Alright, here are my little porkers.
This is stubby my melanoid (her name Was toothless, but she has stubby little toes and legs. So It just seemed fitting

this little guy seems to be staying at 5 inches :-/
This is my Wildtype. He Was a runt, and I actually didn't like him much when I first got him/her. But now, she's my favorite. She greets me every night at bed time and is always front and center waiting for attention. Because of this, I've renamed her Curio. 6 inches
My gold albino, renamed Tank. The name is pretty self explanatory... He's the biggest of the bunch. About 7 1/2 inches
My lovely Mr or Mrs Pickls. Such a dirty little face. Shes gotten even darker since this photo. She's got some interesting spots and stripes down her sides too. She is about 6 inches
And then we have Ralphy (a freckled Lucy)More curiosity than personality in this one. But she's still small. Only 5 inches
And finally, some shameless cuteness
When asked: Why?
Because I couldn't stop at just one dammit!!!