When I first got my leucistic my fiance paid £10.00 for him and he was very tiny. I have to say, he was kept in very poor condition at the place I got him from. He also had a leg missing but it didn't bother me. Its now grown back, and he has an extra toe growing off a toe! Now he is a big ol' beast and thriving

My second axie which I got last week is a wildtype and very tiny, tinier than when I got my first. They sold me the axolotl for £5.95. There little axolotls seemed okay, but the big ones they were selling had stubby gills. They sold the adult ones for £20.95 and the general body length was very short as well, and they must of been near the same age as my leucistic, and he is very very long! about 30cm! They also had four adults in a small tank, so there was barely any room. None of the tanks had hides in them, just one plant shoved in the corner of the tank.
At the end of the day, the most important thing for me is the animals health and welfare. I'm not bothered about the price, just bothered if the animal is being well cared for. What also annoys me is the lack of information sellers and pet shops seem to have about axolotls. I guess I can blame myself and say I should of researched about them, but when I got my first one, it was a spur of the moment thing and I had never seen an axolotl before, so I put my trust (bad move) in the pet shop to tell me how they are meant to be kept. He told me:
-They are just like a goldfish. (So when I got home, I put the axolotl on GRAVEL and then made sure it had a mixture of WARM and cold water)
-He told me that they just eat bloodworm. (So my poor axolotl ate nothing but bloodworm until I researched different foods)
-He never told me how big it could grow. (So there my axolotl stayed in a small tank until I got the funds to get a bigger and better one!)
So my poor axie had a bit of a rough start but he is absolutely thriving now, (with thanks to the guys on here!). He now lives in a 5ft tank, with plenty of hides and plants.
So basically, if I was selling, I would probably not ask for much as my main priority would be to ask questions to the buyer such as:
-How much do you know about axolotl's?
-Do you have an adequate tank and equipment?
-Have you ever had experiences with this type of creature before?
etc etc etc.
Also as someone mentioned earlier, they stay in touch with the buyers. I think thats a great idea, and I would have to do the same. I wouldn't want my axolotl's to go to someone who couldn't look after them properly. As it is, I'd wished I'd looked at my first axolotl, reserved him, and gone away to research about him.
Umm, thats all I have to say really!