Re: take a breath....
I am probably in the top ten on the list of "snippy and rude". In fact I could care less.
I learned long ago that in internet communication, most of our language nuances are not present, and therefor left to interpretation, which is often wrong. (Which is why I advocate the use of "Smileys". No other way to express a lot of things in English without them.
I long ago gave up on trying to be nice and/or explaining things in the simplest terms. There is absolutely no need to do so, given that the answers to EVERYTHING are a few clicks away on Google. (Look up" What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?") I detest when people ask the same old questions over and over and admit in their posts they realize they are beating a dead horse but ask anyway.
Because of all this, and my own misinterpretations of context, I strive to be as blunt and factual as I can be. If need be, I will wait a while while I prepare citations to back my claims. If anecdotal, I clearly state that is is in "my opinion" or in "my experience". Is that snippy? I think not. That is how one properly defends a claim. Cold hard fact. Claims need citation. Opinions do not.
I believe that if one doesn't want or already knows (or believes they know) the answer, they have no business asking in the first place and should be treated as such.
I do not participate here to make friends, have a social popularity contest or, get cuddly with anyone. I am here because I believe in the free exchange of information with other interested parties. It is well known I am self-taught in this and related hobbies long BEFORE the internet even existed. I feel that if my input wasn't wanted, needed, or found offensive by someone, they probably should never post on a public forum and only communicate via PM.
As for the bit about not caring for other critters, that is a fallacy if ever there was one. I care more about critters than I do people. I am certain there are many, many others that feel the same way. Believe me, I stop the car in the middle of the street to help a toad across, but I actually accellerate towards jay-walkers...:rofl: I once was arrested and released for "brutally" beating a man I saw kick a stray cat.
I find it humorous that anyone would be so ignorant as to even think about complaining about caudate enthusiasts on a caudate enthusiast forum. I suggest that individual rethink their flamespray most likely based on the fact they got an answer they didn't want.
Also understand, I take great pleasure in seeing some of the garbage that goes on on web forums. Heck, I've been know to deliberately instigate just to watch as members realize how wrong/misinformed/arrogant they are or get peeved and leave forever. This is usually best seen by comparing the date of the post in question with the date the user was last logged on.(Which anyone can do on this site.)
I myself have been known to take long breaks from the forums, and then complain via social media about the frustrations I experience. That's my advice, either log out and cool off for a while, or find a different source of information. Frankly, I would love to see someone claim there is a better source of free information and advice on this rare and misunderstood hobby on the web. No English Language site anywhere has the years of experience and knowledge crammed into one spot like we do here.Period. Sadly most of it is worthless because a good portion of the membership relies on the long memories of the veterans. (And yes, I am full aware I am just as guilty of this.)
So, in short, if I were still a Moderator (which I am glad I am not. That implies I give a darn about people in my mind or have the social skills to tolerate the denizens of the web.) I would have deleted this thread right away. It is pointless and I feel dirty for even wasting this inordinate amount of time commenting on it.But, when I get to ranting, no one is safe.
I live by my own quote developed over years of fixing other people's junk:
"I can fix anything, but I can't fix ignorant, lazy or complacent."
As for social skills, I have tons and hate using them. I am the mushrooms you find in the corner of the pub- a fungi to be with. I can't help it I speak and think 50 times faster than any of you. (Ask poor Kaysie or Dr. Clare, they have talked to me directly and I never shut up....) I prefer to communicate online as it slows things down a bit. People that spend any amount of time with me very quickly get annoyed, but I cannot help that. Online this is a null issue. I suspect that I am not alone in this.
As for the bit on the "Scientists vs. the Hello Kitty Club" I know for a fact that that is exactly how things work on
any forum. When you hang out for years, you see the Kitties come and go like my daphnia cultures, but the hardcore science geeks never leave, they just get quietly bored with the HKC. I really dig my axolotls, but after a decade with them, they just aren't as cute and fascinating any more when there are thousands of other "newer" critters to learn about.
I understand there are new people to this hobby every day. I think that is great. What I
hate is that they will take the time to answer, reply, argue, and then insult the people that answer their posts and ultimately ignore what was handed to them even though they could have looked it up themselves in less time.
The Hello Kitty Club are easily identified by the following cycle:
1. Make five B.S. ("Cool!") posts just to be able to make a "I want" post on the classifieds.
2. All is quiet for a few weeks until the new package arrives in the mail.
3. Spam the forums up a dozen times a day for a month straight asking all the basics they should have read/set-up/ prepared for before ever buying a pet.
4. Get insulted when their pleas go ignored.
4a. If/when they get an answer, gush with gratitude, then complain it took so long to get an answer and ultimately ignore said information.
5. Post a long, cute lament to their dead pet.
6. Disappear from the community faster than rum in a sailor bar, never to return.
Harsh? Yes. True? Yup.
Test my theory for yourself, just take a look at the member list and compare dates on the number of posts and when last the poster logged in. It IS funny in a sad way.