On Friday I was doing some routine tidying up and behind my faux moss ball i found 3 stones and the empty soggy exoskeleton of a cricket.

They were all together indicating that it was perhaps from one trip to the loo and so I'm assuming this was the cause of all the issues, 3 stones and an empty floppy carcass is a bit poop.
Saturday morning I came into the room to find Fred swimming about the surface, he appeared to be doing a lot of floating for a few minutes I was watching. I of course paniced thinking this was indicative of impaction but after a few minutes he returned to walking around, it appeared as if he was basically trying to say, "hey look, I can swim because im 20 pieces of gravel lighter!"
I treated him with some blood worms and all was well. He stayed on the sand pretty much since.
I actually went away for the weekend and before i left i had noticed something weird on my filter and around the walls of the tank, there was what looked to be a build up of small lines, they looked a little like undeveloped bloodworms or some kind of weird algae.
I left them be as were not causing an issue but when i got home last night Fred was found looking a little annoyed clinging to the back wall. He was really reluctant to come down even when I switched the bubbles on. When he eventually did he was flapping his gills a lot, looking a little unhappy generally and was even resorting to kicking at his gills with his front legs. While it looked quite comical I sensed his frustration so acted quickly.
The flapping was more than the normal 2-3 a minute, more like every second so I knew something was up.
I had noticed that these little lines had spread, there were more over the filter now and could be seen if you looked really carefully on all surfaces.
I did a parameters test, nothing seriously out of whack there (bearing in mind i'm still mid cycle), so i did a large water change (30%). Putting 2 and 2 together i wiped all surfaces inside the tank with a sponge and wiped off the filter housing to reove these wormy things.
After the tank was refilled the flapping stopped and Fred looked happy again.
I'm no expert but unless they were some algae I'm willing to bet that what I was seeing was undeveloped red mosquito larvae, probably as it's Fred's main diet, and that the uneaten had began to spread in the tank, much to Fred's horror. I'll have to watch that in future and make sure I get ever little bit of uneaten food up in case it happens again.
I suppose the issue is while doing the cycle there are additional nutrients in the water for these things to thrive on, which is a problem is suppose as could slow the development of the bacteria I'm looking for to help remove the nutrients from Fred's waste.
I've also noticed the sand looking a little clumpy in places so I think tonight I'm going to be really meticulous and hoover all surface sand up and make sure that everything is looking nice and clean and granular.
These Axolotls certainly are high maintenance, especially ones like Fred who enjoys giving me symptoms of impending death at every opportunity.