
How warm are you keeping them?
Er.... I'm not :eek: You made me start wondering then!
Figured they'd need similar temperatures to other axies. Bit pathetic if an animal lays eggs that can't survive in the same environment!!!
They're in my kitchen. Not THE coolest room in my house (that's the back room, where my isolated golden girl is, but I don't have any more room in there), but probably the 2nd coldest room. And, since I've been trying to keep the golden girl cool, as well as having the radiator turned off in that room, I've been trying to let the rest of the house be cooler too, so the heat from the rest of the house doesn't keep it too warm in there.
Dredging my memory, don't they hatch sooner if kept warmer (not too warm, obviously!) ? :confused:
They do. Being cooler will slow their development a little.

I wouldn't sweat it yet. Give it a couple of days before you start thinking doomsday.
They look fine, you can tell when the eggs go bad becuase they turn white and cloudy inside. Best to just keep them cool and let them them develop slowly, turning up the heat will likely cause problems and weak hatchlings .What are you planing to feed them once the hatch?
YAY congrats. Don't count them out yet.
This is my favorite egg development series :happy: has a little more detail and more pics than's series.
Keep us posted, I'd love to watch them develop.
Okay, so quite a few are now begiining to look different. They are more enlongated (oval / egg shaped, rather than how they look in Photo 4 of the Embyro Log. In fact, I can see a darker "Y" clearly on those ones (unfortunately, my camera isn't good enough to do close ups without blurring, so I can't show everyone) + they REALLY remind me of an unopened tulip bud :D

And, I wasn't suggesting I'd turn the heat up - just wondered if maybe the 1s in the Log had been raised in a warmer environment, meaning they would develop quicker than mine (if my memory was correct)

Now for the photo of the eggs on 23/03/11 -


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Oh, and as for food - I'm guessing BBS since they seem to be most recommended. I'm kind of scared of that part, as I bought eggs off eBay before getting my guys + although 95% hatched, they all died. I didn't rinse them though, as I didn't know about it, so I just tried to syphon up as little of the water as possible, with a TINY pipette as my mind did realise that the salt water wouldn't be a good thing :(
And, with today agreeing to foster my friends corn snakes + her axolotls, until they find new homes, I'm running out of space, LoL!
I'm going to order a set up on Friday (although I have got an unused Sea Monkey set up - are they the same thing? If so, I might use that!)
I told you so! ;) I suppose tulips are more universally appealing than tacos.

As for the brine shrimp, it's probably because you didn't rinse them.

Have you considered daphnia? I only used brine shrimp once, and it was a pain in the butt. I used daphnia on every batch I had.
YAY congrats. Don't count them out yet.
This is my favorite egg development series :happy: has a little more detail and more pics than's series.
Keep us posted, I'd love to watch them develop.

Really? :eek: I'd love to be ablle to do close up shots like on the Embryo Photo Log :eek:
I guess hearing about daphnia being too big has spooked me a bit too. Are they easy to culture? Are they the 1s that will survive in the water with hatchlings?

I just love the way the eggs are little Yin Yangs at the moment + I've been trying to decide what parts the "Y" could represent. I'm wondering if it's back end + tail. I'd LOVE to be able to show you what I mean!! :(
They're pretty easy to culture. The less you mess with the culture, the better it seems to do. Yes, they are aquatic and will live (and sometimes give birth) in the water with larvae. When I've had to leave for a couple days, I've put pregnant females (too big for newly hatchec larvae, but not for long!) in the water with the larvae, and they eat the little daphnia as they are born.

The Y will become the head and spine.

Does your camera have a 'macro' function? This is usually designated by a little flower. Also, I've had mixed results with rigging a magnifying glass to the front of my camera, right up against the lens.
My camera has a dial representing the functions, but I pressed the wrong button yeterday (when checking whether it was better with or without flash) + think that might've said Macro. I'll go try ;)

I've just tried with Macro switched on, but the photos look exactly the same. Oh well!
The good news is that at least 1/2 of them are now oval, changing in the couple of hours since my last post.
I'll try daphnia I think - any tips for breeding whilst in with the hatchlings?
And, if they have a small sponge filter, do I only need to do the usual weekly partial water change (+ spot cleaning of course) - that'd help to maintain a stable environment, wouldn't it?
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I wouldn´t use a filter. I only use a filter for the adult ones.
I just put the live daphnia in with them when they were eggs and they bred like mad! Although there seems to be a distinct lack of mini daphnia since both of them have hatched so went and bought more with very gravid females so put them in with them :D The daphnia seem to thrive when left to their own devices though
Good news + bad news...

The good news is that I've found homes for 125+ of the eggs so far :D

The bad news is that the number of eggs on my photos is going to start decreasing, as they get rehomed, so it won't be so easy to compare with previous photos ;)

But, before any were removed, here are the eggs on 24/03/11 -


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Awww aren't they cute :D
HA ha I just noticed they were laid on the 19th. Seems to have been the day for it. Mine laid on the 19th too but with the time zones mine are up to 10 hours ahead on yours ;)
The little guys are refusing to look like tacos - the most developed 1s are now looking like croissants instead ;)

Here they are on 25/03/11 -


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Nature never fails to completely blow my mind.

I'm loving this photo diary... Need to make a decision on some eggs quickly, don't I?
lol Yes Mewsie you do

;) Yeah Taco is right between tulip and croissant, just before jellybean but it doesn't last long.
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