Question: Fair Pricing for Axolotls

When would you rather buy an axolotl?

  • Adult (ready-made, least fragile)

    Votes: 61 13.0%
  • Juvenile (less fragile, can still watch them grow)

    Votes: 364 77.4%
  • Egg (less friendly to novices, can watch the whole development process)

    Votes: 45 9.6%

  • Total voters
Get in contact with "Reptiles Inc" Australians! They're based in Canberra but have some absolutely beautiful lotls of a wide variety of colours.
They cost pence if u buy them from wholesaler, i think charging 15 pound for a juvie is rixuculous, i have 300 babie Ready to hatch and id ask for 3-5 gbp. As that is reasonablr for me just to cover my costs and a bit of profit and a good deal for them x
I bought my 1st axie 4 $37 at a pets shop.I bought my other 3 from a breeder & paid $30 - they were perfect & had long gills & great color.:D
I paid 40 each for my 3 wilds plus shipping, but I love them and it was worth the money! Still looking for some other types, finding it's not easy in Canada.
1. What do you consider a fair price (for both breeder/seller and buyer) for an adult axolotl? Should this price include the full cost to produce said healthy adult, like a year worth of food, energy use, etc.? If not, why not?
Just looking on the replies so far, the price of axies has a huge range depending on the location. For me, a fair price would be £15 GBP but that's because that is the common price where I live. I would advice you have a look at your competitors prices and evaluate if they are fair or not and adjust your own accordingly. You mentioned a website so I'm going to pressume you intend to sell inter/nationally. I would calculate how much you will need to spend on caring for each axolotl and then factor in a reasonable profit for yourself.

2. If you were in the market to buy an adult axolotl, would you look to buy one at the "fair" price mentioned above, or look for one for less (not including "rescue" scenarios)?
Neither, really. Price is secondary to me, to things such as the condition of the axolotl and the care they have received. Having said that, if there were two equally competant breeders but one was cheaper...well, nuff said :)
3. Would factors like breeder's reputation, breeder's availability to answer questions, and breeder's recommendations for useful aquarium products, etc. influence how much you are willing to pay for an adult axolotl? By how much?
Definately. Reputation is important, if I was recommended a breeder by another hobbyist, then that breeder would be top o my list. However, I think it's a bit earlier for you to factor 'reputation' into your starting price, because it's something that is earned over a long period of time. When I got my first axie, I received a lot of advice and the shop I bough him from know what they were talking about. If I was buying my first again, I would probably pay £10 GBP more for this. For one thing, the breeders knowledge would assure me that I was investing in a healthy animal that will be long-lived :)
4. In general (and especially if you are new to caudates or axolotls), would you prefer to buy a "ready-made" adult axolotl, or a "do-it-yourself" egg or juvenile axolotl? Does initial price factor into this decision? Do you feel that one or the other option is more economical over-all?
Juvie was my preference. And I think they would work out more economical for you, as you can house more juvies in a tank than adults and feeding costs will also be less. I wouldn't advice selling eggs to first time owner, I know a couple who bought 40 eggs and ended up with only one reaching the juvie stage. They didn't actually get their moneys worth. Also, it isn't difficult to find eggs going for free, or a few quid.
5. If you had never cared for caudates or heard of axolotls, and stumbled upon a website that advertised a beautiful type of aquatic pet, and provided useful information and materials to get you started, how likely would you be to buy one of these animals from them? As an experienced caudate enthusiast and/or axolotl owner, would you consider buying from an outside website if it looked professional and legitimate?[/QUOTE]
Definately not. I know from experience that a professional website doesn't mean there's a professional business behind it. One example, is Generally among hobbyists, they have a poor reputation and are seen as expensive. The website comes secondary, firstly you have to have the trust and reccomendation of the hobbyists. Don't underestimate the power of word of mouth.
The problem with websites is that you can't see the condition of the animals or the tanks etc. Any pictures could be pasted from another source. I don't think many people would independantly put their trust in a webpage especially if it was selling livestock. But that doesn't mean it won't work.
One example is who have a huge lobby of experienced keepers and novices alike who are very happy with the services and products they recieve.
Hope this helped....just my thoughts :confused:

Heehee, I got my two axies for £12..but one was free. Darwin hid in the folds of the carrier bag and only appeared when we had got home. But sshh, don't tell anyone :sick:
I bought my axie (whos a bit bigger than i thought, finally laid out in a way i can get a good measurement)...@ 5 inches, Golden Albino for $45. May or may not be GFP, I cant remember, and it made her freak out so I didnt shine the light on her. She came with 10 gallons of Spring water to get things started though :)
Mine cost £18.
I paid £16. 99, for my first axolotl, grown to about a year old, i then paid a member on here £7.50 for 20 eggs, of which 11 were good and hatched. I then paid another £16.99 for my golden albino who is a couple of years old, all in very happy with money spent, as the enjoyment of owning them is 'priceless'!!!
Our three Axies cost AUS$29. each they are all adults.
^^^ Yeah I've seen prices like that around Perth even up to $35 at some stores the cheapest i saw was for $22 and from what i know they are the healthiest
Hi, at my local pet shops they sell adults for $30, the pet shop neer my sisters had young axies on ''special'' for $42 and in Adelaide i've seen them for $15.

I have seen them in adelaide for up to $60 for an adult which I thought was unreasonable. I got 2 of my 4 from pet shops for $30 each. I have some babies at the moment who are about 1 week old. When they no longer need live food and will be easier to feed, I think I will advertise them for $15-$20 in the local papers etc. I dont want them so cheap that some one will get a 'cute tiny axolotl' on a whim and not look after it properly but if I am cheaper then the pet shops then people who are looking around are more likely to buy from me then a pet shop. They will also be higher quality then a pet shop as I have the time to feed them properly. I was speaking to someone in a pet shop who said they dont have time to hand feed their axolotls so they just toss food in the tank and first in first served. Mine will be fed twice daily by hand as they grow.
I bought mine for $10 when he was 4inches long. he was selling ones a bit bigger for $15. The one I have (Golden albino names Pinky) was actually $12, but he had a freshly missing arm so he took $2 off lol He is an excellent breeder and very helpful! That's another thing, always be available to your customers, make sure that you give all the proper care information, that is a must. Now I would recommend this breeder to anyone in the Illinois area, but he does ship them also. Fair prices and very patient during crisis times :)
I wouldn't want to spend more than $20 each for a bigger axolotl because I would want to buy a couple, and still not break the bank. Reputable people can definitely get away with charging more because I would be confident in the animal's health. I'd be leery of spending too much on an animal without knowing if I was getting my money's worth or not.
my loval pet shop is selling them for $30 each.

and i still don't hae an axolotl after doing reacerch on the axolotl site in the links then coming here to pick up tips and tricks from everyone on this site. which is awsome, thanks John for creating it and to every user of this site for sharing your ideas.:D
I bought my two axies for 20$ each(and they were "on sale", too!). But it was from a local breeder, not some buy online and ship 'em place. They couldn't have been more than a month old.
1. Im looking at about 40 dollars for a juvenile here in Dallas, TX. Ive seen prices fo 15 to 25 but those are online and have 25 to 35 in shipping added making the total 40 to 60 dollars. at that price I would assume all costs for raising the axolotl are covered. If youre breeding the animals or even just caring for them the cost of food is cheap (as long as youre not paying for frozen bloodworms from your local overprice chain pet store every few weeks). I would expect a higher price for an older Axolotl as those costs will add up over time, especially if you have it for a few years

2. Im always on the lookout for a discount or savings so yes, but it also depends on the health of the animal in question

3. no, I doubt I would ever pay more than 40 dollars, especially considering the price of axolotls ive seen on this site as well as major retailers

4. I would prefer a juvenile, I would consider getting eggs as well. I prefer to raise my pets from young if possible. Initial cost is always a factor

5. yes, but it also depends on the reviews and details I can gather from others that have visited them as well
I paid $150 Canadian dollars on my Juvenile leucistic, who was about 3 or 4 inches at the time of purchase. Then I bought my 2nd one, not sure what type it is, but I know it is definitly GFP, for $30 American dollars, and it was about 1 1/2 inches long.
I am currently Looking for a few Axolotls in the DFW Tx area. I have found ONE breeder so far and he is asking $40 for a 3-4 inch Axie and $60 for 5in and up. I thought this was a little high for one Axolotl but may end up spending the money. They seem healthy and happy little critters.
I am currently Looking for a few Axolotls in the DFW Tx area. I have found ONE breeder so far and he is asking $40 for a 3-4 inch Axie and $60 for 5in and up. I thought this was a little high for one Axolotl but may end up spending the money. They seem healthy and happy little critters.

sounds like the same guy i got my 2 from
I have been unable to find any others in the DFW area breeding these guys!
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