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Higher temperatures will help the tank cycle faster and you don't have to do water changes since there's no animal in the tank x3
Bamboo dies when submerged xD I wouldn't, its not an aquatic plant.
As for the light its not necessary, and axies don't like light because they have no eyelids. But if they have plenty of places to hide from it and its not on for very long it should be fine. Moon lights are supposedly better.
Well just keep an eye on it, if it ever does start to rot it'll release ammonia and cause problems.
guPPIES ARE NOT HARDY D: They're extremely sensitive to water quality-! Remove it immediately and get it into clean dechlorinated water or it's going to die, that's rather cruel :c
Also guppies are schooling fish and should always be kept in schools of three or more, with a 1:2 male to female ratio - always have more females so the males can't keep harassing a single female.
... Where did this guppy come from? Where is the rest of it's school? D: If it doesn't have one you should return it to the pet store... There's no reason to abuse it...
Guppies aren't necessarily 'schooling' fish. They'll hang out together but they don't 'school'. They more of 'group' A male guppy can be perfectly happy on its own. A normal group of guppies would consist of a trio. One male two females. None of my guppies ever hung out together. They are rather territorial creatures when they want to be. BUT I do agree that no fish should be put in a cycling tank. It is very stressful on any fish, and they will likely die.
I wouldn't make your sand any thicker or you'll get anaerobic buildup.
I'm not sure on the light because I don't light my tank lD
It's gonna be a week or more before your nitrite goes down, so get used to those readings XD For some reason the nitrite bacteria (nitrobacter I believe) are the ones that are really slowwww to colonize at least for me.