Social group For the Northwest of England

*** UPDATE***

Today I've spoken with local pet retailers and save one (and another I have yet to contact) they are all delighted to be apart of the North west Exotics society.

I'll be putting together a mission pack in the next few days for both retailers and prospective members and I'm meeting with my IT wizard to design a website. At the very least I hope to have a Facebook group set up an running by the end of next week so I can calculate members.

I'll also be getting in touch with education and conservation bodies so that they can add to the expertise the society holds.

This is where anyone in the Northwich area has a place to join. We will be extending the groups radius as far as possible but for now I think it best to start small and local and grow from there.

Look forward to seeing who's interested from here and to hear if they know anyone else that may be interested !!

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
Sounding really good, you can count me in. Which shops have you spoken to (if you don't mind me asking)
Reptiworld and weaver vale garden centre are really up for it though I need to finalise the talks with the latter. I spoke to pets at home but due to their being a bigger company they need to see more concrete plans. The store is really up for helping but have to get things approved so we'll see.

As the group starts to identify things they'd want I'll endeavour to provide.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
I'd recommend going in somethin' fishy too, I've given Jon the heads-up that someone might be coming in to speak to him about it.
I did speak to him, he said he has no interest in having anything to do with it. It's his business and I fully respect his decision

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
He did wish us the best of luck and so on he wasn't a jerk about it he just said h's semi retired now and doesn't want a part f it (I added this in case there was any controversy as to how I took his decision) all smiles here :)

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
My thoughts exactly. The idea of the society was to bring people together who want to be apart of something that'll grow and is tied into the community. I think he felt e had already achieved that and doesn't want to pursue it further. It's about the people not the shops. It's about people learning and from what I've gathered he's had a life time of that lol

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
*** UPDATE ***

Due to a deterioration in the health of a family member I've been a little distracted. This is not to say I've given up or have any intentions of doing so. I just have to shift my priorities momentarily.

AngieD if you happen to go into reptiworld can you appologies or the delay in their information pack it's not something I've forgotten at all.

Sorry to any and all concerned

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
Do you mean the reptile shop on church road? If so, yes I'll pass your message on - I'm in there pretty reguarly.
Yea that's the one thank you

Sent from the comfort of my throne room

Hospital visits out of the way or the moment I am back to jumping in.

I have been informed that there are a few attempts at an aquatic society through TETRA, I'm going to look into recruiting their previous members or getting a picture as to why heir not around today.

I really do apologise for the time taking to get this off the ground but life has a habit of interfering with living. Hope your all well and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
The tetra idea sounds like it has some potential. The delays aren't a problem, as my internet access is somewhat sporadic :)
The tetra idea had some success and then died off. So what I want to do is find the people who tried it originally and see if a combined front with more ideas can have some success.

Cheers for your patience. At the moment I feel paper thin.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
Do you know how to trace the original members?
I have some thoughts on how to track them. I mean if terra started one then they must have some form of record that they could pass a message down through. Failing that the local paper and I'm going to soft through a few suppliers and see who's known. But I'm open to suggestions.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room

Massive apologies for my absence. Been rather Unwell to say the least of it. But I am back with avengence.

So to any who may have been following this give me a shout so I know who y'all are.
As an update I have started to track down the previous aquatics societies and located more local members.
Again sorry for being AWOL for so long but it couldn't be helped.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
I'm still following this and interested
Wooo! Awesome. I'm calling around in the next few days to work out who the old members of the northwich aquatic club were. Then I'll use that as a base and build it outwards from there.

Can I ask a question? I'm caring for 9 month old crocodile newts and my live culture of white worm is seemingly weird? Live in the tub, dead in the water within a few hours? Any idea what other food I can give then. Their wolfing down daph but I can't be sure their all being fed. Just wondering if you know where I can get white worm or if there is something else Incan feed them. Off topic but I figured you'd know.

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
You could try hatching some brine shrimp? Somethin' fishy sell tubes of eggs at a reasonable price. Or maybe bloodworms. I can't really advise on how to make sure they all get fed except by keeping them separate
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