My Chinensis Tank New LooK

I know it´s a compromise. If you add more water then the aereal portion disapears and the look of the tank completely changes(and it does look good). However these are fully aquatic newts....and therefore water volume is very important whereas land volume is of no use at all for them. I´m a strong believer that we should adapt our tanks to what the particular species we are keeping needs, and not the other way around.
here's another update of my tank. its been awhile haha. ive added alot more water. and dont worry about the open top, ive got it covered now. :eek:


pics of him.. still doing well..




up foR aiR .. !


this is a sharp, great looking tank you've got there.
that's a lucky newt.
I think this thread you made is really really nice, i really love the way you set up your tank, and plus is 10gallon, im getting a tank soon cus i really like salamander hope i can decorate it as nice as yours ! +++
hi EsFuAeN

nice tank you have got.
i also from SG and i got 3 P.chinensis.

how do you keep the temp down?
currently i am using areation/evaporation method to cool it
and also using a fan to blow it down to 24*C.

thats the best temp i can get right now.

btw i found my P.chinensis do not really like tubifex worms? they prefer blood worms.
found about yours?

please advice.

haha thanks guys! i have since increase the water again to make iit a fully aquatic setup. will update pics soon.. :eek:

hi EsFuAeN

nice tank you have got.
i also from SG and i got 3 P.chinensis.

how do you keep the temp down?
currently i am using areation/evaporation method to cool it
and also using a fan to blow it down to 24*C.

thats the best temp i can get right now.

btw i found my P.chinensis do not really like tubifex worms? they prefer blood worms.
found about yours?

please advice.


hi bro,

i used the same cooling method and got around the same tempt too. newt is doing and eating well.

for my newt, he loves bloodworms and will go crazy if i give em earthworms.

here's the updated look. nothing much just more water haha.



teh tank!


cheers. :ufo:
I love it, absolutely love it.

How often do you do water changes and how much do you take out to remove the leaching tannins from the driftwod?
This is funny :D. You see by the pictures that the water level increases from almost nothing till full of water.:eek: Nice... Those love such a quantity of water. Congratilations of those newts... Great looking ones!;)
I love it, absolutely love it.

How often do you do water changes and how much do you take out to remove the leaching tannins from the driftwod?

thanks people!

if im not wrong it takes 2-3 months with 2-3 times water changes per week before the tea colored water is gone.

now i cant remmber when is the last time i did water changes .

water is always crystal clear thanks to the canister filter with biohomes and the ever hardworking shrirmps and ottos. :D
You are still keeping two newts in this tank?

This aquarium is very interesting.
Excellent! I have been following this thread and must say that the "new" look is the best yet and the increase in water volume is most likely making everyone in there happy. Great job. Thanks for sharing!

Nice job. I had two of these newts a while ago and had a really hard time with one being way over aggressive to the other. DO yours show signs of aggression to each other?
Beautiful tank set up! What material did you use to make the rim at the top?
You are still keeping two newts in this tank?

This aquarium is very interesting.

Nice job. I had two of these newts a while ago and had a really hard time with one being way over aggressive to the other. DO yours show signs of aggression to each other?

Hi guys,

i no longer keep 2 newts in this tank. i gave the other one to my cousin before they show any signs of aggression. dont wanna risk it haha they're lovely.

Excellent! I have been following this thread and must say that the "new" look is the best yet and the increase in water volume is most likely making everyone in there happy. Great job. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks man :p

Beautiful tank set up! What material did you use to make the rim at the top?

Thanks! i used duct tape to create that wide rim.


p.s : currently setting up tank for 2 juv Pachytriton labiatus. (50cm x 33cm x 35cm )

hi Bro,

nice to see your beautiful P.chinesis tank.
you currently just keep 1 male? i notice you keep them for nearly a year already.
under normal SG temperature?

nice job man!!!

wah you setting up a new tank for paddletails.
i read paddletails are super aggresssive. you want to keep 2 together?

i am looking for Himalayan croc newts. but seems can't find here leh... nt even farmway2.
Caudata Culture Species Entry - Tylototriton verrucosus

you have any ideas where to get himalayan croc newts?

maybe we can keep in touch here in SG. my msn

hi Bro,

nice to see your beautiful P.chinesis tank.
you currently just keep 1 male? i notice you keep them for nearly a year already.
under normal SG temperature?

nice job man!!!

wah you setting up a new tank for paddletails.
i read paddletails are super aggresssive. you want to keep 2 together?

i am looking for Himalayan croc newts. but seems can't find here leh... nt even farmway2.
Caudata Culture Species Entry - Tylototriton verrucosus

you have any ideas where to get himalayan croc newts?

maybe we can keep in touch here in SG. my msn


hey duddde.

yeaa he's been with me for almost a year and still going strong..

my paddletails are arnd 9cm each and im pretty sure i will seperate them when they are much bigger and show signs of aggression.

hmmmmm.. singapore newts are hard to comeby even the common chinese firebelly i dont know where to get it haha.

Just wanted to add my little bit in - your newt tank looks brilliant.
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