Cynops.e.popei building.

I love the tank! I think you stage things beautifully, you made a good decision leaving the foam out. Can wait to see the newts enjoying the new setup!

Thanks for sharing throughout the process!

Thank you!
Indeed, I made a very good decision! I was not especially pleased befor anyway. But without tryimng to build in foam the result would never had been like this, probably a boring root and some skiffer.I was lucky to find so nice stones in the forest.

I am on day 3 with cycling, so maybe 2-4weeks left. Also i have ordered some Java ferns and another plant that i hope will thrive, so I start with them..
It looks fantastic. How soon are you planning to put the newts in? And how big are they?
You should see my largest tank (150 cm) with popei in it. I can't make pics now, 'cause a few tanks with larvae are standing in front of it.

I'm working on it. i shall make my own topic, instead of hijacking this from Grius.
It looks fantastic. How soon are you planning to put the newts in? And how big are they?

As fast as the tank is cycled, im on day four now. the largest is around 10cm, and the other between 8-9cm i quess.

It think it looks even better now when the root have coloured the water a bit, and from the reflection from moss.


On these photos I have one 20w Hagen Aqua-glo instead for the 39w T5 daylight( in the clip) which however is too fo my newts what i can see. But I shall fix that before they move in.

T5 24w daylight may work, or one T8 20-24w but without the purple light.
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I'm working on it. i shall make my own topic, instead of hijacking this from Grius.

Feel free to post pictures in my thread Joost, I am also curious on your large tank!
I'm amazed. It turns out to be a beautiful setup. Nice done Tomas

D**n so slow I am today. Thank you. I hope i can make it look good with all plants when they arrive early next week.
I just tested for Nitrit-NO2.

It is day four adding ammonia and I have 1,5-2.0ppm NO2, tested with two Tropic marine package and got the same on both. So it seems like the cycle have started now.
I use pure 25% ammonia and temp is 25-26degree.
So i did a nitrat test just for fun..Over the chart! and there is absolutly nothing wrong with my dropp tests. So what is happening hehe? time for a water change it sounds like.

Also my ammonia have droped fast since yesterday, i mean really fast.

Correction..I`m on day 5 today.
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I have got an explanation wy it is cycling so fast this time. Seems like some bacteria surrived from all washing about 2month ago, but i have keept the media soaked the hole time. And it would be great(for them) if they could move in faster then exspected..
Hello, time for a uppdate.

First i have to admit that this has taken much longer then i expected which i feel a little guilty over. Things has gone wrong all the time, but they are finally in their new tank.

However. I had to remove all rocks as the ph rised to much, plants died and i got algea that i later read could be beacuause of to much iron, maybe that was the case here. So 24days ago I changed sand, and cleaned the tank as I found better more granite like rocks which seem to work just fine,, Ph is okey although tap water has 7,8, but some drift wood keep it on about 7,6.

It is absolutly 100% cycled sinze 6days back, 0-0-10 after a water change yesterday, and the filter is removed to avoid current. I use API freshwater test kit and try to be very accurate, tested 2 times each day last 3days just to be sure everything is right. I also have 15 cherry shrimps in there.

Probleme is now that the newts have issues to go aquatic, well the try but floats and stress swims because of that. I know iit can take a while with a switch from much land to aquatic, still two of them have walked around times to times on the bottom short periodes but then out fast for another another try later. The other just floats when trying, probably because of gas, right? They are well feed, active and looks good in every way.

One was walking around some seconds ago but do now float again, and 3st is trying but, well you know. Water is perfect but something is wrong and it frustrates me.

Excuse my bad english: )
Try adding lots of plants. They feel insecure becoming aquatic in open spaces, they drop to the bottom and then hurriedly swim to the surface. If they can rest on thick masses of plants that reach the surface they feel much more secure and the transition into the water is faster and safer. I strongly advice it.
Post pictures when you can!
Try adding lots of plants. They feel insecure becoming aquatic in open spaces, the drop to the bottom and then hurriedly swim to the surface. If they can rest on thick masses of plants that reach the surface they feel much more secure and the transition into the water is faster and safer. I strongly advice it.
Post pictures when you can!

Your right, I should probably buy more plants, it is kind a empty with that. So floating in the beginning is pretty common then? a stress sign i mean. They just feed on worms with aptite and one returned to the water soon after. But maybe going in the water stress them for the moment?

I have replaced the large stone on the left side to a large root instead, to lower ph some. They also have a good hide on the left side now, like a cave, but not in the video.

‪TomasSyrsa's Channel‬‏ - YouTube

That floating root i also gone.
Floating and swimming frantically is very common and normal when they are transitioning into being aquatic in open spaces. It´s somewhat risky since they can get tired and if they fail to reach land (they have a nasty way of getting stuck swimming into corners) there is a possibility of drowning. Plants prevent this very efficiently as the newts will just rest on top of them with only their heads out of water. They will then gradually explore right under the surface and into the thickets of plants, and eventually be fully aquatic.

I have a C.pyrrhogaster juvenile transitioning into an aquatic life right now and it becomes clearly stressed in open water but explores and eats without problems in the areas where plants are very thick.
That sound good in a way, to know that it is common. I will buy more plants tomorrow.

Thank you, can relax a little.
I went to the store today and baught new plants, and it seems to work. One (the smallest) are down walking around much(for the moment), and another was on the way, some cm under the surface, but changed it`s mind.I put most plants along the walls

So soon i assume;) I feel very relieved to at last have them in the tank. And another are down i see.
Aha!! Plants never fail :)
I´m glad they are adjusting to their new home, do post pictures when you can!
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