
Ooh I hope mine hatch soon then! :D Still got some developing and one or two mutated ones that seem to be trying to develop :s
Ooh I hope mine hatch soon then! :D Still got some developing and one or two mutated ones that seem to be trying to develop :s

Sounds like most of mine. The 1s that developed in the axie tank put the others to shame! They look more axolotl-ish! I've still got some that are only just past the tulip stage, but are still developing nicely!
There are now 2 little axies swimming around freely - 1 light + 1 darker, though still lighter than most of the others :D
Had one little dark one hatch, accidentally helped him along :( Hope he's OK! tried to clean the water a bit (few dead daphnia) and accidentally sucked him up into the baster! He then started wiggling and hatched out
All 13 of my babies hatched between friday night and saturday afternoon, and the colour difference is really rather noticeable. 6 really dark, 7 a lot lighter, Memojo has seen them and can vouch that they're all alive and well XD
Awww congratulations guys :happy: Your stripy little guy looks to be a little wild type :happy: it's very cute.
Eggs + larvae on 03/04/11 -


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And, after some lovely people came round to fetch 25 eggs earlier today, I now only have about 35 possible hatchees left :D
Still only 2 hatched so far, so here are the photos of the remaining eggs + the 2 hatched larvae, on 04/04/11 -


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Looks like I have the same as you, a little wildtype and a little golden albino so far :D there's 2 that are just getting out of the tulip stage now and one that looks developed other than a massive swollen tummy :) ooh it's exciting, promised my sister a golden earlier for her birthday if she behaves lol
also, they dont seem to be going for the daphnia just yet, is that normal?
bear in mind they were all born between 10pm friday and 5pm saturday (gmt) and its now 2am tuesday....
also, they dont seem to be going for the daphnia just yet, is that normal?
bear in mind they were all born between 10pm friday and 5pm saturday (gmt) and its now 2am tuesday....

Have you got your brine shrimp going? I keep peering at mine (now up to 2 wild-types + 1 golden this morning) + actually saw the golden grab a daphnia a little while ago, but it was spat out again, so maybe a little too big. I think they have munched the smaller 1s, but can't be sure of it. I gave you the smallest daphnia, since you needed them more than me, but maybe they've grown now?
I'm expecting some more TINY daphnia + eggs (hopefully) tomorrow, so you can come raid some of them when they arrive if you haven't got your brine shrimp up 'n' running ;)
I didn't see mine really eating for the first few days then it was all they seemed to do. You could just be missing it or you might need to put more daphnia in. I just whack a load of big ones in, they breed and the little larvae are happy as Larry. If they aren't eating I think they get noticeable air bubbles
ooo just found the cable for my blackberry, so i can finally post some piccies :D

first, the eggs and newborns...


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and now for mah babies at 3 days old :D


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My babies are doing well :) Out of the 14 eggs I have 8 larvae :) 2 didn't hatch and the other 4 were deformed and didn't make it. They've traveled across the country with me and are doing fine :D Got 3x wildtypes, 4x golden albinos and what looks like a white albino :) They have insatiable appetites though but seem very happy! The egg from another batch that I had is now about an inch and a quarter long, has fully formed front legs and is getting his back legs :) The babies from Mojo's batch are just getting their front legs and I have had to move a wildtype out onto his own as he is double the size of the others!
Meh! I have NOT been successful. I had plenty of hatchees, but they were all rather small, except 2 that came from eggs developed in the axolotl tank + these 2 seemed a lot better formed than the others. I then had a daphnia drought (though someone nearby who had eggs from me popped round with some brine shrimp, then daphnia, so I don't think they were starved)
I am now down to only 2 larvae (1 wild type + 1 golden, which has front limb buds) that were better formed from the start.
I'm trying to convince myself that I didn't do anything wrong + that it's because I selected the better formed / further progressed eggs each time I rehomed, so I was effectively left with the runts.
The local person (not Raziela) reports that theirs are doing great, but apart from here, I haven't heard from anyone else.
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