Xo Lo and Tl

aw thanks everyone ;>; -hugs you all- you are all so kind to me and I feel so welcome -is in a elevated mood just now- I'm sorry if my rambling is annoying to anyone ,please just tell me to stop talking about myself and more about my axies lol.

Need to get more photos of them ,keep forgetting to do so ,their colours are changing! and I can tell them apart from one another now , they are all living together and so far so good :) I think having a large space and plenty of places to hide seems to have helped but I do have spare tubs in case they decide to be anti-social .

I'm just about done a month worth of prozac ,can't sleep and when I do my dreams are weird ,my throat burns for hours after taking them ,I get so tired constantly and I yawn constantly like I can never get enough oxygen,it's made my panic attacks worse but they did say it can take a while for it to work just the side effects are really quite frustrating to deal with :'D

Need to find a supplier of earthworms ,I know I can get them online but not sure if they are safe or not -goes searching-
Update :) put them in a glass tank so I could take photos as their home is sorta opaque.


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Their first taste of earthwormies (Dendrobaena) :D I felt so bad chopping up the cute little worms ,they ate one piece each but spat out the second piece I offered to them ...maybe they where too full to eat a second bit lol.Also sorry for the mess in their home ,haven't done their water change yet and these guys/gals are messy little things specially since they all live together .

I love Tl's little speckles on it's head (s/he's the luecistic)
Lo's the darker wildtype and Xo is the lighter wildtype but I sometimes get them mixed up lol.

eee can't wait till those frilly gills go completely red *____* they look so pretty all red~


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Tl's freckly mask is becoming more pronounced :D so cute!
Xo and Lo I honestly can't tell them apart anymore lol

I think they might be a little undersize/underweight for what age they are but they went on a hunger strike when I started to feed them earthworm bits a few weeks ago but now they are munching away at them and i'm also feeding them twice a day (morning frozen bloodworm ,night earthworms chopped up ) to try and put the weight on them .Still no nips or missing limbs so all is good.



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Am loving seeing these little guys growing up.....think the colours will be fab.

Sorry to hear about your suffering.....you'd be surprised how many people suffer from depression, some only a little and others a lot. Have been there myself and have come out the other side of it at long last. My thoughts are with you and hopefully your little ones will bring you peace and pleasure. :happy:
Just reading this thread for the first time. It's refreshing to see how open you are about your symptoms--and how supportive all of you are.

I'm finishing my doctorate in clinical psychology; I can also relate to a lot of what you are talking about. And I agree that axolotls are very therapeutic--they are for me, too. :)

Regarding the selective mutism--have you showed your psychiatrist any of your writing? Even what you've written on here could be very beneficial for him/her...and an easier way for you to express yourself. Just a thought.
Speaking of therapeutic axolotls, I started therapy again a couple of weeks ago. Last time, I mentioned that I was getting pets. And she asked what, and I said axolotls, and was then damn impressed that she knew what they were! Most of the time, when I've mentioned it, I've had to find pictures, and once a friend joked, "Surely that's plastic!"

( I was actually comparing Mum's impulsivity and my cautiousness. We came home with two young Netherland Dwarf rabbits the other week because Mum didn't want them sent back to the breeder's for stock - they'd been in the pet shop for at least six weeks. The difference is, though, that Mum kept and bred rabbits years before and after I was born, so we already had most of the equipment. They're seriously lovely girls. )

Glad to hear these two are doing so well. I'm getting my big tank next week, and ordering a filter and plants, ooh!
Sorry for not updating ,i've been a bit low lately so not been doing much

Don't worry I never took them out the water and they could get away from my hand whenever they want .I've been feeding them since they where tiny like this (letting them sit on my hand while I give the pipet or worm to them with the other ....stops the kin from fighting over noms.Soon they will be moved to their tank as they are now big enough and i've been making the water deeper each week and doing less water changes to climatize them .Still think they are a little underweight but not sure ....I leave a lot of worms in their tub and they are always gone in the morning so I know they are eating them but ah ...idk lol


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Update : I sadly lost Lo so i'm left with Tl and Axo (wildtype) they have got a new tank and no longer live in the tub .It's just a 60 litre (just little over 2ft in length ) but i'm hoping it will be okay once i add ledges for more floor space.

Their frills are recovering and they still have a little slime-coat issue and lost a bit of weight but they are improving and are eating now which is good :)

I've hit a very bad low these weeks so i've not been active or really awake much and my medication no longer works but can't go to psychiatrist just now as he retired and the stand-in disappeared for some reason lol so i'm stuck till November.

I'm hoping both are the same sex as I don't want inbreeding to happen and if one ends up being a different sex i'd probably have to sell or give one away :( which I don't want to happen.


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I'm sorry to hear about your lost axie :sad:, but thankfully the other two are okay! They definitly are very beautiful axolotls, the patterns are adorable. I hope you have better luck in the future.
Update! long time no see! my health hasn't been great and my computer broke but here i am to update Xo and TL .They recently got an external filter that is amazing (never had an external before and they works so well for messy axies ) and i stole the idea of the turf for substrate (as i own geckos and know that loose substrate is a big no no ) .Their all healed and TL has a double frill that splits into a Y shape now .

Glad to see you back on here! I think this looks really nice. I've been thinking about adding turf....what are your thoughts about it? Where did you buy it? Thank you! S
Hey :) I got the Turf from ebay as a remenant/scrap ,cost me only 3 pounds (around 6 dollars) for a 1ft by 3ft piece .However this is the cheap of all cheap stuff so it does fall apart rather easily at the edges (I had the idea though of siliconing around the edges and siliconing it to polystyrene so it has little hills ect without air pockets ruining the water but not sure how well that will work out ( I have used polystyrene in my geckos cages and seen it used in fish tanks but not sure if i need to cover it with grout )

anyhooo it's great stuff and looks so cool (; the poop does tend to just get stuck to the grass but i have a gravel cleaner and just clean the leftovers every few days

It's so funny to watch the Axies walk on it as before they would slide across the floor but now they walk like crocodiles lol.

I do recommend using more expensive stuff but I think the cheap stuff isn't too bad just needs extra work.

(bare in mind i've only had the turf in for 3 weeks now so not sure how it is longterm )

it does need weighted down though as mine floats very slightly in one corner but i think that is because i didn't cut correctly so it's too big at some bits and too small on others (fails at cutting straight lines)
My goodness what a read that was! I stumbled across this one a little late in the game but it was very interesting to read nonetheless :3

Pets are very therapeutic, I've found. I have my dog for my depression/anxiety, and my other half has his cat for his schizophrenia (oh my god, I spelled it right on my first try! :D). We've been through insane amounts of stress lately, and unfortunately it got to the point where he was on the verge of being suicidal again :( That was our wake up call in a way, and due to our very limited funds our situation seemed pretty bleak. We've been in our new place for only two days, and my stress levels have gone down significantly. I've been so excited to get axies for a while now, so seeing my tank actually in our living room-area was a major morale boost.

As for the axies, very cute! I got to see them grow without having to wait :3 Got anymore pictures of them?

Also, did you start them from eggs? If so, were there only the three?
My goodness what a read that was! I stumbled across this one a little late in the game but it was very interesting to read nonetheless :3

Pets are very therapeutic, I've found. I have my dog for my depression/anxiety, and my other half has his cat for his schizophrenia (oh my god, I spelled it right on my first try! :D). We've been through insane amounts of stress lately, and unfortunately it got to the point where he was on the verge of being suicidal again :( That was our wake up call in a way, and due to our very limited funds our situation seemed pretty bleak. We've been in our new place for only two days, and my stress levels have gone down significantly. I've been so excited to get axies for a while now, so seeing my tank actually in our living room-area was a major morale boost.

As for the axies, very cute! I got to see them grow without having to wait :3 Got anymore pictures of them?

Also, did you start them from eggs? If so, were there only the three?

awww your profile pic <3 i have two ratties too !
my dog Atka the Utonagan is my ESA dog (; so i think dogs are very special .
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles though but so glad that the stress levels may be going away and thank you for being by his side as most people are not so kind or don't know how to deal with such things ( i may not be schzio but i do see and hear things and i do have a high level of paranoia )

I got my axies at the age of 4 weeks old ,someone was selling them on ebay believe it or not lol 3 for 5 pound so i bought them during a manic stage , a rather impulsive buy but luckily i had previous experience with them as a kid so knew what to feed them and began to research and found this place :'D I don't have anymore photos of them just now but i'll keep everyone updated as they grow.
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm so sorry for your one loss :(
But these guys are beautiful! I'll be watching for updates, and more pics in the future :happy:

Be happy!
sadly i'm having to make the decision to rehome Tl and Axo :( please PM if you are interested.
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