Wow, I only read some but was interesting to see all the different responses!
I agree that we are geeks in this house. Definitely.
I am 20, work full-time as a Nursery nurse with 2
1/2 to 4 year olds, I also babysit/childmind some evenings and work part time as a Web Designer/Developer in the other evenings, so I'm a busy bee. I also offer my services occasionally at parties as a facepainter and also help out my partner in his on-the-side business endeavour in hiring out TARDIS's and Daleks on some weekends.
But in the spare time I so often don't have (for example, I really shouldn't be on here, I'm in the middle of a bunch of stuff
) I play a lot of computer games, I tidy and clean the house, enjoy geeky board and card games like Cosmic Encounter and Magic The Gathering with my housemates, and we also play Dungeons & Dragons with 4 other friends of ours on Monday evenings..! I also (rarely) get my paints out and have a mess around pretending I am le artiste!
Oh. And I love making lists!