Cynops.e.popei building.

Keep it simple we all know these newts will do better in a totaly 100% aquatic all filled to the top aquarium. No need to find problems. They only exist for those who want them.
Thats my opinion..
Hi all.

I understand your opinions, but i cant agree on some points. Everything will be much easier if using friftwood or cork, you are right on that of curse. However thats not my intention, as i also want to make it look somewhat "natural" as a whole.

We will see how it goes this time, i have allready began to attach the roots with foam. This can be done and shall so be:)

Yes, im glad i noticed that before a probably lost of my newts, that would have been so sad.

Keep it simple we all know these newts will do better in a totaly 100% aquatic all filled to the top aquarium

Apparently we dont..
But If you read my post again you will understand wy the low watert level, it`s only temporary.

I keep you all posted.
I use (lava)stones top of each other. They won't collapse by their rough edges. Also some wood can be used what sticks out of the water. Some javamoss on top of it and it does look very nice.
I shall make some pics soon of one of my tanks.
I am looking forward to see some your set ups, amigo Joost. Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry I let you guys wait so long :D:p

Here are some pics from my tanks:


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...and the last 3 ;)


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Thanks for your pictures Joost, good ideas:) but i will still go for a landscape building as I'm already well on the way. I have only one more layer foam today then im done with great stuff and can begin to silicone on thuesday. I will do the land/substrate area a little more simpel this time and use flower pots instead, not as deeply hollowed.

Dutch style aquaria and terraria have always amazed me. Thanks for sharing Joost.
You should see my largest tank (150 cm) with popei in it. I can't make pics now, 'cause a few tanks with larvae are standing in front of it.
You should see my largest tank (150 cm) with popei in it. I can't make pics now, 'cause a few tanks with larvae are standing in front of it.

I would really like to see that Large tank! When you have possibility please take some pictures and show us.
Hi guys.
Time for a update.

I have sprayed on about 5st layers foam with 10-20 ours between to really make sure everything hardened, and also cut the foam flat before a new layer.

I also did some changes to get less silicone/cocos surface to cover, less of that is better of curse, and also not as much job for me. The root is covered with less foam for the same reason. As i got a leak last time i have been extremely careful this time, and sealed with silicone both around the hole landscape, but also a ground layer all over the foam surface. Perhaps a bit unnecessary allthough not a bad idea. Actually i have put two layers silicone around the bottom, sides and on the foam between aquarium floor and the root:happy:

Now i only have like 10seconds foam woork left which feel nice. The stone on the left side is the only one that need to be attched, well maybe one more..

Woork so far. The stones under the root in the middle will not be siliconed this time, i dont know wy i did that!
Now im done with foam=)

Those two new stones to the right is not attached, they fit so good there already so it only feel unecessary.
What you say, do i have to throw in the aquarium in the wall? soon i will do it. I got finished yesterday, so i hope that i dont need to destroy another landscape.

I got this silicone product from my glass guy who have worked with reptiles the past 25years so he know there is only one silicone that really works. But now they have changed to this mark instead, and he toold me that it is perfectly safe for reptiles/amphibians, it`s the same vinegar based silicone.

But now i read this. S.pdf


Say that it is over for this second try, how would i then be able to get ridd of all silicone from the glass bottom, sides etc? I have sealed 3times around all edges/around everything, and 2layer on all foam surface which certainly make it really hard to cut lose from the glass.
Sorry I don't understand...I looked at the PDF and it says Silirub is a one component sealant...doesn't that mean it's safe?
Sorry, i was not so clear with my question. I read that it has fungicides in it, obviously is not there on the PDF, but a little read on google gives more information

Silirub S is a high quality, one-component elastic acetate-based silicone sealants, containing fungicides (fungicides). MTK - Approved.

Easy to apply - Colour Stable - Permanently elastic after curing - UV stable - Very good adhesion to most building materials - Contains fungicides.

Top sealing in glazing. Bonding of silicone seals.
Seams in the kitchen and bathroom between the sink / tile / sanitary ware / floor

****, what now:/
I talked to my glass guy about all this, so he gave me some compensation money becausa of the wrong silicone, and thats a savior So now on thursday i shall take a tripp and pick upp 1-2 medium sized roots for the compensations money. And when the good silicone arrives on friday i can start, but no foam or so this time, i just need silicone to seal a bit on the black silicone along the backside.

I think i will be able to find something good from here, its like half the prize from what i gave for the other small roots.

Rötter :: Inredning :: Sötvatten :: PWSS

I will be able to fill the tank and start the cycle on thuesday. I post you pictures later.


As you can see I removed the building when i discovered the bad thing about my silicone.

Today the real Aquarium silicone arrived, so i sealed the hole bottom just in case, and to make the stones safer i put some silicon under the largest stones(no one is attached in the tank) This silicon takes apparently 4 days before it hardened, or that is what i read on the tube.


And here some furnishing test,i have not decided yet how i shall do, but something like this whith lots of moss growing on stones and root, and of curse water plants.

What do you guys think about this setup idea? I thought i should put sand in most cracks so the newts gets easier to find..And silicone the smaller lose stones to each other so that everything gets safe.

Regards. it happened a bit today. Filled the tank with basic furnishings and added the first dose of pure ammonia.

There is much furnishings left, more small stones, plants both on land surfaces and in water. Got home some christmas moss today wich i ordered from a shrimp breeder.But the bright moss is only temporary until I got hold of a little darker tropical. The back still need to be covered in dark to get a forest like environment Water volume shall be increased as soon as the animals are down aquatic, and then its time for some cherry shrimps as cleaners and extraordinary inhabitants.

I do not understand what happened here, but you can see the video so.
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I love the tank! I think you stage things beautifully, you made a good decision leaving the foam out. Can wait to see the newts enjoying the new setup!

Thanks for sharing throughout the process!
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