It still is going nowhere my ammonia levels don't fall like it says they should and the nitrite won't go up it's just staying constant at 0.50 ammonia is between 4-6 and no nitrates this is how it has been for about 3 weeks how do I get it moving
I use API stress coat as well. Have you seeded any material from your cycled tank? Mine really got off the ground after placing bowls of gravel from my other tank in the cycling tank.
I found 20-30% water changes got things going again if it seemed to have stopped going anywhere. What is the PH level?
I don't have anything I can use from my other tank as it is not cycled Jensen the reason I need this one to hurry up ( I am doing daily water change on the one they are in) ph is 7.8 I will do a partial water change tommorrow see if that helps
Wishing I had kept the gravel from mine to have given to you to have something to kickstart it. Unfortunately I threw it out (I replaced the substrate in my other tank as I didn't really like the gravel I had).
From what I am understanding it can take a lot longer to cycle without seeded material so it may just be taking a while to get going. Is there a local shop that might be able to loan some seeded material?
I would HIGHLY suggest that you get some gravel and some plastic plants or even real plants.
Bacteria attaches itself to objects - there is barely any bacteria in the water. So if you dont have objects - it will take even longer to establish.
Once you add objects to the tank with your API - everything will settle down
I have fish tanks - so I know how important the actual decorations are
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