Social group For the Northwest of England

What I really need is a fresh white worm
Culture. Sigh.
No luck in finding the tetra lot as yet but I'm looking through the least likely sources first so I can be sure I've done as much as possible. Unfortunately I have more then a bit of time on my hands so it makes sense to me .

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
I believe you can get white worm cultures off ebay. Hope this helps
I was able to fun a massive 24litre culture so all is good now.

An update to the society I have located the head of the old northwich aquarist society. I've sent him a message and hopefully he'll get in touch soon.

So watch this space.... Again.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
I've found an independent aquatic retailer who may be willing to help.
No word from the old aquatic societies. But I still have hope. And more then enough determination

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
The owner of fish cove in warington. He's a really nice guy, restricted to fish but has obvious links to other enthusiasts and wholesalers. I've heard nothing back from the old northwich society but my quest continues.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
Awesome to be frank I've not set an area, so Welcome aboard this random
Train of thought. You bring the total
Number of interested members to 5 lol

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I regret to inform you that the reptile shop on church road will no longer be a port of call, as they are closing
I know I saw their sign up a little while ago!! Such an utter shame!! They were the nicest people! I hope their able to set up shop somewhere else somehow.

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Hi from the Wirral, when I'm home, not always limited to transport :D
Re: The shop

Sadly, they won't be setting up another shop. Customers started ordering their livefoods online, so their turnover wasn't high enough.
If you want to meet people that are into herpetofauna the contact you local amphibian and reptile group (ARG) they are mainly into native animals but it will open up a new area of interest and different people. You will get out and see amphibians and reptiles in the wild - give it a go. Or look at ARC-Trust and get involved with monitoring
ARG I'll look into them. The idea was to pool local knowledge and resources to bring a few people together an maybe improve the care of exotic species. Though to be honest I didn't assume exotics would be the limit, I've been sorting out what feels like a dozen failed pond projects and I've adopted a fancy tail called flounder from someone trying to keep him with Bettas.

Which would be easily avoided if people knew where to go.

Hope every ones well and I anyone is feeling the weather calling them to a beer garden then I'm all ears and hearing the same song lol.

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A pub would be an ideal place to hold gatherings, they are a nice neutral ground, as long as some of us don't get sloshed ;)
I was a barman for years so I make no promises about staying totally sober. But joking aside a pub would be lovely, my time is super easy to manage so if people want to meet then I'm open to times and locations. Maybe a central location so no one person is traveling further?

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I'm afraid I can only really get to northwich pubs, as I am heavily reliant on buses, and they run at funny times in the late afternoons onwards
I know that for a fact. Well I think it's best to let the bank holidays roll off as transport will be no better. And then we can sort out a place and maybe the time.
Have a great jubilee everyone.

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I'm a little worried that this thread was sinking and getting forgotten. Any progress with forming the group?
I apologise for the quiet. I'm still working on things but between a volunteer position and my father being in hospital it's taken a step back. There is a group forming soon that deals with local aquatic conservation but it may be aimed at a younger audience. I'm setting up meetings now and will hopefully be able to report something concrete for once soon.

Hope your all well.

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