Metamorphed Axy...

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Freeky - I am very pleased he's doing well. I was a little worried when you initially contacted me and we made the call that he really was metamorphosing that he wouldn't live very long. I'm pleased that he has flourished. I wanted to ask you two questions:

1) Can I use your photo in this thread on my axolotl site please? I will of course give you credit.

2) What forum are people giving you a hard time on? I am curious. Feel free to post a link (normally this is frowned upon but I'm requesting it please ;) ).

Regarding the great link to Tim Burkhardt's photos of Ambystoma velasci, look at the toes - looks like a missing link between USA tiger toes and axolotl toes.
Freeky - I am very pleased he's doing well. I was a little worried when you initially contacted me and we made the call that he really was metamorphosing that he wouldn't live very long. I'm pleased that he has flourished. I wanted to ask you two questions:

1) Can I use your photo in this thread on my axolotl site please? I will of course give you credit.

2) What forum are people giving you a hard time on? I am curious. Feel free to post a link (normally this is frowned upon but I'm requesting it please ;) ).

Regarding the great link to Tim Burkhardt's photos of Ambystoma velasci, look at the toes - looks like a missing link between USA tiger toes and axolotl toes.

sorry about a very late reply.
thats fine about using my photo :)
and i can get alot more.
he is an AMAZING hunter SO fast!!!!!!
not friendly though, anythign that moves - is food. hehe
he is getting more and more spotty and loves hiding in a flower pot!
he has now moved in to a bigger 3 foot tank. and Loving it.
and the forum.. i wont say - its a great forum just a few ...... annoying people.
someone i asked and recommended that i spoke to you (freined sof you i think... *hides*. they think i am eveil, i didn it on pupose and i dont care about it..
this is becuase i was thinking of selling it - so it got the best care - its alot different to a llizard etc etc.
infact i asked loads of help from you and a few other people. he has completely metermorphed and
is eating and pooing etc etc fine.
teh sad thign is .. he wont live as long.
and one thing i must say is..
.dont listen to just one person.. (theperson i brought it from)
do your own research. in just 1 - 2 weeks i did this .. and i felt incredibly guilty.

(sorry for spelling!!!)
I think the lifespan of a naturally morphed axolotl is significantly higher than one that is forced to metamorph. If chemicals are used to morph an axolotl, that means they cannot create these chemicals themselves, and will probably die much more quickly than those that morph naturally, and can create their own chemicals.

Don't let people get you down. You're doing a good job.
thank you.

and ill get some more pictures soon!!

I think the lifespan of a naturally morphed axolotl is significantly higher than one that is forced to metamorph. If chemicals are used to morph an axolotl, that means they cannot create these chemicals themselves, and will probably die much more quickly than those that morph naturally, and can create their own chemicals.

Don't let people get you down. You're doing a good job.
your axie/ salamander looks absolutely stunning!!!!

I wish i knew somewhere here that actually sold salamander newts where i am so i can watch it change... not that i dont love my maurice to death cos hes awesome too :D
but that must be soo cool that your fish evolved!
your axie/ salamander looks absolutely stunning!!!!

I wish i knew somewhere here that actually sold salamander newts where i am so i can watch it change... not that i dont love my maurice to death cos hes awesome too :D
but that must be soo cool that your fish evolved!
:) thank you
I've added/am adding one of your photos to the axolotl site (I'm doing some fixes and updates to that whole site right now).

very interesting that an axootl made the news a very special one at that go the axies lol
Those photos of Mexican Tiger salamanders aren't representative - those animals have a lot less spotting than most photos of velasci.
That is so neat & scary for me at the same time. My new addition axolotl looks like yours Pokeon hes onyx with yellow small pokedots. Hope he stays an axolotl I don't know the first thing bout those lizards lol. But hey thats pretty neat congrats!
I don't know the first thing bout those lizards lol
Please, the purpose of this site is to provide authoritative information. Calling them lizards just brings the whole thing down. They are not lizards/reptiles, they are amphibians, a completely different class of animal. This is talked about on the front of the Axolotl Site,
I saw this YouTube video awhile ago Since this seems to be the morphed axie section, I thought I'd post it here. Since the text is German, I don't know for certain, but it looks like an axolotl morph. I was surprised to see it eat non-live stationary food.
Those photos of Mexican Tiger salamanders aren't representative - those animals have a lot less spotting than most photos of velasci.

I just saw this post, and just wanted to say that it's tough to say how representative they are/aren't. It could just be that most velasci pictures come from one particular known or accessible region. Most likely, like our tigers, the Mexicans probably have a range of patterning. Photos from several regions may be the most representative.
It ate a pellet!! I allways thought when they morphed they would stop eating pellets and go for just live foods. Well I learned something
do they all do that? coz i rele dont want mine to come out of the water? do the albino ones morph like that aswell???
Don't worry

Its very unusual for this to happen. Freeky's was kept at one point in rather poor water conditions which may have triggered this .
freeky please have a look

hi :confused:
Here r some pic's of alex he/she (Im not sure yet any help on that too would be appreciated) use to look just like your first picture ive recently moved alex to a bigger tank now its losted all its gills eyes have gone kind of foggy and theres very little movment at all and no eatting. Im asking you cause it looks just the same can you help


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