Wow, congrats. Can't wait to see the pictures!
Out of interest, what set-up do you use for larvae approaching metamorphosis? Do you transfer larvae to a tilted tub?
Initial hatching and rearing was done in a ten gallon US tank. Lots of java moss and an airstone in place.
I then moved them into roughly 5 US gallon Sterilite tubs (based on each animal's SVL) with java moss and an sponge filter until they started showing signs of morphing, thickened legs, venter patterns, and a reduction of the caudal fin. All were sorted by size regularly.
Once they looked to be ready to morph, I moved them into a ten US gallon tank with a tight fitting screen lid. The water level was kept at about 6 inches, again heavily planted with java moss and a sponge filter. A cork bark island was also added at this time.
At first I transfered the morphs to a completely terrestrial ten gallon tank, however I had a close call with pica issues, so moved them to a tilted ten US gallon tank with lid. Quite a few of the morphs still had a bit of gill for the first ferw days, so I added 1/2 of an inch of water and a large mass of java moss, as some of them liked to stay very wet.
All juveniles that have completely lost their gills are then moved to a completely terrestrial tank with no substrate, a few masses of live moss and cork bark hides. I mist this tank with spring water once a day.