
Meh! I have NOT been successful. I had plenty of hatchees, but they were all rather small, except 2 that came from eggs developed in the axolotl tank + these 2 seemed a lot better formed than the others. I then had a daphnia drought (though someone nearby who had eggs from me popped round with some brine shrimp, then daphnia, so I don't think they were starved)
I am now down to only 2 larvae (1 wild type + 1 golden, which has front limb buds) that were better formed from the start.
I'm trying to convince myself that I didn't do anything wrong + that it's because I selected the better formed / further progressed eggs each time I rehomed, so I was effectively left with the runts.
The local person (not Raziela) reports that theirs are doing great, but apart from here, I haven't heard from anyone else.

Hard malarky this egg raising huh :( I gave away a good 35 of my larvae and I think only one girl has hers (minus 1) left :( out of the 24 I kept I am down to 11. I think 3 of those recently were down to food due to 2 non deliveries and my cultures just not working out (i hate these stupid daphnia and brine shrimp things driving me nuts)!!! so anyway basically just to say dont stress it is nature and I know apart from the food thing I have been looking after my guys right t is just sad and sometimes they just go, doesn;t make it any easier especially as I lost my only dark one saturday was really p*ssed about that one :mad: xx
POOP!!! Lost my remaining 2 over night :(:(:(
On the plus side, I'm doing REALLY well building up my friend's stunted growth / mutilated axies - the wildtype is growing her leg back (I'm fairly darn sure it's a girl, as she's very plump now) + although I haven't measured them, but I think all 3 have grown ;) I think I can safely say 1 of them is a boy, because despite all having a good appetite now, he's very slim. And, as for the other, it can go rather plump (did to begin with, when I was feeding them twice daily by pipette), but is currently somewhere in between the other 2. It's swollen back leg (which looked terrible) is no longer swollen + looks like it will be functional (which I never thought would happen, as it was in such a state!), but it doen't look like the other back leg is regenerating.

Keep me informed on the babies please guys (mine + the others who were laid at the same time!) :happy:
Awwwww I'm so sorry to hear that Mojo :(
My guys first lot was about 200 eggs and only one even hatched :( I was absolutely amazed that he survived. 2nd batch 6 months later and 165 hatched and of those 90 made it to juvie stage when I started selling them so there is hope if you want to try it again with the next batch. You did everything so well, pleas don't feel like it was your fault sometimes they just don't make it. One of the primary reasons they lay so many at once I suspect.

3rd batch was laid 2 months after the 2nd and I've lost all but four of the 321 eggs that looked good to hatch. Then my moron axies laid again 3 weeks after the 3rd lot but I left those in the tank and they were eaten at the week and a half mark just after they started wiggling.

Hang in there you did everything you could.
I want to try again, but with both goldens, since that seems to be what everyone wants, but it's a no-no - every time I contemplate it, I give myself a mental slap + remind myself that they're siblings ;)
So everyone up your way's after goldies? Down here it's all leucistics, and I was incredibly lucky to get Peta (he only sold her coz he knows me) thanks to the ever increasing demand for them (Now all his leucistics are being kept as breeding stock).
Aww :( Sorry to hear that.

Re: breeding, you could get yourself another golden from a different source :) :p
I originally wanted a leucy - they're my favourite, but in the end I went for what I could get at the time + got an amazing bargain ;)
Going to get some leucy babies (4-5cm) this week too - yay!!!
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