^First off, those LED's lights are awesome, I love that. Makes it look like moon light!
2. Holy ****! 800 euro! lol Well seeing as i should be able to pick everything up in stores out here in California, I should be able to save a few hundred.
3. Dang that's a lot of silicon, but definitely worth it.
4. I love the tree stumps, that's actually my favorite part, it definitely gives your habitat a realistic feeling to the next degree.
5. Do you think its possible you could come up with a detailed list of all the supplies you used on this project? I'm going to be starting a project for my salamander this weekend =)
I like that LED light to, but i want it a litle darker, so i will use acrylic piant to fix that.
Hehe yes it have been expensive i must say, some misstakes that have cost a litle also. Background poster 50euro in the garbage among other.
Well i belive 8st tubes would have been enough, and i dont know what happened with those other tubes=)
Im glad that i put two more trees in there! now i can se the hole forest look. I dont know if you guys have notice that the stones are longer out from the backwall? I have siliconed a foam 50mm plate extra because the stones was to close the wall. Now i have more room for substrate and the middle extra three trunk.
Yes i can do that.
1) Plywood(form plywood in this case)
2) Casco SuperSet glue and screws to make it extra stabile.
3) Glass silicone both black an transparent.
4) Plastic balcony floor and insect net to make the false bottom. But i supose you can get your hands on egg crates?
5) White insulation foam plates(dont know what you call them)
6)Standard cement that i mixed with fine sand and water.
7) Tapecrete(cement bound that also is great for paintning) You can also put some in your cement/sand and water blend to make it extra strong.
8) Paint pigment powder in difirent colours, that you blend with Tapecreter and water to paint with.
9) A hole bunch of brushes, mixed sizes.
10) Epotex aquarium vanish if you using wood as terrarium material.
11) Cosos/moss/leaf mix on black silicone/foam.
12) T5 fluorescent lamp holder and 1st 6500k(daylight)
13) LED as moon light.
14) Plastic tubes fro drainage.
15) Rainsysteme, most for the plants but also becase they seems to like rain time to time. And it looks nice

16) Glass and E-slide strip.
That is what i can come up with, hope it helps.