Photo: So just re done my setup

I agree with Ian, I think everyone is going to see how this will end. If it's one thing I have learnt when trying to help people with situations like this is they simply aren't interested in the advice given so what is the point in flaming about it? lol All you're doing is making yourself angry and making someone not listen to you even more...

Yeah I think its down right bad husbandry doing it and its made even worse by the comment basically saying "I am not going to change it, it's staying how it is" as I see no care in either animals health or well being. As I always said and agree with, Mixing species especially if they don't even come from the same climate/continent/habitat is stupid and pointless and normally nothing good comes from it. But at the end of the day, it's up to them and if they want to take the gamble let them fall lol.
I agree with Ian, I think everyone is going to see how this will end. If it's one thing I have learnt when trying to help people with situations like this is they simply aren't interested in the advice given so what is the point in flaming about it? lol All you're doing is makign yourself angry and making someone not listen to you even more...

Well said Josh, it can be very frustrating though. My signature is there to remind me of this very point.
I think what moobear is up to is irresponsible like the rest of you :( but it isn't productive to call him stupid. What he's doing may be stupid but he didn't post looking or advice. He was just showing off his new tank setup. Beyond offering information there is nothing to be done so why not keep character assassination out of the picture....?

Best wishes & please do consider removing the pleco
Well said. However, to willingly ignore the multitude of comments on here would be pure ignorance, because this will undoubtedly end badly. Axolotls try to eat everything and that pleco will not take lightly to being bitten or attacked. His setup is fine except for that he has incompatible species in the same tank.
Yea okay maybe it was rude but they're not even listening to the wealth of information knowing they're not a compatible species.
I think what moobear is up to is irresponsible like the rest of you :( but it isn't productive to call him stupid. What he's doing may be stupid but he didn't post looking or advice. He was just showing off his new tank setup. Beyond offering information there is nothing to be done so why not keep character assassination out of the picture....?

Best wishes & please do consider removing the pleco

You may be surprised to learn that people on this site actually care about axolotls. If somebody does something stupid that will potentially endanger their pet then they will be told in no uncertain terms, if they then decide to continue in their stupidity they will generally be told they are stupid , this is not character assassination but stating a fact. If you check through the sick axolotl section you will see loads of examples of axolotls dying or suffering through lack of care, most (but not all) of these threads are completely unnecessary and are the result of ignorance or people who completely ignore care advice. Keeping a pleco with axolotls borders on willful neglect, the axolotls may be ok but there is a good chance that they will come to harm at some point , this is a completely avoidable situation and is very frustrating to witness.
Right one thing how te hell do you know i am been ignorant?! I have put the pleco up for sale and if he is not sold by end of week will be goin pet shop and 2 i am female thank you so would appreciate people not assume i am a he:) thankyou for your advice i shall now leave this forum as i am obviously not welcome
They probably assumed that because you weren't listening that you weren't going to budge
I have known many live in harmony. My plec and axies seem fine the first sign of any danger rest assured he will be gone but until tht day he is staying sorry guys.. And my sand i was told to put some other sand back as it was irritant for them and recommended this sand which has so far not had any affect :/ everyone is eatin pooping playing and sleeping fine so until cause of worry its staying as it is :) x

This is why they thought you were being ignorant and started flaming you in the first place. Its not that you aren't welcome it just looked to a lot of people thought you didn't care that they are incompatible and you were willing to sacrifice your axolotls health to keep the together. I can assure you that you have a place here on the forum, but ignoring advice is no way to make people like you.
It's not at all that your not welcome, of course your welcome here but I must admit you were ignoring the advice from very experienced keepers of Axolotls who successfully keep them without many problems. Fact is you posted something and wrote something in such a way that it was impossible to avoid the confrontation/flaming that started...

If you had listened to people that were giving you pretty good advice including a Administrator, this wouldn't of happened and writing that you basically don't really care what people think and that the Plec is staying in the tank no matter what, is pretty silly given its a Animal Keepers forum.... At the end of the day did you really think they wouldn't care for the animals welfare? It does contravene 3 of the Five Freedoms (More to do with Livestock Husbandry but if I'm honest all animals require the same respect):

- Freedom from Discomfort - by providing an appropriate Enclosure/Environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area. (Believe that ties in with the unsuitable substrate amount etc that people mentioned)
- Freedom to Express Normal Behavior - by providing sufficient enclosure conditions and company of the animal's own species or avoiding company of unfamiliar species. (Don't need to explain that really)
- Freedom from Fear and Distress - by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering and anguish. (Probably being caused by a huge tropical fish species they would never come across in the wild as lets be honest it's an Axolotl not a dog which has many ways to use visual communication to show happiness or distress)

That's from my memory of what I was taught so it might be slightly different now.

Instead of saying that your basically not interested in peoples views/advice you should of inquired further and asked more questions and then made the decision that, if I'm honest guys only Moon can do and see it done as lets be honest it's not like your going to be able to say "I demand Photo Evidence that you did this!".

I think you should stay because you will learn a lot more from listening to people rather than making these silly mistakes and risking the lives of your animals. And I think that people need to stop with the flaming now as it isn't getting you anywhere and at the end of the day you made your point... Non-forum members can see this and probably think "Blimey, certainly not joining that site as I will probably get insulted or ripped to shreds when I do something wrong!"

P.S. I didn't actually think it matters if you are a Man or Woman as I was more interested in the animals than Genders when I read the thread.
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It's not at all that your not welcome, of course your welcome here but I must admit you were ignoring the advice from very experienced keepers of Axolotls who successfully keep them without many problems. Fact is you posted something and wrote something in such a way that it was impossible to avoid the confrontation/flaming that started...

If you had listened to people that were giving you pretty good advice including a Administrator, this wouldn't of happened and writing that you basically don't really care what people think and that the Plec is staying in the tank no matter what, is pretty silly given its a Animal Keepers forum.... At the end of the day did you really think they wouldn't care for the animals welfare? It does contravene 3 of the Five Freedoms (More to do with Livestock Husbandry but if I'm honest all animals require the same respect):

- Freedom from Discomfort - by providing an appropriate Enclosure/Environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area. (Believe that ties in with the unsuitable substrate amount etc that people mentioned)
- Freedom to Express Normal Behavior - by providing sufficient enclosure conditions and company of the animal's own species or avoiding company of unfamiliar species. (Don't need to explain that really)
- Freedom from Fear and Distress - by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering and anguish. (Probably being caused by a huge tropical fish species they would never come across in the wild as lets be honest it's an Axolotl not a dog which has many ways to use visual communication to show happiness or distress)

That's from my memory of what I was taught so it might be slightly different now.

Instead of saying that your basically not interested in peoples views/advice you should of inquired further and asked more questions and then made the decision that, if I'm honest guys only Moon can do and see it done as lets be honest it's not like your going to be able to say "I demand Photo Evidence that you did this!".

I think you should stay because you will learn a lot more from listening to people rather than making these silly mistakes and risking the lives of your animals. And I think that people need to stop with the flaming now as it isn't getting you anywhere and at the end of the day you made your point... Non-forum members can see this and probably think "Blimey, certainly not joining that site as I will probably get insulted or ripped to shreds when I do something wrong!"

P.S. I didn't actually think it matters if you are a Man or Woman as I was more interested in the animals than Genders when I read the thread.
I couldn't have said it any better.
Woul just like to apologise to everyone who gave advise i took a pet shops word over all you axie enthusiasts. And would like to inform that today the plec ha gone to a new home and to a propa tropical tank. Sorry and thankyou x
Thats excellent to hear. Yeah, in general pet shops aren't the best about giving advice on caudates. Most of them can't even tell the difference between a Chinese Firebelly or a Paddletailed Newt at my LFS. Good luck with your axie!
You'd be lucky if they know the difference between a gecko and a newt.

Just remember that it's in the pet shop's best interest to make money, to sell you stuff. Rarely, you'll find the shop that actually cares about animals too.
Im far too trusting thats why :( i took advice of a pet shop and so did not research properly therefore resulting in my mistake at least people here told me and i do recommend no1 else puts an acie n a plec together!! X
Like Kaysie said Moobear, the only real thing most Pet Shops are after is money at the end of the day so they are going to say anything to get you to buy anything lol Do plenty of research before you do/buy anything and don't be scared to ask people on here as they only want to help you :)

Glad you got rid of the Plec before it was too late :)
Like Kaysie said Moobear, the only real thing most Pet Shops are after is money at the end of the day so they are going to say anything to get you to buy anything lol Do plenty of research before you do/buy anything and don't be scared to ask people on here as they only want to help you :)

Glad you got rid of the Plec before it was too late :)

Surprisingly my local fish store is really good about this kind of thing. They practically refused to sell me fish a while back because my tanks nitrates were so high. Though, they can't tell the difference between paddletail newts and chinese firebellies.
I know of 1 good aquatics shop that i went to other day and told him what had happened he gave me the biggest lecture of my life :/ .. Ive seen him refuse to sell people things before due to whatever reasons .. And so i just presumed all were same and because my good shop had no axies i went to another n obviously ended up on totally the wrong path!! I seem to remember they also said to me quote!! " axolotls are boring you know all they do is sit on the bottom they cant swim or anything" well dunno where they were looking but my 2 swim about all the time x
Moobear2010;351370 So today went n bought 2 hides n more plants n a back.. Everyone (incl. me) seem very happy with my effort [ATTACH said:

Just thought i would share this x
I love the background - what is it? A picture or something 3d?
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