Add yourself to the Map!

Tim - I had already spent the time before you brought it up (I had noticed it myself).

If I could improve it, I would...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Jesper Danielsson wrote on Friday, 09 December, 2005 - 18:42 :</font>

"Hmm why does Knutby sound so familiar....muhahaha "<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Yeah, why..

Well it´s a lot calmer there now than it was a year ago, man.. The only strange thing there now is me..

Regarding the sals.. Ain´t gonna happen.. Not yet. I have too make room for one mor Vipera sp. first. So, listen to Mr Jones here..
Jesper: Please, help a fellowSwede, will you.. Can you translate this for me.. "Foderkalk"..

I'd just say calcium additive to food. Otherwise kalk = lime (calciumcarbonate).

Me, I just feed my worm colony with ground egg shells. But then again reptiles are more sensitive to calcium deficiency.
As from now on, Henk isn't the only Belgian on the map

Because I move in two weeks, I took the place I'm going to already.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Jesper Danielsson wrote on Monday, 12 December, 2005 - 18:23 :</font>

"I'd just say calcium additive to food. Otherwise kalk = lime (calciumcarbonate).

Me, I just feed my worm colony with ground egg shells. But then again reptiles are more sensitive to calcium deficiency."
<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
I knew "lime" and "calciumcarbonate", but I have trouble translating Foderkalk.. I wrote "Calcium additive"..

How about "Järnoxid" then.. Ironoxide, or what?
I like the map as a feature but it seriously slows down the forum topics page. Could it be placed on a new page rather than being embedded on a page that has to be reloaded to use the forum? Even my 2 meg broadband struggles...
I have to agree with Mark here, every time I load the page or just want to flip through the various forum sections very fast while on break at work, I have to wait for it to load each time. I could imagine this is even worse for those who have a slower than high-speed connection.

While it is nice, I think it'd be better as a separate page linked to from the main page, to be checked every once in a while.
I'm hearing this a lot. I will remove it from the site and just leave a link. How about that?
Hi everyone! Just left a message from Washington state. This is a fun project. Sure do miss you all, hopefully will be back on-line soon.
Sounds like a solution. Would it be better to set up a little mini section on this site to display it or just link directly to the other site?
I added myself to the map last week.

And now Frappr seems to think that I've signed up for an account with them, and won't leave me alone. I'm not pleased.

I must have accidentally pushed a button or something. I dunno...I'm not terribly computer-savvy.
lol so far i havn't been bugged i got a welcome message , but then again i only added myself last night im fairly good with computers so if i find this happens and i find a way around it i will be sure to post it , until then good luck with the frapper spam
having troubling doing this. has anyone else. im still new to the site and not sure if the link is down or im doing something wrong. can anyone help me?
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