I think people nowadays just can't read any more. reading comprehension is going downhill...
There are a lot of characters and some complex plot events to follow. Love the blood and guts and all the naughty stuff. None of that namby-pamby Jane Austen tea party blah blah (I'm trolling). I really am enjoying them; currently finishing book 5.
One thing though: the author doesn't get the north quite right. Being a wildling from beyond the Wall myself, I can tell that he lives in southern climes and is not really of the north. For example, he seems to think that it snows when it is cold. This is not so. In the north, heavy snows only fall when it is warm. real bone-crunching cold only happens under a clear sky.
Also, the vegetation as he describes it beyond the Wall (pine trees, oak trees) sounds more like a temperate climate such as Britain, but not a northern climate. In the north, you'd have black spruce, birch, and just plain old tundra...