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回复: One of my axolotl is a mother now!
This IMG has completed now.(A big one,check it.)
This IMG has completed now.(A big one,check it.)

I have 886 babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOOOOOD
The last two pictures are very interesting. If you aren't culling, it would be neat to see how they develop.
892that is a lot of babies!
You are going to be a
very busy mama
<3 >o_o< <3
Thank you for all your amazing pictures, they are breathtaking! I have been showing them to everyone I see because it is outstanding how well you see the development while they are still in the egg, it is such a magical thing.
You are going to be one busy mama! Holy! That must be a full time job!
Thanks for all your photos and good luck with all you babies. I'm interested in what you are feeding the babies? It doesn't look like baby brine shrimp or Daphnia.
Regards Neil
Those are Cyclops species not Daphnia species.
I love the little blue one ?
But I'm not so sure about the one with two heads...