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Jesper - Are those Swedish brownie points? The exchange rate is very favourable at the moment - probably nearer 2 pints...

p.s. did you ever work out what the "mall" was in Swedish?
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Jesper Danielsson wrote on Thursday, 01 December, 2005 - 18:39 :</font>

"Hi Miqe, now we are three Swedes albeit I don't live in Sweden any longer. Just moved from Uppsala a couple of months ago... "<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Skönt.. Då snackar jag lite modersmål, bara för att retas lite.. Jag bor i Knutby, strax utanför U-a. Vad gör du i fel land? Pluggar?

Ha det..
Deletion of inappropriate posts by members anywhere on the forum has always been an option of the moderators and this option can be exercised anywhere on the forum.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Diego La Torre wrote on Friday, 02 December, 2005 - 21:41 :</font>

" it's a translator..."<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

The translation is limping a little.. But not that much..
Hi John,
I do not live in Bristol at the moment, I'm sorry to say that I am stuck with a six month contract on an apartment in Weston-Super-Mare. I work here. Unfortunately not yet as a pharmacist but as a pharmacy grunt(ie trainee pharmacist).
So how's life on the other side? How's life as a married man in the united states of america?

Hi Mark,
Oh well two pints it is, let it forever be known that swedes are altruistic beings...hrm..
Oh right mall(swedish) = template(more or less anyway)
I'm "used" to american english so I didn't get it when Mark said mall with a typical british a, it sounded just like the swedish word. Try to say Mallrats with a british pronunciation! It sounds ridiculous...
Btw I totally lost it the other day, I asked for the bill in a cafe in swedish and didnt understand why the girl at the till was staring at me so I repeated myself like 3 times with longer and more thorough explanations each time before remembering... I probably stood there holding a swedish monologue for a good couple of minutes. I think she thought I was high or something...

Hi Miqe,
Lyckades visst missa dig under mina 5 ar i Uppsala..
Do you know Ralf by any chance? Did you use to be president of "the reptile and amphibian association of Uppsala"(something like that anyway..)?
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Jesper Danielsson wrote on Saturday, 03 December, 2005 - 18:41 :</font>

"Hi Miqe,
Lyckades visst missa dig under mina 5 ar i Uppsala..
Do you know Ralf by any chance? Did you use to be president of "the reptile and amphibian association of Uppsala"(something like that anyway..)?"
<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

I´m sorry, man.. But I don´t know any Ralf in the "Uppsala Herpetological Association". I´m the prenident/chairman there now.. See -->
You´ve missed me completley, when did you live there?
I lived there 99-04. I never made it to any uhf meeting...Was never even a member. Just never got around to it.

No I meant Ralf, the moderator on this site. I think he mentioned a guy from Knivsta to me a long time ago. I actually did try to find you, I even looked through the member list of uhf I think. Think I got the name wrong though, or maybe there is another newtophil in Knivsta(yeah right..)

I do not know Ralf..
Well, I lived in Uppsala until 2000, then me and my girlfriend moved to Knutby (Knotvillage), and I became the chairman in UHF last year(2004).. I never lived in Knivsta.. Who wants to do that!!

(Message edited by morbid on December 05, 2005)
Ah Knutby not Knivsta. Got the two confused. Hmm why does Knutby sound so familiar....muhahaha

So I see that you don't keep sals! Snakes, lizards and frogs but no sals! Get a grip man!
This map thing should carry some sort of warning. I nearly missed a uni deadline playing around with it!
OK, if you look at the main topic page (there's a link at the top of the topic page, and a big map at the bottom) you'll see that I've embraced Jeff's Frappr map. The question is, have I gone overboard?
Looks nice, and I finally added my name to it after seeing Japan appear on the map without having to scroll for it. But then with North America in the map's center as it is now, my marker doesn't even appear without scrolling. If Europe is moved to the middle, with the United States on the left and Japan on the right, the marker then appears. Do you have any control over the centering for this thing? be fair to us in Asia
I spent like an hour trying to get it to re-center, but the commands don't work for some reason (despite Frappr saying they should). Sorry Tim and Aussies/Japanese/other Asians...
No problem, we're used to it

Sorry to have put you to such trouble.

Oh and I'd forgotten about those Aussies and Kiwis!

It's a cool feature to have on the site for now, though one which could use some improvement...
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