YOUR axie breeding experiences!



Please enlighten me on ur axolotl breeding experiences by answering these questions.
1- how did u trigger them to breed/ what do u think triggered them to breed?
2- what did u do with the eggs?
3- how long did they take to hatch/ did they hatch?
4- how much and when did you feed the babies?
5- when were the babies weaned (old enough to be given away)?
6- any other interesting thing u would like to share!

thanx a bunch... i am aiming to breed my female soon, but i will only raise 20.

do you know the most humane way to cull the eggs? shoudl they be left in the parent house to be eaten?...i figured they wouldnt have developed nerves yet....
Thats if 20 survive.

To cull the eggs, buy some really strong alcohol and put them in it.

(Message edited by deathbringer on May 12, 2006)
i havent gotten a male yet, but very soon i will. I'm not sure if mine is a female for sure though. How do u tell, and also how to do make em breed?
1- how did u trigger them to breed/ what do u think triggered them to breed? iv got a feeling that when i feed them the frozen axolotl tucker it could of triggered it because both times iv fed it the axies have bred, i could also be the colder wether.

2- what did u do with the eggs? i removed them from the tank and put them in another tank.

3- how long did they take to hatch/ did they hatch? about 2-3 weeks and yes the first one hatched thismorning

4- how much and when did you feed the babies? i havent yet but i am hatching some brine shrimp and will be putting it in the tank tomorrow.

6- any other interesting thing u would like to share! i left some of the eggs in the axie tank for the axies to eat.
if there is a visible bump between the back legs its a male, if its flat then u have a female
1. well axies breed more in lower temp, some people use Ice blocks to do the trick, I´m against it , I prefer that they breed normally.
2.As I work in a Public aquarium , most of the eggs I take there, and the rest sometimes I give to schools, university, pet shops, and friends.Try to have a place for them before you start to breed them.
3. It depends of the temp, sometimes takes from one to two weeks.
4.Every day, with live food like daphnia, it´s the best for new born.
5. When they start to eat from the floor ,the frozen food.
6.Don't keep the tank of your baby axie to clean, and always replace the water with water from the big tank(parents tank)
Good luck with it
After they lay eggs females tend to be more aggressive, be sure to keep an eye on that to.
I have to large tanks, of 220 l one with males and other with females, it's easier...
I have breed a lot of axies , I lost the count , so any questions, be free to ask.

(Message edited by Rastajohn on May 28, 2006)
joao, how old are the baby axies when they start eating?. i have put lots of baby brine shrimp with my 4 day old babys and i cant really see much eating them, only about 3 have lunged out and eatin some.

thanks alex.
frozen axolotl tucker. dont your pet stores sell it?. its just like frozen food, processed sort of. it could also be like frozen blood worms...
i think alex may mean the cubes of frozen blood worms that you get for fish? in the uk we also have something called quintet mix which has frozen blood worms daphnia brine shrimp etc all in one frozen cube
this stuff is made in nz, it contains all sorts- insects, shrimp, vitamins and all that other yummy stuff lol. it doesnt say it has brineshrimp, daphnia or bloodworm in it but who knows lol, the ingrediants arent very specific. the same company makes alot of other things too like discus tucker, cichlid tucker, tadpole tucker etc
Hey Sharn/Alex - what's the name of it or brand name, as they don't sell it at our local petshop so may get them to order it in, as when I do go into town I forget to stop at the big petshop there.
Hey. it is such a great experience to breed them. but so much time and work! and money. good luck with it.

1- how did u trigger them to breed/ what do u think triggered them to breed?
I had my female (arounf 9-8 months old) in a tank by her self for about 2 months. i brought a male (not really expecting them to breed)and ijn the first hour he was laying spermatophor evrywhere and she was ahppy enough with that. i think the colder temperature in the tank to the quarintine container i had him in helped.

2- what did u do with the eggs?
When she layed the eggs (1 day later) i took about 50 out and put them in a separate container with an air stone (only 3 hathced) and left the others in the tank not want to cull them and i thought the adults would eat the eggs (they didnt) but luckily i did because they were the first and only ones to hatch. i think the water might have been way too cold in the smaller container i had the eggs in... i dont know.

3- how long did they take to hatch/ did they hatch?
like i said not many of the ones in the separate container hatched. but all 107 of the others did about 2-3 weeks after they were laid.

4- how much and when did you feed the babies?

i hate brine shrimp! try everything else u can find before brine shimp! i fed them once in the morning and once at night for aaaages. a whole batch of brine shrimp that had hatched the night before. that took up alot of time. i got them onto frozen blod worm as soon as they would eat it. i chopped it into little pieces and they have eaten it ever since. (the love it!)

5- when were the babies weaned (old enough to be given away)?

they are all about 12-14 cms at the moment and ive only given a few away. about 6. the pet shop yesterday said they they would like to buy some and that size was good enough for them. they seem to be growing very slowly though. does anyone know how big they should be? they are about 7months

6- any other interesting thing u would like to share!
maybe no so interesting, but they die very easily when they are first hatched to about 4months. i had 107 and now i have about 17. most died in the first 2 months. maybe not enough food. i dont know but i spend hours feeding them. and most of the others died because of fungus which was almost impossible to see until it was out of control. but when i spotted it early 90% survived.

anyhow good luck! it is worth it (unti.l u have 17 u cant get rid of and are running out of money!)

have fun
hey shane, how old were the babies when they began to eat frozen food?. kapo, whats the name of the pet store you go to?. the one in the mall in porirua sells frozen axie tucker.
i have no idea sorry. they were about 5-6cms though. it was such a relief not having to hatch the brineshrimp every day. that was such a hassle. just try it if you think their mouths are big enough. they will either eat it ir spit it out. its so weid! u can see it through their head, especially the albino ones.
my axy doesnt hav swelling at the base of the tail and is 20 cm or a few mm off that....why whenm i posted a pic, ppl told me it was a male!!!
they were going on about tail size or head shape or sumthin. I was really hopeing it was a female because i wanted to make sure the one i got first was a female so she could grow. She grows a cm or 2 in a month coz i feed her ALOT! she eats 10 or so axie pellets daily and a few meal worms ( about 3-10). She hates earth worms but every now and again i try her out on them. We dont have axie tucker here that ive herd of but im sure they sell frozen blodd worms and stuff, so ill feed her that or freeze dried treats and stuff.
at the pet shop normally axies are at about 15-19cm, how can i tell if they are male or females from that young age??? Sometimes i see them with black toes as well. Mine has black toes so i think its ready to breed. I will be getting another one within the next few weeks.
does anyone have any hints for me in ensureing i have 2 of the different sexes?? ALso here the tempurature is getting warmer, wee just hit the first month of winter, so spring will be here before we know it.
Now that iv'e herd how hard it is to make the babies survive this is what i plan on doing.
Dividingh the eggs into 3 piles. One in the parent tank, one in my pond outside, and one in a seperate container. do i need to have an air pump or just circulation? i herd they hatch better on java moss..??
well i better stop typing!! I coudl go on forever about the worries i have in my mind and all the questions! Its been interesting reading all ur storys!
Thanx u've made me the wiser!...adn more troubled! but keep it up!
thanx again!
what is the south aussie breeding season for axies? I have a new 7 yr old female and a i dunno 1 yr old male? 20cm. she is 30cm. They are in seperate tanks. What should i do to encourage breeding? are they ok with the size diff?
Hey guys, just got a few questions.
Yeh what is the breeding season? is mid spring too late? Is it ok to breed a 10cm difference couple?
do you NEED slate? What else can the male adhere his spermatophore to???
thanx y'all
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