Woohoo! Nice one Angie!
You're in for a whole bunch of fun.
Best baby-raising tips I can offer are:
- Get the eggs out of Mum and Dad's tank 'cause they'll get eaten if they stay in there.
- Keep them reasonably warm (18-20) while they're developing and they'll hatch in 14 days.
- Set up two BBS hatcheries (details of mine is below).
- Get your bbs eggs in bulk - I use the ones from a company called Aqua-Pics that I can get in a vial from my local aquarium shop. The actual Sea Monkeys branded ones only have a few in the packet and they'll feed your babies once before they're all gone! Stuff called 'Hatch Mix' isn't great either in my experience. The vials that I get are about $16 and have hundreds of thousands of pure eggs (no salt) in them.
- after the babies hatch, make sure you feed them every day and do daily water changes.
I made my bbs hatchery setup myself, brief instructions below:
- Nail together some planks of timber as a mounting.
- Stick the lids of 2L soft-drink bottles to it with liquid nails.
- When the liquid nails is completely dry, drill holes through lids and mounting for airline to go in.
- push airline through holes and seal with waterproof silicone.
- attach airlines to airpump with a splitter (or you can get a double-outlet airpump), it's also very useful to put little turn-off valves ($0.50 each) in the line so you can switch off each hatchery individually without filling the airpump with water.
- Slice the bottoms off the bottles and screw them into the lids.
- put in heaters (not essential, but I found that the bbs hatch HEAPS better if it's about 28 degrees in the weter).
- Mix up your water - I use aquarium salt and put in about 30 grams/L of water.
- fill the bottles, turn on the heaters and airpumps, bung in a load of eggs, put a lamp over the hatcheries and wait for 24 hours.
Here's a pic of my setup to help visualise what I'm waffling about:
Using this setup I get HUGE quantities of hatched BBS 24 hours after the eggs go in so I alternate between the two bottles each day. This way I've always got plenty for my 200 hungry mouths.
To get them out I turn off the airline valve and the heater and let the water settle for 10 minutes or so, the bbs are strongly attracted to light so they congregate towards the light source where I then suck them out with a turkey baster.
I've set up a dodgy contraption using coffee filter papers and a sausage-maker to rinse the bbs but you can use a fine stocking if that's easier. I haven't managed to find an actual net that's small enough - even the 'fine' one is too coarse and they just go straight through.
Once I've rinsed all the salt off the bbs they go into a little container with fresh water in it and get dispensed into the babies' tanks via the baster again.
Good luck, hope this helps! Let us know how it progresses!
Oh, and re your other questions: Mum and dad are doing great, I had to scoop out another batch of spermatophores recently - I don't think Mum's up to the task of another load quite yet!
The eggs that I left in the adults tank mostly got eaten but a few hatched (and THEN got eaten... lol).