large margin.