Hello, time for a uppdate.
First i have to admit that this has taken much longer then i expected which i feel a little guilty over. Things has gone wrong all the time, but they are finally in their new tank.
However. I had to remove all rocks as the ph rised to much, plants died and i got algea that i later read could be beacuause of to much iron, maybe that was the case here. So 24days ago I changed sand, and cleaned the tank as I found better more granite like rocks which seem to work just fine,, Ph is okey although tap water has 7,8, but some drift wood keep it on about 7,6.
It is absolutly 100% cycled sinze 6days back, 0-0-10 after a water change yesterday, and the filter is removed to avoid current. I use API freshwater test kit and try to be very accurate, tested 2 times each day last 3days just to be sure everything is right. I also have 15 cherry shrimps in there.
Probleme is now that the newts have issues to go aquatic, well the try but floats and stress swims because of that. I know iit can take a while with a switch from much land to aquatic, still two of them have walked around times to times on the bottom short periodes but then out fast for another another try later. The other just floats when trying, probably because of gas, right? They are well feed, active and looks good in every way.
One was walking around some seconds ago but do now float again, and 3st is trying but, well you know. Water is perfect but something is wrong and it frustrates me.
Excuse my bad english: )