
What could have caused the stress? I want to know so it won't happen to the other two. I cleaned the tank completely as soon as I got home.
I had them for around 6-7 months.
Would it be too late to introduce another one into the tank now? Because I think the two that are left over are both female.
john, i have a female which has a somewhat (but not severely) receded back fin, she was like that when i got her. she hasn't displayed any ill health, and is regenerating a bitten gill well. will the fin grow back out like any other regen, or is it more like shrunken gills that just stay reduced?
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>John Clare (John) wrote on Thursday, July 29, 2004 - 16:01 :</font>

"Ah, it's a pity I didn't read this until now because I could have told you straight off what it was."<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Could you tell me what it was now, even though its too late?
hi everyone,

over the last week Spunky hasnt really been feeling her/him self...

I came home one day to find the his gills had been nibbled by my other axo Jynx... well this is what i think as the tops of them were missing, and while watching him for a few hours it was like he has a itch. You know when a dog sits down and scratches its ear with its back foot it just like that. Strange!

I decided to leave eveything as normal... but since then he hasnt eaten anything and now comin home tonight i find a white fluffy trail comin out of his 'bum' and his tail is fairly red...

Another strange thing that has started happening to him is if he gets pushed over by Jynx he sort of falls on his side and has trouble getting back up.

any ideas?

Jynx my other one is fine eating very well and no sign of white fluffy stuff about and nothing has changed in the tank...

I wanted to get this posted now so people can have a read and give me their fedback im just about to do a water test and see if i can get some photos i'll post them later on tonight.

Hi Kim,

Doesn't sound too good reading and comparing with story above. Can you separate them out? Add a bit of salt (NaCl) to water - see typical Holtfreters solution recipe on axolotl page, this site for a suitable amount. Also try some anitfungicide like protozin and I guess see if you can find a herp vet.

Not much help I know. Best of luck with him.
Hi guys...

Mikki, i cant separate them at the moment, i dont have he space and i dont have a spare tank that is suitable.
Not good i know.

Well ive just fed them both in a separate tank (like a little plastic box 6" x 5") as i find this alot easier with cleaning etc but as i put Spunky back into the tank the fuffly stuff came off so i think it may have just been something to do with his poo.

Spunky still didnt eat anything but as normal Jynx ate everything in site.

I dont know what sex they are yet but im thinking he is male as females have wider heads and Jynx has quite a wide head!

here are the pictures some arnt great but im trying to get good photos but it aint working.

This is Spunky with his short gills...

This is spunky again he seems to have quite a enlarged cloaca this has only gone like this in the last week as well


(Message edited by jigglypuff on August 01, 2004)
This is a picture of both of them so you can compare the size

Spunky is on the right and Jynx is on the left.
oh and sorry i forgot the water

Ammonia: between 0 and 0.6
PH: 7-7.5
Nitrite: 0.1
Nitrate: less than 5

well they don't look too bad in this foto. Bit do keep a close eye. If you suspect one to be ill then best to keep it away from other - if at all possible. I keep large flat boxes 600x400x200 full of water outside all time for emergencies and for water changes etc. have a look in a swag shop they usually cost a couple of quid.

Colour ain't so bad but a bit pinky. Looks a bit fatter than front one.

Observation. that gravel looks small and can be easily ingested by them. When they open mouth to swallow food everything close by gets sucked in. Do you normally feed in separate container or in main tank? Could be he's not hungry cos he has a few bits of gravel to pass.

If you can get him in another container (bare) for a few days you will be able to see if he passes gravel too. The gravel in my foto (here at side) was big by fish keeping standards and I have replaced all for 1" white stones.

(Message edited by mikki on August 01, 2004)
I feed them both in a different tank and ive had no problems with them eating the stones, tho i was worried when i first got them.

For the past 2hours Spunky has been sat in the same place, its like he dont wanna move.

I dunno.. but im worried... im goin to leave him for a while and hope for the best if he goes down hill any further i'll try and take him out.
with the whole moving tank to feed them...like people say to keep the tank clean..but how does theme ating cause the tank to be dirty..it gets dirty from when they poop?? which you cant really guarantee when its gonna happen?

I move them from their main tank when i feed them bloodworms either live or frozen. the buggers get everywhere and float around the tank and its a right pain trying to get them out of between the plants and bigger pepples etc.

When i feed worms and beef heart they stay in their tank.

I clean their poo out each day as its quite big it just sits at the bottom of their tank and its easy to suck up.
my axys poop is just like dirt or dust or somethin, just tiny bits. how do you suck it out kim?
by the way i just read your profile and you live in england..where abouts? do you breed axys?

I live in Milton Keynes but no sorry i dont breed them i really wish i could. When i get some more room i may attempt it so i'll let you know

i have a gravel vacuum its great i attach it to the air pump put it in the water and it collects the poo in th little bag. And it doesnt even bother them.
well guys its not looking too good... when i left for work this morning Spunky had come out of hiding but he really doesnt seem well.

He had gone alot redder, if you look at one of my above posts (the third one with both of them) you can see that Spunky's cloaca region is enlarged and that it had a red type 'vein'. When i got up and looked this morning the 'vein' was deep red and he is becoming darker.

Im really consernd about him. He now has a discharge from his cloaca as well, hope fully if its not too late at the end of the week/weekend i will be able to get a 'holding tank' to put him in.

Has any body else experienced

I'll try and post some pictures when i get home for you all.

This is the latest picture of Spunky. He really isnt looking good and is blowing up like a balloon!

Someone help!!

oh wow, Kim he doesn't look at all well. I dunno what to suggest. Is there any chance you can find a vet to take a look at him? Weekends a long way off and I don't think putting him another tank now is going to be all that effective.
Sorry to be voice of gloom
. Take care Kim.

I spoke to Mikki earlier, and gave me some advise (thanks alot by the way!). Ive managed to get a spare holding tank from a friend.

Ive put him in it with some tank water and fresh treated tap water. No gravel no nothing just water.

As my tank as been very hot this might have been somthing to do with him being ill so ive put him outside for the night (with a lid on so the cats carnt get in)

So i will let you know how it goes. Though i do need to get hold of a vet, none of them seem to know anything.
i dunno if axolotls and newts share same probs n stuff but theres a thing on the main site about newts blowing up. but its not good news if its same as newts im afraid :s
how hot if very hot kim? if the temp gets above about 22 stick a frozen bottle of water in the tank to cool it down. hot water is bad news for axies.
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