Metamorphed Axy...

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hi :confused:
Here r some pic's of alex he/she (Im not sure yet any help on that too would be appreciated) use to look just like your first picture ive recently moved alex to a bigger tank now its losted all its gills eyes have gone kind of foggy and theres very little movment at all and no eatting. Im asking you cause it looks just the same can you help

It looks like hes going to morph, because of the gills and the "outstanding" eyes.
Have a look at his mouth. Maybe he got problems to eat because hes getting a tongue.
The "fogg" on his eyes could be harmless bacteria. My axos got this too. I put one bag of black tea per 1l into the tank for about a week and it was off.
You said, he has been moved into a bigger tank.
Do you took the water from the other tank into the new one?
Do you analysed the water? Is the temperature the same?
What do you fed him?
Axolotl suffering from some sort of infection brought on by dirty/unfit water conditions. Fix the problem (temperature, water quality, some stress in the tank such as high water flow or combination of all), keep the water cool and give it a day or two to see if it will eat. If it won't eat then you need to treat it right then for bacterial septicemia - there are various treatments talked about on the forum (do a search) and on the axolotl site. Good luck.

Ive put him in the fridge for while I've been doing salt baths. The water temp is 17/ 18 decrees the PH is around 7.6 and the ammonia and nitrite are at 0. Before i was feeding him crickets and frozen blood worms/fish which he wont eat anymore. Now he's eating wax worms occasionally only if i hold in front of his mouth for a while. in the past few days he's been eating more and moving a bit too he still doesn't look to happy tho if he is getting better will his gills grow back or If he was to metamorphose does that just happen on its own or do i have to do anything.
If he's eating then he should recover. Unless he has fungus I would lay off the salt baths - they can do more harm than good.

He's not metamorphosing so don't worry about it. If you want to know more about that there are threads on the forum and a page about metamorphosed axolotls on the axolotl site.

His gill filaments will grow back but it's unlikely that the full branches will ever grow back.

Where in Ireland are you? I am from Dublin but I moved to the US 3 years ago.
Axolotl suffering from some sort of infection brought on by dirty/unfit water conditions.

Its not always an infection. This happened to more than one axo in anonther forum.
Look at this two pictures, the second ist made after a week in black tea.
But only the vet is able to tell if its an infection or not.

That he could be morphing was just a idea. He looks like another axo, who dont eat anything of course he got the tongue. I´m happy if i missinterpret it. But he possibility for the dusty-eyes not beeing a symptom is given (possible).


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Its not always an infection. This happened to more than one axo in anonther forum.
Look at this two pictures, the second ist made after a week in black tea.
But only the vet is able to tell if its an infection or not.

That he could be morphing was just a idea. He looks like another axo, who dont eat anything of course he got the tongue. I´m happy if i missinterpret it. But he possibility for the dusty-eyes not beeing a symptom is given (possible).
Thanks for offering your assessment Nessi - it's always good to have more than one opinion and person trying to help, and I definitely think could always use more Germans. Cat's axolotl looks significantly different to your photographs - you seem to be going by the eyes. I was not using them at all. Eye cloudiness can mean nothing or something and is not a reliable diagnostic symptom.
If he's eating then he should recover. Unless he has fungus I would lay off the salt baths - they can do more harm than good.

He's not metamorphosing so don't worry about it. If you want to know more about that there are threads on the forum and a page about metamorphosed axolotls on the axolotl site.

His gill filaments will grow back but it's unlikely that the full branches will ever grow back.

Where in Ireland are you? I am from Dublin but I moved to the US 3 years ago.

Thanks john im from N.Ireland but living in portarlington now and i must say i like your web sit:D
Thanks for offering your assessment Nessi - it's always good to have more than one opinion and person trying to help, and I definitely think could always use more Germans. Cat's axolotl looks significantly different to your photographs - you seem to be going by the eyes. I was not using them at all. Eye cloudiness can mean nothing or something and is not a reliable diagnostic symptom.

I´m sorry if it sounded a bit agressive.
With your statement about not using the look of the eyes, your position now is understandable for me. My pictures were only relating to the eyes. Maybe I should have said this clear.
If there is any interest about pictures or the development of the axo i meant, writing about metamporphosis, i can (if it´s allowed) put a link.

Best regards,

I see no harm in hearing more about metamorphosing axolotls. There are several threads on this forum with photos showing metamorphosing and metamorphosed axolotls too but more is always better.
Thanks john im from N.Ireland but living in portarlington now and i must say i like your web sit:D
Thanks for the kind words. Every once in a while we get someone in Ireland here but it's rare for them to post. Best of luck with your axolotl.
The board you're linking requires people to register to access it. I doubt many will go to that trouble :/.
Oh... right. I´m logged in every time. So I forget it.
Maybe I will ask the owner of the photographs if i´m allowed to post the pictures and a briefing.
Wow!! :eek:
That's incredible... did you do something to make it metamorphose... or it just did it by itself?

I thought it wansn't nice metamorphosed, but after watching those pictures, I've changed my mind...:eek:

Good luck with it!!
Take care
So does anyone know if morphing has a genetic component? If you breed this guy with a regular female do a larger percentage of the offspring morph?
Can I just ask - in Morphed axies does the behaviour change much ? I always wondered if they would move the same amount / at the same speed as an "un" morphed axie ?
They become like tiger salamanders. Have a look for videos of tigers moving on youtube.
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