Cynops.e.popei building.


New member
Jan 27, 2008
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After a long whait i could at last begin to build a little on a costume made tank för my 5st popei. The aquarium measuring 95x60x47cm cm, lxwxh. And as you can se there is a hole on each side, for filter tubes.

So far I have only silicone roots and rocks, its the base so to speak. Next i shall fill all space with great stuff, to create a landpart for hidings and planting, So i will keep it quite simple.


I bought a Great stuff product that is safe to work with as it lacks subtance Isocyanates.

The new ESS Foam Evo, we have eliminated the harmful isocyanates found in conventional sealing foam. This involves a number of advantages.

You can forget the hassle of protective equipment.

No training and medical examinations.
ESS Foam Evo is not covered by hard plastic regulation.
You can work much faster and easier than with the drive, back-up material and elastic sealants.
Meanwhile, ESS Foam Evo all the advantages and good qualities as conventional sealing foam with isocyanate has.

Someone familiar with this product?(can to the right) A paid 28.38 euro for one can hehe, but it`s worth it!

I had a much more exspensive plan att first. A landscskape over hole backside and some part of one side. But that have to whait a year or so.

I would also like to thank Joost for my amazing popei!:happy:

Update tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing more photos!
I suppose you have everything planned down to the last millimeter when you start...?
A sentiment I think most of u son here who have used great stuff have uttered at one point or another - don't forget to factor in how MUCH this stuff expands overnight! It can be quite A surprise the first time using it to wake up in the morning and see a mutated growth of what your beautifully aquascaped tank was the night before :D one of the advantages of the great stuff is you can just cut unwanted parts away and sand them down before sealing, letting you get pretty precise in what you do. I used this method in my orientalis tank and am very pleased eith the results, it gets a lot of compliments from visitors and let's my little guys show off haha
Good luck, can't wait to see more pics!

I cant ses those roots anymore:D no, just kidding, they are still there, and hopfully when i wake up today.

I empty the ESS EVO can some ours ago. And a good things about ESS EVO..It does not smell att all! Seem to be the GREATEST stuff!

Now i only need to extend the right side some, make the landpart higher, and maybe attach 1-2 larger rocks to it. So only a short use of the other can.
Last step is to cover foam with silicone/cocos, Much will obviously end up under water, but hopfylly be partly covered in java moss within a short time.

I show more pictures next update.
Nice to hear the popei are doing fine. Don't wait too long for the pics to show!

This is how long i have got so far. I have not siliconed those other stones, no need for that, but the large at land shall be attach with great stuff. I also have some extend to do on right side , mybe some mor roots ect.

So about the new great stuff. It seem to have harden, and the can says 3ours, it has gone 20ours now. But a perhaps bad thing about this ESS evo is the consistens. Very flexibel and soft, not at all like other products. But for my part that dosent mather this time.

So what do you yhink, is it lto soon for the last layer foam?
Ah, a new project, i´m green with envy xD
Are the newts juveniles or adults? I´m asking because that would affect the way i planned the tank. If they are adults, then you should probably consider what the total volume of water will be considering all the decorations and the holes at mid height for the tubes. I´d try to aim for maintaining as much volume dedicated for water as you can, since that´s only going to make your life easier. However if they are juveniles, a shallower set-up would perhaps be preferable. Anyway, i´m looking forward to seeing how it develops. I can´t get a new tank so i must live vicariously :p
Ah, a new project, i´m green with envy xD
Are the newts juveniles or adults? I´m asking because that would affect the way i planned the tank. If they are adults, then you should probably consider what the total volume of water will be considering all the decorations and the holes at mid height for the tubes. I´d try to aim for maintaining as much volume dedicated for water as you can, since that´s only going to make your life easier. However if they are juveniles, a shallower set-up would perhaps be preferable. Anyway, i´m looking forward to seeing how it develops. I can´t get a new tank so i must live vicariously :p

It tooked 18weeks and one building misstake untill i got a aquarium with right dimensios. There glass guy must be a drunk. I was promised 3days before cristmass, and got this last week.

I would say both sub and juv:) or what do you say Joost?
So for now 10cm water seem just enought. But land have to be higher of curse, so i will be able to raise the level water with time.

As udults this tank can only take 22cm water, it`s only 6mm glass which the aquarium firm said was enought olny for a smaller volume water. But that must be enought for adults?
But as said, for now that is not an issue=)

More photos will come!
THAT VIVARIUM IS AWESOME!!!!!! I can't wait to see it when it is done. Also C E. Popei is one of my favorite newts!!!!(the other two are Eastern Newts and Fire Bellied Newts
In that case, all sounds good. Even if water depth is half of the total height of the tank, you can still get a large volume of water, so you should have no problems. I just mentioned it because having a large volume of water is a terrific idea, and given the large size of the tank, you really want to take advantage of that volume. The more water, the better xD

By the way, the glass guy....what a service! 4 months late and a failed attempt....i hope you had a word with him xD
The popei are somewhere around 18 months old. 1 of them is 2 years old by now.
By the way, the glass guy....what a service! 4 months late and a failed attempt....i hope you had a word with him xD
I sure did, several times, and not with a happy tone hehe. Its a long storry this hole costume orders, dnd the strange thihng is that they are known in many aquarium forums, and people seem to like their setups.

The popei are somewhere around 18 months old. 1 of them is 2 years old by now.

Okey, i had forgotten their age, and i have had them some month now.
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At first i found this great rocks! They look a little to dark under that aquarium light (uggly light) but under daylight its looks really good.

None of the rocks are attach yet (exept the one in great stuff) and most of them shall be lose. I have also pressed in cocos/leaves cross, and to give it a more sand/mudd look i blend some play sand in the slope and on the root.

There will be some space for substrate/hiding and plants, as you can se i have hollowed out some in the landscape. But im note done, i see things that look strage and that must be fixed.

I dont dare to silicone like this, it looks better. Again, terrible light, make everything look so boring:/
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I can only see 2 flaws so far....

1. it's not done
And most importantly's still not done yet :p

Looking good Sir keep it up



From this..

to this..


Hole cow what a wortless product! i got water inside thanks to this Bad stuff.


Just look at it, it`s dissolves in water and the silicone did not attach to it, thats wy water got in.

So i called to where i baught the foam, who in his turn phoned the manufacturers, but they did not want to take the responsibility for what has happened. However, the guy from tool was kind, and of curse this aint his fault which i toold him, so i got 2 new large tubes with the normal great stuff, that was all he could do. I have them home now

So I only need some food in my stomach, after that i think its time to follow the aqiarium builders method and try one more time:eek:. I will be a little more accurate and careful this time though

It sure looked like a nice project, but maybe you should go for some easier decoration. In fact: you don't need to use the foam etc.
It sure looked like a nice project, but maybe you should go for some easier decoration. In fact: you don't need to use the foam etc.

Do you have some suggestions? The only way i can come up with is to build a ladscape in foam, i cant hink of any other method. That driftwood floats, so its hard to build something from those without use silicone.

I also want it to look good with all that space, but also try to get the newts down in the tank as soon as possible:/ And it feels like wasted money If i just let this be a "misstake"
I agree with Joost, foam is not necessary and can be more costly/time consuming/problematic than its worth. Don't get me wrong, I love setups with custom made foam islands and have done one or two myself. And yours was looking great (until the foam dissolved).

I have been a fan of big rocks and floating driftwood just by themselves or with the help of some silicone to hold in position if need be. Driftwood will need up sinking if you keep it entirely submerged for a period of time, then you could throw in some big cork islands.

Love the tank, good luck with it!
Sorry to hear about this mishap.
At least it didn't disintegrate slowly with the newts in the tank... hey (I always try to think of some worse case scenario when something bad happens to make it seem less bad ;)
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