Moving to England!

well if your looking for countryside and people are suggesting the midlands then why not staffordshire? my bf's mam lives there in a little village called great haywood. its lovely. stafford town centre isnt too far away either. there is a canal nearby but im not sure about anywhere where newts etc. might live.

or you can try the north east...maybe sunderland where i live (lol). its great!!!! lol! maybe not quite as good as im making it out to be but you know! :p . but id definately recommend great haywood in staffordshire!

Good Luck!!!
I just got an offer to work in Weston-super-Mare, driving distance from Bristol!
Weston is the Italian Riviera of the Bristol Channel.

Well it has a long sandy beach anyway.
Great stuff Jesper. If you plan to live in Bristol and need any info about letting agents or which areas are good to live in (and which should be avoided!).... drop me an email aartse_tuyn AT
Would you like to borrow my "rose-tinted glasses" Andrew?

Just thought I'd give my 2 pence...

I live in Walsall - about an hour from Birmingham. There is nothing wrong with the midlands but I wouldnt' recommend Birmingham either - too much concrete, even though it is a great city.

Telford is lovely - whoever mentioned that I agree.

Stafford town centre is pretty too.

My recommendation though has to be BATH. I live there at the moment as I am at University.

Bath is perfect - it is a uni town, full of night life, amazing architechture and posh shops, but is surrounded by goregous country side. If you live in a small town around the city its even better. I live in "Newton St. Loe" which is about 10 minutes drive from the city centre - I'm smack in the countryside with fields and sheep all around and yet in 10 minutes I can be in the centre of one of Englands larger cleaner prettier cities. Best of both really.

Also Bristol is only 30 minutes away - and EVERYTHING is in Bristol - its Huge! But I think it would get a bit much living there constantly - that city never sleeps.
I totally forgot about this thread,
I am now living and working here in Weston!
Will move in to an apartment in WEston(not Bristol)on Wednesday!
You gotta love the climate here!
LOL your here
when did you arrive? how's the collection after the move?
Yep I'm here, or there, depends on how you look at it!
My small sal colony did alright, I did a couple of stupid mistakes but all but two that just had morphed were fine. You live and you learn...

So when's the next british sal meeting?!
good question! i thought there was going to be one in august, but it never materialised...
At last we have a Swedish person we can vent all our Ikea flat pack horror stories to.

Glad to see you're enjoying the climate. It's a national obsession over here. You'll get used to talking about it at every opportunity. We have some excellent rain, mist, fog and general dankness. If the sun comes out for more than a day we get very upset.

Looking forward to that beer and a good chat about the weather.
yes talking about the weather is a national sport

we complain when it is dank and wet, and long for the sun, and then when it is hot, we complain about the heat...
When I have finished lecturing, nobody in Weston will dare to complain about the weather! They will go out in 10C and rain and think "hell in Sweden it is 1C and rain, hahaha....". It was well above 20C here today, I was sweating outside in my suit! The days are still awfully bright! It doesnt rain much more than in Sweden, it is brighter and a lot warmer(the palm trees growing here should be a hint).

It is bright,warm and very green(plants are still surviving...)! I imagine it will still be quite green in december and January, in Sweden everything green fades away about now and leaves a dead looking landscape. Then the green start to come back in March/April.

Moving into my new flat tomorrow morning by the way!

(Message edited by Jesper on October 11, 2005)
well that has cheered me up a little, although i have certainly noticed that the trees are greener then they were this time last year. some of them here haven't even shown signs of browning up!

hope you like the flat...

... oh yeah checked out the mud flats yet?
Hey Jesper!

Photos of your new flat!
Did you manage to retain any of your animals during the move?

Take care.
Hi Pin,
I'll take some photos for ya Pin, just need to get a computer first, and a sofa, and a TV and sheets, pillows, cover and all that for the bed.
I slept in my outdoor clothes last night as I forgot to buy stuff for the bed and the heating didn't work, neither did the hot
Hmm, I didnt have to concern myself with these things when I lived at the hotel...

I feel like a bum, just bought the bedstuff and got the message that the heating and hot water will not work until saturday. At least now I got electricity!

Yes, I am aware of the mud now... I had only seen the sea when it has been flood before. Wow, the sea goes about 2 km out...You can hardly see it and were it was there is mudfields and signs warning of sinking mud. I can't believe it. I feel like running out to the sea but the local folks say I will drown in mud before reaching it, gaah!

Yes, I kept all my animals which are now safe in the house of a friend here in the UK. I will go get them as soon as possible now that I have an apartment.
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